Other urls found in this thread:
it's not often you see shit tits.
nice dick up your ass
wanna share?
>bare tits
>not porn
That rule was made for pol because faggots were spamming dicks just like how they're spamming cuck porn now.
pol is a red board.
What a faggot you are.
> NSFW board
> can't post tits
> God bless Beyonce
And white men are supposed to give a shit about anything you say?
> south africa
> africa
wew lad, enjoy your ebola I guess
they mean sleep
I'd do her tho
at first I was a bit mad but reading the comments you can see the world is still very sane.
She's gonna regret those tattoos and gauges when she starts getting old
Meme magic is real, Trump will really win.
We will never recover.
We cant even compete with a shirtless drama teacher who elbowed his way to the top.
Sup Forums is kill.
Initiate the Samson option bretheren!
>getting old
That's not how suicide works
bumping simply for the thumb downs.
WOW, headshot.
The pic has nothing to do with the topic. OP is just posting porn. /po/ is not a porn board.
heh-heh he said wiener
>we imagined a woke male feminist president
holy fuck this is bad.
Anyways Obama IS a male feminist president. Want to know what a feminist president sounds like? It sounds like a president who thinks men can't be victims of DV. It sounds like a president who thinks men can only be raped if they're sodomized. It looks like a president who thinks sexism against men doesn't exist. It sounds like a president who thinks women deserve to be treated better than men. We already have a feminist president and that is literally what he has done
#FreeTheNipple shitlord
>art involving the female form
>All those multible layers of nu-male commie shit.
Id rather get fucked by a fat doujin fan than watch this shit again.
get a load of the fucking fag over here who likes rules and hates tits
they look deflated. like she had small perky tits but never wore a bra.
hell, I'd still suck on them. big fan of tits here.
>women are people
I wanted to dislike the video but I couldn't do it after he complimented us. Liberals are so much nicer to us than Sup Forums, really makes me wonder why i'm even conservative...
smug women face makes me feel violent.
How about a /fit/ one instead? :3
I likes the boobies
The evidence just keeps piling up that granting women voting privileges was a mistake.
trumps multiple wives is pretty niggery, but everything else is fine.
they were decent. yup.
>women and men aren't held to the same standards because they're not the same
drumpf btfo
Nudity is not porn, fucktard.
wtf I hate Drumpf now
Female suffrage was one of the worst mistakes Western Civilization ever made.
she's a degenerate whore and now her tits are sagging. B T F O ROASTIE
>Bros, we need to talk
>has been a really annoying year for women
Well thank you, I got hella roasted. Let's hope I can still serve as a discount coffee at my local Starbucks.
>/po/ is not a porn board
You're right. Its a papercraft and origami board.
>woke male feminist
>woke feminist
choose one
bras don't work like that
This is actually fucking perfect.
Modern liberalism has progressed to the point where it can't virtue-signal without making a meme of itself. Hence the pathetic jokes about Wall-e, Beyonce and whatnot. It's as though even the libtards realize they can't win with logic, so they have to throw in all sorts of self-deprecating jokes to make us feel sorry for the nu-males they put up on screen (and hopefully identify with them, I suppose).
If some right-wing outlet had posted this, I would've 100% thought it was satire.
wtf, I love Drumf now
Its sad because before puberty i was a perfect shota but now i have a troll face and skinni fat.
My ass is tight though.
You might aswell date my grandma.
lol brazilians aren't even human
>skin doesn't sag when exposed to gravity
>bras don't strap your tits to your chest
I really hope Trump wins, I remember The Passion of the Christ South Park episode, you could tell how butthurt the writers were over The Passion in that episode, I wonder if we'll get another massive butthurt episode.
People who use woke outside of the past tense should be rounded up and thrown in to camps.
At first I thought you meant Vox day, then I saw the video and didn't care.
disgusting tatoos
My God, I would plow her ass.
>assume his gender
That's a man.
I wonder how these leftist cucks and artists will react when CNN has no other choice but make public all the pedophile shit surrounding Hillary, because that's the only thing that will make she look bad in their eyes. They don't even care about the corruption, or she defending a child rapist, or all the blatant lies anymore, leftism has completely brainwashed and demoralized these people. They don't even know what is right or wrong anymore
Not giving Vox views, fuck off. Also saged for using shit tier "BTFO" meme, kys
Fuck off rulecuck.
Yah, totally BTFO
Sup Forums needs MORE RULES
Fun Fact:
Markos Moulitsas owns Vox. He is also the owner of Daily Kos.
>Markos Moulitsas
literally who?
>literally who?
A total liberal scumbag that Sup Forums has chose to ignore.
>liberal scumbag
what's the best alternative to liberalism?
So that douchebag owns them both? No wonder they both suck ass.