Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

>Looks up US private charity
>Looks up private Christian charities
Using coercion to take Peter's money to pay Paul is not ethical in any religion or non-religion.

>For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.

Thessalonians 3:10

He sure told me
Too bad most all of the money ends up with the rich...

Forcibly having your money taken and given to someone else is not charity.

Charity is Christian, and some people are OK with having some taxes go towards government handouts, but don't call that charity, or by extension Christian, as charity is voluntary.

Yep. They always try to confuse taxes with charity and portray paying your taxes as a moral obligation instead of a legal obligation.

Churches and other charities are a much better method of helping those in need.

Jesus wanted fractional reserve lending and dependence on the state. Didn't you know that??

>Government confiscation is the same as private charity


If liberals want to suck up to Christian values, they should stop demonizing Christians whenever abortion or gay marriage is brought up. Cuckservatives need to stop falling for the left's "plea to Jesus" because it always makes them forget that the left despises Christianity and is just using Jesus to get what they want.

>churches are tax free

you have no argument

>the government doesn't stifle religious freedom in regards to taxing religious buildings and you should feel bad for it
Kek punished you accordingly

Jews hate him so that's good enough for me.

>Jimmy Carter

>tax dollars to help the poor [trillions in debt]
a.k.a welfare to buy votes for Democrats.

>Mexishit implying government should forcefully extract worker's money to pay useless parasites.
Neck yourself


gets funnier every time i read it

Welfare is the reason that the black family is rare these days. Are familys also anti Christian Mr. Carter?

Government coercion is not charity. Moreover, Carter's statement depends upon the assumption conservatives want to continue taxing at the same levels and give the money to someone other than the poor, which is obviously a false premise.


>implying there are unironic Christcucks on this board

Wrong audience, Pablo.

It's like some of you have literally never read any sermons Jesus gave about increasing marginal tax rates and government entitlement programs

Did he really say this?

>Christian values
America is literally the Antichrist

Why are you surprised? Carter is a Communist sympathizer who actively tried to weaken the United States from within for the benefit of Communist revolutionaries around the world.

christianity is sand nigger shit and i want it purged from the earth

Taxation is theft

I still remember enough of Bible study to know that Jeezus spoke of voluntary charity, not forced transfer of wealth.

Cut my fucking taxes and I'll donate to people who I know can really use it, not to lazy cunts and stupid slut single mothers.

Charity is voluntary.

Taxation is involuntary.

Dumbass in chief is conflating the two.

Leeches don't deserve free handouts.

Fuck off, Jimmy.

"Help" the poor is a lot different from "give to the poor so that they can keep being poor forever and shitting more poor people out of their diseased vaginas who also need my money"

Christianity is about charity, though. Your money isn't stolen and then distributed, you give as you wish.


I'm not a Christian, but even I know that Christianity promotes charity as opposed to theft.
Charity to help the poor means that you don't have to give money, but want to.
Taxation to help the poor means you have to give money, whether you want to or not.

>mandated compassion is still compassion

full retard/10

>I still remember enough of Bible study to know that Jeezus spoke of voluntary charity, not forced transfer of wealth.

They didn't have you that part of the sheep and goats where it says that you'll go to hell if you don't give shelter and food and clothes to poorfags?
That's worse than whatever the state can do to you since it can't last forever.

Pretty much

To be fair though, his charity is actually legit unlike the clinton foundation. The guy is 91 and still is doing labor building houses n shieet

He might've been a bad president, but he truly is a good human. A real human bean