Uh oh
Uh oh
Isn't this illegal?
why don't they just both vote hillary, lmao these people are idiots
I love how all the shills are springing up making these shitty vox threads over an over.
Seriously kill yourself, you fucking worthless loser.
What a joke your existence is.
Because they will follow through...
Literally what did they mean by this?
(not sure if it is or not) Doesn't matter if it is illegal it's unenforceable making it irrelevant.
jill prefers trump over hillary tho
lol they're trying so hard to make this a thing
>Not being pro-Trump
sure ill vote hillary in texas... i promise so long as you vote johson in PA :)
Why aren't we capitalizing on this???
Yea... I'll vote for Hillary for you =^)
Oh no the whole 4 Stein voters are trading their votes, its over Trump is finished!
>500 votes
>something to be worried about
they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel huh
go online
promise to trade your clinton vote for a stein vote
get sucker to vote for stein instead of clinton
vote Trump anyway
Ever get the feeling of deja vu?
>Jill supporters voting for Hillary
>Trade Stein vote for Hillary vote with some shitlib
>Vote Trump anyway