i want hillary to win because she's our only chance to get a revenge on russia i just want to see this abomination gone from the world's map
I want hillary to win because she's our only chance to get a revenge on russia i just want to see this abomination gone...
World without Romania = World without Gypsies
Russians are bad, but they are a necessary evil. There are issues we could work on with them, or else (((they))) could start another world war.
>tfw don't want to be controlled by Putin's Russia
>tfw support NATO
>tfw I don't really want to kill and die on russian soil either.
Hopefully we will end up as friends some time, Russia.
cheer up, russia, i think you're swell :-)
Thank god you can't vote, and your opinion is literally irrelevant right?
You understand that wihout Russia the Us of A would have invaded as many countries as it had wanted right?
> humanitarian corridor
> from a Leppo to Europe
Yes fuck Russia, Roma bro.
t. India of Europe
do you hate freedom or something?
But there's still some Russia on that map. Have you heard of kaliningrad?
>implying Russkie can stop a superpower
>implying it wasn't Obongo foreign policy to do nothing
What's wrong with invading and reforming problem shitholes anyway?
There should be more of that, not less.
Fuck off, Soros. Not everyone shares your neoliberal worldview.
gypsies are originally from india though
What a crock of shit. A lot of these unconstitutional wars we have fought have been because of muh communism. If anything, had the USSR never existed, we would have only been fighting the kike's wars in the Middle East. But the two are interconnected so I couldn't say for sure.
Fuck you whore. I remember you, you filthy piece of crap, thought I forgot? Stop using my country's flag to push you indoctrination agenda vermin. Disgusting shit faced whorish cow.
As for the other fags around here, throw shit at who deserves it you mongrels, you wouldn't recognize a proxy even if your life depended on it.
The problem is however that they invaded prospering countries and turned them into shitholes.
America has sucessfully turned north africa into one big shithole. All the bad stuff in europe is sponsored by them, from germans through political correctness to mudslimes.
But he's right, you know.
Fuck off
we didn't do anything to you you asshole
also Hillary is communism as shit and your people still vote for her, what changed?
We gonna lose that fight.
Thats what I'm saying! The Canuck I was replying to said if it weren't for Russia, we would have invaded anywhere we wanted. I'm saying meddled in places like Korea and Vietnam precisely because of the USSR. The fear was the spread of communism. Russia was at the forefront of that.
It doesn't justify it by any means. But it is what it is. Just like had 9/11 not happened, we wouldn't have gone to war in Afghanistan and Iraq (with such ease, anyways). Again, it doesn't justify it in my opinion, but you can't deny the causality.
ussr started because germany send lenin to russia to fund and overthrow the tsar
The origins of the USSR are irrelevant. It's obvious that the US didn't care about any other country's well being when they were trying to prop up capitalist regimes. It was all about the shekels.
Just look at what we did in Iran when they tried to nationalize their oil industry.
Remove Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan too please.
I hate Armenia the most. Armenians are worse than all the muslims, Jews and niggers combined.
That one romanian neo-liberal faggot that always posts this kind of leftist bullshit.
Kill yourself welfare faggot.
In that map Georgia is well situated for being a maritime republic.
>Armenians are worse than.....
Fuck off Armen, yes you are worst than everyone in existence, just look at all the armenian scum in your country. bunch of sluts, feminists and they are still shitskins after generations of mixing with Euro-Americans.
Why do you hate Armenians so much? Still mad they didn't want to join your little attempt at a Caucus empire?
He's not wrong. Armenians are the closest things to jews as non-jews can get.
You mean ol' good Prussia clay?
I don't want anything to do with Armenians, are you crazy? I want their extermination, they are scum they are backstabbing merchants, kike stereotypes are all more true for Armenians, they claim that everything in existence was invented by them and they are fucking disgusting looking, have disgusting high pitched voice and speak a disgusting language, how can you not hate Armenians? I assume you don't know any.
My undergraduate advisor was an Armenian named Gennadi. He is a very nice guy and helped me get into a Masters program. I even published my first piece of research with him and he gave me 2nd authorship. I actually contacted him not too long ago to consider another collaboration.
He is the only Armenian I've ever met though.
You are rightful Russian clay bitch.
>poland levels of butthurt towards a random country the size of a small US state.
u ok m8?
what are you going to do, gypsy? steal it?
>Wants to doom humanity to cool his own butthurt
We will send Hillary to govern you as her punishment if you want.
Everyone seems like a nice guy before you really get to know them.
“Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek,but don't trust an Armenian” George Orwell
Both poles and us are master race, so not surprising.
I'm not okay, I haven't murdered an Armenians since I was born, you know what kind of patience that takes? you know how that is?