ITT: come up with concepts for a comic or cartoon

ITT: come up with concepts for a comic or cartoon

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Space Opera/Sci-fi

Where they do space opera/sci-fi things.

Guy creams himself for Fruitloops
Its all he ever eats
he poos green.
it has something to do with lemony taste of it. even though it suppose to be a hodgepodge of fruit flavors

Somewhere within the deepest reaches of the cosmos, there is an entity. It is a timeless force of nature, an existence so powerful that it Somewhere within the deepest reaches of the cosmos, there is an entity. It is a timeless force of nature, an existence so powerful that it warps the fabric of reality itself. It is the closest thing to God that the universe has ever known. And it has died.

The cause of death is unknown. However, its abilities were left behind. Each of these powers scattered before "choosing" a vessel (they all possess a vague, indeterminate will). Respectfully, they are Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnibenevolence, Aseity, Immutability, Eternity, and Immanence. These powers may be given to one being or multiple (i.e. an entire planet's population), or potentially even to something that is not sentient.

Omnipotence would more or less still turn someone into a God. A human with Omnipotence would only be limited by their imagination. The only possible limit is that they couldn't make copies of the other Godly traits and would have to take the one existing copy instead, and the only real reason for this would be to somewhat ground the narrative.

A being with Omniscience would have their brain rewritten into an infinite chasm of knowledge, and they would have the mental capacity to access any amount of it whenever they wish. In regards to knowing the future, they would only be aware of every single possibility and their likelihoods, since knowing the future for certain would mean that there's no free will.

A being with Omnipresence would exist anywhere and everywhere within time and space.

A being with Omnibenevolence would be infinitely kind in every sense of the word but otherwise completely normal.

A being with Aseity would have a self-sufficient existence, meaning that no factor outside of themselves would have any bearing on whether or not they exist. If they are destroyed, they would pop back into reality. This would be a form of immortality.

A being with Immutability would not change in any aspect whatsoever. Nothing would be able to harm them or alter their physical state, including the passing of time. This is effectively another form of immortality. It would also mean that they would not experience emotion.

A being with Eternity would be able to exist outside of time and space.

A being with Immanence would have a Godly presence. Normally, this is what allows God to manifest on earth, but without any other of the abilities listed above, it would work slightly differently. Anyone with this would be revered as a God by all who lay eyes upon them, but would otherwise be normal.

cartoon about humans with animals features, like animal heads, fur/feather/scales and tails who are racing in goofy cars based on their spieces and personality, lots of action, bit of drama and a pinch of comedy.

guy gets trapped in a phonebooth in the middle of a police standoff

To expand on Omnipotence and its role in the story, there are two main possibilities. The first is that it is transmitted to a sentient race but is limited by their brain chemistry and natural understanding - meaning that they are all given supernatural abilities based on their psyche. This race would be unaware of the origin of their new talents and the true potential behind them. One could assume that Onnipotence "chose" this on purpose in order to determine a worthy successor of the real deal via trial by fire.

The second possibility is that it lies unclaimed entirely. The end goal of either choice would still be the same - to wait for someone worthy.

Children that can see ghosts, but pedophiles can't see them.
They use this to trap and kill pedophiles and go on adventures.

>Short comic series taking place 3 years after the end of WWII
>MC is a young Japanese boy living in American Occupied Japan and the story is him living day to day coming to grips with the new reality after growing up being bombarded by nationalist propaganda

So, Foundation?

Hmmmm, interesting.
*puts gun in mouth*

Woman with a rare disability that makes her look like a little girl goes around hunting pedophiles and btfos them eith facts and jail time

An alcholohic genuis scientist, takes his grandson on inter-dimensional, galactic adventures with hilarious results.
The grandson is autistic and stutters.

The scientist neglects his family and sponges off of his daughter.
In one episode he goes so far to get out of family counseling that he turns himself into an apple.

here's a better idea: women are a rare disability.


also fuck off stealing my whole idea of trapping pedophiles with ghosts.
Fat cunt.

A group of individuals living in a small town develop odd abilities, and spend their time stopping other people with odd abilities from wrecking havoc, all while trying to solve various mysteries plaguing the town.
mfw I just want to make American Diamond is Unbreakable

sounds great!

what is this

A ghost is haunted by it's own ghost

You're welcome.

Exactly what you wanted:

Aliens come to earth and enslave humanity. They use them for various things like domestic workers, soldiers, spies and even pets. The MC is a hit man that was tasked with eliminating high value targets and freeing their humans. He does this in many different ways including negotiating and completely BTFOing them. A thin to note is that the aliens have four arms and ACTUALLY use them.

well that's just ridiculous

The adventures of a "new" old god and it's single disciple.

>They are a type Immeasurable Cosmic entity, but this one is more measurable than the others.

Im stealing this

Shut-in with weaponised autism and OCD wagers an ongoing war against major companies for the tiniest of infractions.

>Why did you replace yellow moons for pots of gold? They look like electroplated hemorrhoid clusters. You want America's children scarfing down grandpa's hemorrhoids?

>Dear Sir; enclosed find one restraining order barring you from contacting us in any way ever again.

So it's basically Dan vs?

nah, that's American Stardust Crusaders
I specially want the small town with people who have superpowers aesthetic.

Yeah, except the guy seriously does not go outside at all, his income is supplemented by being a critic/reviewer of movies and T.V. shows he never watches, and you never really see his full face except for a pair of eyes staring out from a fortress of blankets, as well as a pair of hands at the keyboard..

Go for it. I'm not doing it any time soon.