Meet Prince Harry's new girlfriend, half-black actress Meghan Markle
Meet Prince Harry's new girlfriend, half-black actress Meghan Markle
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Anyone have that Suits pasta from Sup Forums?
>half black
That's Hispanic at best.
>'''Royal''' family
Anyone who supports the literal welfare QUEEN, should be hanged
she's three years older than him
he's a prince. that's the best he can do?
Neither have royal blood who cares?
looks pretty white for being half black
Insidious traitors like you are the ones who should be hanged.
Royal family spoils its own blood.
Maybe they think they can be immune, but they also imbibe the worst blood
They took the blood from the worst peasants, turning themselves the worst corruption
They're co,mpeltlely insane
>British royalty
>Dating a whore
What the fuck has come to your country?
That's not half black. Trust me I'm an American
She's 35 or so, probably taken miles of bbc
Excuse me for not worshipping some old unelected , and irrelevant granny who just sits there watching the country flood with muslims.
she's a catch.
>Prince Harry
>Royal blood
>Brits will live under sharia and be ruled by nigger royalty
literally a prince of england and has pick of the spoils undeniably... yet here we are. fk my shit up sempai
>muh elections
Fuck off back to the 17th Century where you belong, unpatriotic filth.
Pic is you
He's just doing like his mother.
Her mother is African American and her father is Irish-Dutch.
Smart. Her strong jaw will offset the likelihood of their child being a chinlet
>half black
Seems a bit of a stretch if we're just basing it on how she looks. She looks as British as most British people I know, if one of her parents was black I'd either A) question the fidelity of her mother or B) Feel sorry for the black parent whose genetics obviously didn't pass on very strong
Here is the ex husband.
I mean, it's not like they had great genetics in the first place.
She's the head of the C of 300. Of course, she'd like you to think she's just a granny.
nice strwman
no wonder this country is starting to run down into the ground
couldn't even tear down some shitty monarchy, how can they expect to tear down this rigged brexit-blocking parliament?
I thought this dude was gay
He's not part of the royal line. Charles isn't his biological father.
agreed they need burning out the cunts
Who cares? Their spawn won't be an heir so WHO CARES?
Also Harry's relationships are always very rocky. Once she gets used to the big limelight she'll start acting out.
Niggers love gingers.
>this is the average poster on /r/ukpolitics
She's hot as fuck in Suits
looks italian
She looks like Lana from Archer.
Just a slag for a romp in the hay, anything more serious than that expect a Princess Diana 2 lol
Monarchy > Democracy
It's funny becausei it's true. European countries were doing great during absolute monarchy. It wasn't until we got (((democracy))) that it all started to fall apart.
She's probably 75 percent white the since African Americans are already 25~ percent European depending on the state
So true
No, this isn't uncommon. Racemixing does not magically make all children brown like white supremacists seem to believe.
I think someones about to die in a tunnel
Post feet.
worst Suits grill
>some shitty monarchy
Literally leave the country. You foreign-minded republican cunts are an embarrassment.
I've met a blonde hair blue eyed pale skin qt who's mom was black.
When she first told me I thought she was redpilled because she was making fun of niggers/her mom.
You do realize that's one of the most evil, and inbred families on this planet right?
>The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization. Almost forty years after publication the book returned to the bestseller list in 2011. The title is a reference to the Book of Revelation (Rev 20:9).
>The Camp of the Saints is a novel about population migration and its consequences. In Calcutta, India, the Belgian government announces a policy in which Indian babies will be adopted and raised in Belgium. The policy is reversed after the Belgian consulate is inundated with poverty-stricken parents eager to give up their infant children.
>An Indian "wise man" then rallies the masses to make an exodus to live in Europe. Most of the story centers on the French Riviera, where almost no one remains except for the military and a few civilians, including a retired professor who has been watching the huge fleet of run-down freighters approaching the French coast.
>The story alternates between the French reaction to the mass immigration and the attitude of the immigrants. They have no desire to assimilate into French culture but want the goods that are in short supply in their native India. Although the novel focuses on France, the rest of the West shares its fate.
>Near the end of the story the mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three families from Harlem, the Queen of the United Kingdom must agree to have her son marry a Pakistani woman, and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of thousands of Chinese people as they swarm into Siberia. The one holdout until the end of the novel is Switzerland, but by then international pressure isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders forces it to capitulate.
>The Royal Tennisballs
who gives a fuck?
could there be a more irrelevant country?
Ok, she's not black regardless of genetics.
It's the Irish genes m8
This would be Harry's mother-in-law.
That's a pretty shit nose job. Decent-looking girl otherwise, but Harry could do better.
No he can't.
Car crash in Paris, when?
That shitty hair. That's my main turn off with black chicks from aesthetic point of view.
she might have bleached herself.
They're sleeping.Its 4-6am there
Even niggers think niggers are ugly.
35 and single. she's definately got miles of issues but bet she's a wild ride.
>inb4 picture of Harry with a hard-on in his shorts
Looks like she on some skin bleaching treatments to be mixed race and look so white
Look how fucking pale and ginger he is.
He needs a half something to balance that bullshit out in his kids.
what happened to the nigger beast jamaican olympic athlete? it's over already?
Harry usually is linked to massive sluts, at least this chick has some shred of class.
>Meet Prince Harry's new girlfriend, half-black actress Meghan Markle
You've just convinced me to be an oil driller.
... Suits is actually a based red pill show
Based smart super liar gets accidently hired on the spot when ((( weed ))) falls out of his briefcase.
I mean the show fucking has an episode with God damned /VersaLife/ in it. This makes it officially a prequel of Deus Ex.
Nano machines JC
Also if you don't want to cum all over Meghan Markles face with a group of other guys grunting and moaning (You) are literally degenerate.
Yes it does dumbass. You have no idea what you're talking about.
The average American nog is almost 1/4 White, because the one drop rule forced all the mulatto halfbreeds to be considered part of the "black" community, thus bleaching their bloodlines.
Whites here are like 98%+ White. Blacks here are 80% black at best.
Good on em.
>She was my waifu ;_;
He's a ginger. Anything would be an improvement
He's the bastard son of Diana's security guard.
Princess Diana was a whore and was rightfully ordered killed by Elizabeth upon the realization that she was pregnant with an Egyptian billionaire's mongrel muslim child.
William is the only good thing to come from that woman. Literally the only good thing.
Apart of (((Their))) plan to destroy what little faith we Brits have on the Monarchy and Country, enough!
>worst Suits grill
So true.
Sarah Rafferty is probably the hottest milf on the entire American continent.
She married with a finnish guy apparently.
Isn't that the annoying cunt from suits? Ayy lmao.
tfw you realize the usa has its own nigger royalty called the first family and they live in a mansion called the white house
Forgot the pic
The other grill from suits won the fappening.
I know right, my dick explodes every fucking time she's in a scene.
>He's the bastard son of Diana's security guard.
Which explains why he's the spitting image of Prince Philip.
>half black
>posts white woman
Best suits girl
To be honest, it's less degenerate than his empty life of debauchery.
>I mean the show fucking has an episode with God damned /VersaLife/ in it. This makes it officially a prequel of Deus Ex.
wait what
Guy's a literal prince. On that alone he has his pick of women.
Though obviously most of those will be gold diggers.
>I'm a mulatto in denial and have no idea what recessive genes are.
If that's black then I'm a nigger
That's creepy, she's literally a blacker version of Kate.
No, he couldn't land a Daddario, or Biel.
(((ADL))) i thought the chosen were forbidden from dating outside the (((gene pool)))
exactly without her nigger mouth they would look identical
she'll get matt damon'd out of a plane over cuba
Sweet Jesus save us...
>Harry dating some black whore
>William married some commoner slut
>Brexit not going to happen
What the fuck is going to happen to you guys when the Queen finally kicks it? She's the last remaining link to your former glory.
She looks like a younger and cheaper Demi-Moore.
Rafferty has actual original feature, she is a redhead, her face is perfect and her legs are divine... at 40 yo.
She seems to have a personnality and is a way better actress than the other basic bitches.
Her husband will still fuck her her at 55, I guarantee it.