Your own creation is going to destroy you.
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying any of us will be here once he wins
>inplying we won't be MAGA
You're an absolute cunt, OP. Honestly, go kill yourself
easy, just say reddit and tumblr did it all, we're very accepting and tollerant here
It's a goddamned shame the republican party is full of literal retards.
This. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
she look like a trap
Are you a bully or something? You worried op?
Besides she's hot and her accent is too so she can say whatever she wants and she can do it in 5 different languages
youd eat that traps asshole
but we're the innocent victims here, CTR has been nonstop bullying us, i can't shitpost or mention trump support in real life without fear of being persecuted for it. Melania please help me.
Bout time someone did something about the cancer that is Sup Forums
WTF? I love Donald Trump now
it's okay my son...
I can't believe people find her attractive
Okay well you can have Michelle or Clinton ya faggot
Nope m8. Nice try
What did you expect, ticker tape parade?
"Every hero I know is dead or in prison"
-Solid Snake
I have to agree with the other user. Ivanka is gorgeous, though.
Clinton in her youth was a solid 8. I don't have to have any of them anyway
Good, I hate you guys
Pretty much this.
We are peaceful people.
I'm still voting for trump but everyone by now knows the First Lady never does anything. Look at Transgender Michael Obama, he's done nothing but failed attempts.
>first lady
this, you faggitedgelords. /pol is a board of peace, we would never do anything to anyone, it is always those mean bullies at Tumblr and Reddit
Not really
Whenever you talk about the stuff you aren't supposed to talk about Sup Forums sage bombs you to the archives
Does anyone want to have a deep Sup Forums discussion?
She's referring to the liberals on twitter spouting anti-white rhetoric
What the fuck happened to her face? Is this a shop? It looks like somebody pasted Donald's face over hers.
Yin/Yang confirms
" Sup Forums is a board of peace! "
>Yes, unless you're Jewish, or any other color than white... then it's a race war every 5 minutes.
Is that Chelsea? I'd believe it.
We dont use any emoji around here so were safe
I'm just a shitposter, exposing globalism.
They goys who are out there hurting feels are a temporary necessity. There is nothing she can do to eliminate the 1st amendment. She will be commemorated for her valiant efforts of fighting anons who have no argument.
Its a win/win desu.
This is the song it was inspired from
hello lelddit
you have to go back
"So what is Melania going to be talking about, Dave?"
"According to the Trump campaign, she is going to be rallying the troops for something called 'St. Crispen's Day'..."
Kek will protect us. Just check the digits.
Also the leftist burgers still don't get that the unemployment numbers are bogus the jobs aren't available in the US.. They probably think it's just rethoric that jobs are siphoned off to other countries, and that people are just not interested in working and creating a life for themselves.. talk about projecting.. and thinking people love sitting on their ass and going nowhere in their life because their jobs has been pilfered by other countries and the businesses have left the US because of the hefty corporate tax.. sometimes i wonder how ignorant some leftist burgers are, and when i think i have reached the treshhold that "this is as stupid as it gets" somehow the lefty burgers (not the good americans but the lefty burgers who seem to hate all america represents) keep surprising me with how deep the ignorance goes.
Watch out CTR, she's coming for you.
>implying Sup Forums will be cyber bullies after we win
>Sup Forums
More like
This. Also
>Trump won't know that Sup Forums fought agaisnt ctr and helped him get elected
>Trump won't take care of us.
the fire rises
It's not us she will go after, we are defenders of righteousness and everything good in the world. Bullies are obviously SJW's, mate.
Also, does Donald has his own CTR?
If other races exist we'd still be arguing over nationalities and ethnicities, it's part of the fun.
Yeah, except Donald's ctr doesn't get paid. They do it for the greater good. They're called Sup Forumsacks.
She looks pretty mongolian ngl
Comfy song desu
Daddies bullies.
>Implying we won't all be drafted into Trump's right wing death squads to make the entire world great again
Good goy. Now onward to Iran!
I'm still waiting
>Your own creation is going to destroy you.
plot twist.. cyberbullies leftist who try to get people on the right side of the political spectrum fired from their jobs and other things via assaulting them on various social networks when they don't agree with their oppinions politically..
trump is big believer in freedom of speech.
It's kind of funny if you think trump will destroy freedom of speech.. mr. politically incorrect for the entire world to see and a guy who has called for everyone to drop the politically correct nonsense because it stands in the way of making america great again.. now apparently wants to stop people from speaking their minds.. try harder ctr..
>Trump is a big believer in freedom of speech
No he is not. Trump believes the first amendment gives burgers too much free speech. He wants to silence journalists that talk out against him.
could very easily be talking about #CryBullies
Im prepared to accept all consequences.
blame it all on ebaums
Talking about being drafted, Trump should start the American equivalent of the French Foreign Legion. A few army brigades composed entirely by foreign people willing to risk their lives for America and get privilege over your average immigrants when applying to citizenship.
As it should be tbqh
>No he is not. Trump believes the first amendment gives burgers too much free speech. He wants to silence journalists that talk out against him.
Hahaha i knew that was coming, no what trump was is for the press to be held liable if they do not tell the truth.. who reads retractions they can post whatever shit totally smear and false, and make a small retraction that nobody notices.. net result.. people think the story was accurate and don't notice the retraction.. Besides
>oh no he wants to destroy peoples abilities to speak by wanting the press to be held liable if they make shit up instead of tell the truth about things.. call the wambulance
You're an idiot and part of the reason you are so uninformed is exactly because the press can lie with impunity.. They manipulate your entire perception of what is going on and is not held liable even if they lie their ass off..
>Tfw Melania will never bully you
Can someone tell me why you call Megyn Kelly a whore for taking clothed photos but Melania can spread her butt cheeks tens of times and get away with it as being classy?
>implying anyone even listens to first ladies especially slavic first ladies
Nigger please the only first lady anyone even truly listened to was Nancy Reagan and her "Just say no" campaign. All others have been literal trophy wives that act as arm candy to their husbands.
First lady makes a no meany comment.
Did someone touch you as a child OP?
>first lady
Nice joke, Cletus.
This guy fucking gets it.
You, on the other hand, are a brainwashed moron.
The business of the press should be to accurately inform the public about current events, not to become a propaganda machine as they have become.. manufacture lies and print it.. and post a small retraction knowing that most won't even read the retraction and that most will think the first story was accurate.. And this you think is ok.. Apparently asking the press to factually report a situation and being held liable if they deliberately mislead the public with incorrect information is inconsequential for you.. i bet you look forward to hillary being the first women president.. oh wait.. that has already occurred many times..
wtf I love Hillary now
Because Kelly is a dumb bimbo. Melania has a masters in architecture and can speak five languages.
she'll go after cyberbullying like Nancy Reagan went after drugs
meaning in a couple years the whole country will be addicted to internet hate
Kek is a religion of peace and Sup Forums is a board of peace
Sup Forums still thinks that is an actual female.
Why do you think Donald wants Tranny bathrooms?
>CTR gets more and more desperate as Trump's victory sinks in...
Probably just an empty promise to get the dumb mom vote
>NOT ALL Sup Forums
this. we won't be online bullies if he wins. we will be heading the witch hunt
>be part of SJW hunt
>find blue haired otherkin hiding in a well
>take it to the holding center to be purged
>then take family to see the unveiling of the wall
You fags don't really think Trump is going to make you a fucking Chad, right? He's here to fix our borders and stop us from getting ripped off in trade, not to be your personal therapist.
Thank you and exactly he is.. trump doesn't want to stifle the press he wants the press to be honest.. they can report WHATEVER THEY WANT.. EVEN THE MOST INCONVENIENT THINGS.. as long as it is ACCURATE! He just doesn't want the press having carte blanche to be used as a propaganda machine to make up lies with impunity if it benefits certain people.. should be what people actually want.. the purpose of the press is to accurately present news and various other things.. report EVERYTHING but just do it ACCURATELY.. and not make up shit and become a propaganda machine which it has clearly become..
You can't change the channel now!
Dude her whole face is fuckin weird desu famalamborghini.
Those eyes man, its like the bitch is constantly suprised, like in her mind bruh she just that one npc in rpgs when you make them look at you from a crouched position hahahah, like she always that one extra in scooby doo when they reveal who the monster is.
You get the joke, two examples is enough.
What a whore.
Fuck Clinton and lock her up
I am not with her fool
But we won't be bullies since Trump will be Mr. President. We will be the cool guys that forsaw the future
>Sup Forums still thinks that is an actual female.
An actual female? Judging by that pic, I'm starting to doubt her species.
She looks ayylmao tier in that pic.
we all have to make sacrifices. it is for a better cause
She's got a body. Good genetics!
Hillary being defeated by Donald is not the endgame
The pyramid goes much higher
>She's got a body.
Whores can't afford to have a bad body. Having a good body is how they earn their money.
Nasty whore
skanky whore
doggy dog whore
My absolutely BASED Eastern neighbor has a point.