Britain wanted out of the EU, but one proud british woman of color stepped up against racism.
Britain wanted out of the EU, but one proud british woman of color stepped up against racism.
How do you fucks not see you are being invaded and occupied. Foreigners are in charge of your laws, they are literally voting against your interests or are straight up preventing you the people from voting and having your voices heard.
Everyone fucking with brexit is non english, their parents weren't even born in england what the fuck is wrong with you limey fucks.
>one niggers opinion
>Vs everyone else
This is what happens when you glorify the minority.
What can we do?
Anything but roll over mate. You pastey googly eyed, glass shard looking mouth fucks were our inspiration.
More than just those of foreign origin, we have almost all our women to contend with too.
Ducking cunt I want to kill this shitskin bitch so badly ahhhhhhhbnhjjhhhjjjjklfddf FUCKING NIGGERS
Contrary to burgerstan, UK is a land of equal opportunities
>yeah fuck the voters
thats happening here to a much worse extent
fucking cunt
Start killing them. They woulds gladly see you dead.
>UK literally got BLACKED
haahahaha your country isnt ever run by the english. fucking muslim mayor, black south american chick telling you brexit wont happen because she hates it, meanwhile muslims raping all the women
Seriously fucked up
>stepped up against racism.
What? Against other pale / white people?
what mericunts do not get is that "white" identity is only a thing in the US.
and fuck the EU and fuck Slavs.
if its in the EU law that parliment must vote on it then there is nothing we can do
time to rev up the shitpost engines and target all the MPs with our concerns
luckily they know if they shit on us they will never be back in power again....the tories will commit political suicide if they ignore the vote
nigger prez,nigger mayor in DC and niggers raping the shit out of your women also...100x worse than here
>She stepped up to shape Britain's future
Yeah to hell with the "ignorant masses" shaping the country's future eh? Fucks sake why even vote?
White people BTFO!
So fucking glad this happened.
I'm so tired of all the old racist homophobic and misogynistic old white men who think they can decide the future for the younger generation.
We, the future, want a global community without borders.
dude at least no ones is getting gangraped just niggers being niggers
>british vote for brexit
>foreign invaders stop brexit
I can't decide whether I'm angry or depressed
kill. have no other options
I will just leave this here.
>getting a mini when Bremain tears are jumbo-sized cups
So much I can get a refill
kek excellent bait Svensker
we will fight it but gotta admit im depressed
i always knew they wouldnt make it easy.....
they still aint won yet.....we have a chance and if trump wins that will help us.
Kek wants this to happen. user, you know what to do.
I know lots of leave people which also approve of this vote as well, because it's the legal way to do things
The referendum had no legally binding mechanism to enforce it, so it falls to parliament to vote on it
what's not to understand?
Brexit will still happen, this just delays the timeframe a little I don't know why people are acting like it's over.
>Miller, an investment banker, revealed she was "physically sick" on the night of EU referendum as 17.4 million voted leave.
Attacking the messenger is not an arguement
America was doomed from the start. It's Europe's responsibility to stay white and succeed where we failed
The bongs have been being cvcked by women for almost 200 years.
At least the newest more accurately represents UK demographics
Kek doesn't exist.
You are just being a delusional collectivist.
Who instead of studying maths or thinking of a product just browses memes all day and then blames "the globalists" for keeping him down.
Oh, looks like I read that wrong.
It will get overturned anyway. Be careful overhyping a nigger, just look at obongo.
Fun fact: UK has legitimate Sharia courts and nobody minds. Numerous articles in british press makes references to this or that or the nearest Sharia court.
This means nothing, Parliament will vote on it, anyone who doesn't vote to leave is committing political suicide.
just goes to show muslim owned
he's from brazil not the US dumb ass and that's a picture from Argentina not Washington you stupid brit
At least we have guns.
What the fuck can bongs do?
Says the man who got rekt on voting day and blamed old people
>a South American investment banker has spoilt our party?
Lie back and think of england
Hillary will personally drone strike everyone unironically posting here.
>How do you fucks not see you are being invaded and occupied. Foreigners are in charge of your laws, they are literally voting against your interests or are straight up preventing you the people from voting and having your voices heard.
t. United States of Israel
>if its in the EU law that parliment must vote on it then there is nothing we can do
>nothing we can do
Say "fuck off EU, we're out" and leave.
Fuck me you're a tool aren't you.
One shitpost about kek and your mangina starts tingling .
equal opportunity of having diversity shoved up yer bum m8
>fighting each other while our nations burn
What the fuck Sup Forums
Implying party whips won't be used to forced MP's to vote in favour of leaving
Kill them.
really, we haven't
>'''''royal''''' family
we are 87% white....you are less than 60% dont laugh at us mate
Cucked literally by a niggerjew
>le ironic chav
To be fair, the Royal Family today has no real power and is basically the bong equivalent of the Kardashians.
There's literally no point in this parliamentary vote they have to back the will of the people if not then its war
someone explain this?
I've been living in the hell the brits are walking into my whole life. It is why I am trying to wake them up, we are the example of how it can ruin nations.
Use us as a cautionary tale if you must, but no US citizen should feel shame at trying to prevent what destroyed us. Even in our disgrace and shame we still wish to save others from our fate.
Its the white thing to do.
Almost convincing 9/10
electing nigel
Parliament has to vote on invoking Article 50.
Jesus, no wonder we are going down the shitter.
at least calling them out on it isn't considered "hate speech".
t. pardo
and if (when) parliament chooses against the will of the majority, what happens then?
they won this battle but they wont win the war m8
brexit will happen and trump will win!
Yes very white
>she's a banker
Like fucking pottery
Wants Britain to stay in the EU so she can get that easy banking money
You kill them and anyone else that voted to remain.
Are you even an anglo-saxon man? Your people
travelled across all continents and killed tens of millions of shitskins for fun, and you are here on a monglian fishing forum asking what to do. Get a grip, man
They can if they want to, but any MPs who want to do so can say goodbye to their seat.
This. If Europe falls for the multiculturalism meme, which they've basically already done, we're fucked. Maybe 100 years from now China will enslave the weakened Europe and America and outsmart the Jews to prevent their own country from getting cucked.
You should be 95% white.
Wtf America has been doomed for awhile. You can't let the homeland die.
you dont understand.
this is a win win
>block majority vote
>day of the rope next election
>delay a50
>massive economic turmoil
>day of the rope
fuck brexit and fuck white people
Also so her nigger people can take over the country.
coup when?
I can smell the Paki on this post
She should try that in Italy.
?? dafuq 99,7% at the least.
Britain is not the size of America. All you need to do is take back the island. Fucking fight for it dammit.
Should have fucking shot her
Why is it the brexiteers could kill some irrelevant politician but not this servant of the fucking elite?
Fair enough
British racists, sexists, xenophobes and islamophobes blown the fuck out once and for all. Forget about history, it's time for #HerStory.
How is that even a question ? Get rid of the corrupt politicians by force and put in charge a "temporary" white populist governement. Once brexit is completed proceed to mass deportations.
wow they'd better watch out!
Why the fuck would anyone have a MAGA hat *AND* a picture of Obama hanging on their wall?
Get help from Kek
>State calls vote to let the people decide
>the people decide
>B-b-but we can't j-just leave the EU without the politicians deciding it
Why is this happening? Can't they see the unrest that will follow from this usurpation of democratic power?
So let me get this straight; that is an EU politician, not a Brit one? And they can actually ignore a national referendum?
Do I have that right?