How does it feel to know this is what your people will look like in 2050, Americans? Will you change your name to Estados Unidos de América? When will Spanish become the official language? Will you cease to be universally hated or hatred will only increase? What about your values, what will happen to them? Will your cultural identity survive? Will your politics move radically to the left?
>How does it feel to know this is what your people will look like in 2050, Americans?
Jose Jones
They won't most people don't race mix, white women are least likely to mix. america will just have way more spics and black and they will kill whites not breed with them.
Carter Martin
the world will be a better place when we're all one race and dont fight over petty ancestry bullshit anymore that has no bearing on our current lives
not like people can help where they're born anyway
we're all human, even if a lot of us act like animals, some cultures moreso than others
Hunter Gray
I worked with a girl that looked like that. She was from Puerto Rico and had a nice body but was repulsively low IQ.
Kevin Lewis
I don't believe the purpose of my life is my own, or anyone else's, genetic propogation. I believe in maximising happiness and minimising pain - I believe that to be an absolute Good. But some people also believe in advancing technology, culture and art in general. I believe those people and I share a common goal. Now tell me - why the fuck would I - or anyone else - want to choose a black person who I believe will create a child with a lower IQ and high predisposition towards aggression, when instead I can chose the "sure thing" and go for something universally considered more intelligent, beautiful and, in turn, a greater contributer to general happiness, culture, technology etc etc?
We will make a new country, or segregrate further than we are already. The real problem is the spreading of dangerous religions and cults, which have no race or gender.