Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares, nuke the USA
>not Cuba
Something seems off after having lived in that hellhole for 12 yrs
Cubans are going extinct
They're fleeing to Kentucky
maine and minnesota confirmed for gary johnson
This is what happens when you guys effectively shart on an entire country
So New York and Montana are the only civilized states now?
kill me
It's a fucking guinea pig you mong
Met an Iraqi at my old high school swell guy but he and his family were Christians fleeing the muzzie hordes.
New New Dehli
You have to go back to plebbit after the get.
The Iraqis are fine it's the muzzies (that make up the majority of those immigrants) that are the problem. Bedouin peoples competed with Europeans before Islam cucked them back to the perpetual stone age. Babylon was one of the first civilizations and the Assyrian, Persian empires kicked ass and Carthage competed with Rome for a long time, inventing aqueducts and multi-story structures.
Kill me
>destroy middle eastern countries
>vacate their land and destroy superpowers
>compel western countries to take their people in
>outbreed whites
You have to admit, the jews are genius. Killing two birds with one stone
mexico 2,0 hehe
>$250,000 homes
That's nothing, why does the guy make it sound like a lot?
So could they not figure out anything good to put there on this map so they just picked a country at random?
I mean, where the fuck even is burma?
East of india
West of Thailand
It's real
Source is in pic
Why the actual real fuck are we taking immigrants from Somalia at all? That has to be the most fucking retarded thing ever. There's no possible argument you could make for why it's in our interests to do that. Just pure cuckoldry.
Glad I wound up with spics instead of Canadians or Somalis.
This is exactly why I'm leaving this country
Literally illegal.
>North Dakota
Wait, are they taking a shit-ton of Bhutanese..Bhutanis..whateer?
Or is it just that essentially nobody is going to North Dakota, so the family of 5 Bhutanish people made them the biggest group?
>Or is it just that essentially nobody is going to North Dakota, so the family of 5 Bhutanish people made them the biggest group?
I'm pretty sure that's the case
The latter not the former.
When it comes to immigrants
Don't rant and rave
They probably will
No matter their homeland
They'll buy BURMA SHAVE!
East coast best coast gets cheap IT while minnesotans and mainecucks get somalians hahahahahahaha
What sup with all of the Bhutanese passports though?
>stuck between commie chinks and poos
> New Bhutan
>stuck between niggers and leafs
I dont believe Bhutan can actually take over a whole state, do you know how fucking small that country is?
gib montana
rightful albertan clay
>all those spics
Bhutan what? That's the first time I see Bhutan mentioned anywhere. I'd understand India or even Nepal but Bhutan is just so random.
Isn't an upside down flag a universal sign of distress? are they really this stupid? do they know what there doing?
What's with Somalis in Maine, WTF, that's like the coldest they could choose.
Montana best state confirmed
>take over a whole state
make that 3 states,check out the upper left map near somalia
Yeah that cunt has like 700k people,maybe they're jews who claim their buddhists for tax reasons
>Benny G's state is the only one with white immigrants
The absolute madman.
If they love mexico so much why dont they go back?
Not enough welfare there.
if you don't do anything, it'll be part of mexico anyway, no reason to go back
I propose an alliance
Mexicans are subhuman and breed like fucking rats. Someone needs to exterminate them.
Hey, at least on one side new bhutan is neighboured by conservative white people
I guess they got tired of being between the desert and the great blue sea so they moved to Maine to be between the tundra and the great blue sea. Honestly I'm more concerned about when nigger pirates will appear on lake Superior.
I guess that's a no
That's not very nice bud
>this is how a German feel when he walks the mudslime streets in western Germany
I know what wawas is from listening to sleepycast he he
It's the colonizer genes, they want to conquer and impose their culture
>tfw I grew up in Germany
>live in America
>filled with non American spics
>vacation in Germany
>filled with Muslims
You would get BTFO'd by the first rancher you roll up on.
omg it's true
the election is going to be decided by the indians.
We can just hope the best for the future
Man, Ethipio's flag is really cool
Even on the other side of the Atlantic Swedes are fucking cucks
If the Rastafarians got their way that would be the flag of Africa.
it's genetic :^)
montanans and albertans are the same people
gib montana
rightful albertan clay
It's allowed by the flag code as an SOS symbol, meaning dire distress or "imminent danger of life, limb or property being lost", from what I've read it was originally put to use on ships, an upside down flag being flown as a signal to passing vessels if your ship is sinking.
Nowadays it's more a symbol of disrespect than anything, as we have much more efficient ways of signalling distress.
They aren't really Bhutanese. Bhutan deported all of its illegal immigrants which were mostly Nepali, don't know why they went to North Dakota.
>to where
minnesota = to where do we bring war
maybe because Nepal is shit? if they pretend to be Chinese I bet they could get a cushy job in a restaurant.
You mean Sheetz, you faggot.
Behind enemy lines and what
yeah you better don't upset my cousin
fucking gringo
Hi! Minnesotan here, I couldn't help but see your post and your comments on Somalis. Allow me to shed some light. Most peole who want immigration have never had to deal with one of those filthy niggers in their life. To put it into context, even the native ghetto niggers hate them and view them as subhuman and are against bringing more. Many of the people for more immigrants are essentially Canadians and Mudslimes. If Minnesota is to continue being a healthy white state these Canadian infiltraters and mudslimes must be lynched. Anyways have a great day!
>stealing half mexico at gunpoint
>complaining like a faggot years later.
kek. They have like a 65 average IQ or something around there. Literally the average Somalian is retarded.
We love our Dunkin what can I say?
where are all the burmese in Indiana? I've never seen even one
and i suppose you want to say you guys are "winning" it back right?
Same lmao
I need to grow up desu
This is bullshit I live in PA I don't see any poo in the loos here.
Don't you have a coke filled butthole to be eating out right now, Carlos?
>Be American
>President suggests a bill that would shift immigration to Latin America because "BUT THEY'RE LIKE RIGHT THERE!"
>Get shot
>Brother sponsors the act
>People consider him one of the greatest President