Latinos at their highest percentage of the population ever

>Latinos at their highest percentage of the population ever
>Latinos turning out at 3x the rate of 2012
I hate these fucking spics so God damn much, fucking filthy beaners voting so they can fill our country with their fucking drug smuggling, raping, gang banging, murderous kind. I hope you all understand how crucial this election is, in terms of the fact that if Clinton wins the election our country will continue to be flooded by Mexicans and ultimately destroyed

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Fuck off, you're the Mexico of Scandinavia

The blacks hate em just as much, there's shitty spanish music blasting in most of south central LA now

Why don't the blacks and Mexicans just eliminate each other?

Finland =/= Scandinavia. The Mexico of Scandinavia is southern Jutland.

I'm voting Trump, fuck off.

Voted hillary op, u happy now

I dont care

Im an american born spic, my whole family and I voted for trump already.

You are already destroyed, you should be more concerned about your nu-male/cuck issue than us, if you dont want to go exctint of course, the white man time is over

Now sit back while I fuck your daughter cuck

The Latinos in places like Compton beat the shit out of Blacks, and murdered them and forced them all to leave. Blacks are no match for the Latinos, that's why they don't even try to fight them. I just wish Whites would get based again, like they were decades ago.

Fuck drumpf and fuck all White "people"

i dont know where you get that from, jamal. i have yet to find a legal spic that supports Hillary.

The dab will be delicious when you and your cuck family are picked up by the government and dropped back over into mexico. Spic bastard

>You are already destroyed, you should be more concerned about your nu-male/cuck issue than us, if you dont want to go exctint of course, the white man time is over

funny, people said the same thing about germany after world war 1.

you don't want to push white people too far. you truly don't want them as enemies.

as a spic, you're ridiculous and you all deserve death.

when it comes to it, i'll fight at the border to keep you fuckers out, or kill you and your families in the street.

Spics are literally subhuman, mix-bread mongrels.


>Mestizo rape baby thinks we won't do to him what the Spaniards did to his grandmothers

By your logic, American whites will lose to their enemies and people who sympathize to their enemies, and then only be allowed to live for money's sake until they are inevitably outbred and extinct.

Gringos BTFO cant wait for Hillary to win so i can go and live off autismbux and welfare.

Ill honestly leave my medicine title just to be able to sit on my ass all day long

you might be onto something.

That text has such a reddit feeling to it.

thread theme:

And they get to vote. So what do we do to counter the "lowest information voters ever"?

Trump threatens our economic climate here in the U.S and in Mexico. We will not be voting for someone who will create economic uncertainty.

No vamos a votar por Trump y nada va a poder cambiar nuestra mente. Nimodo ojetes.

>tfw half mexican and voted trump

well fuck you too...

Ill be making a tourism trip to the US and vote for Hillary

#fuck drumpf

I'm waiting to continue my blood line. If Trump wins, I will have children. If not, I will not have children.

The last thing I want for my offspring is to have them grow up around a bunch of muslim beaners with them being the white minority, in a country run by socialists.

I'd rather have my blood line die and leave this god forsaken place.

>you don't want to push white people too far. you truly don't want them as enemies.

In 2008, we decided the election for Obama and so we did again in 2012. This time around, it will be no different.

By pandering to the GOP talking nonesense about our people, sure he might have won the primaries, but it cost him the general election.

Trumps opening campaign remarks are playing nonstop.

You got a long way to go before you can compete with whites, asians or jews. Your IQs are barely above blacks. You're meant for mule work.

Trust me nigger, me and other spics will be there ccelebraing the wall. Fuck all of you cunts that come here and vote for the same fucking policies that destroyed the country you fled from.

If you fuckers don't do something, the USA will rapidly become Mexico North. And just look how fucked up Mexico is to understand how awful that would be for the world.

Trump's wall should have been built in 1960.


>tfw too intelligent to reply seriously to a leaf

>you don't want to push white people too far. you truly don't want them as enemies.

But Germany lost WWII and now look at them, cumskin. They are the cuckold poster boy. Whites are the weakest, most effeminate race on the planet. Go suck a black dong.

Too bad he is correct.

I just want an intelligence based test for voting so all the stupid people's votes have virtually no weight.

maybe, but heed the warning nonetheless. Whites are good at evil, Whites do evil very, very well.

mexican """"""""""""""""""intellectuals""""""""""""""""""

Enjoy working wagie ill take Juanita my wife and our 6 children there soon, i want them welfarebux.

>be white conservative texan
>get to listen to the media shilling about how texas is gonna be a battleground state that could swing blue because trump said mean things and "alienated the latino voting community"

Texas, you need to be warry of all those commiefucks coming from CA, do not let them shit on your state the way they shat on mine.

America won't have any welfarebux left to take for you or the blacks when there's too many of you wanting it. Eventually that system will collapse on itself.

You idiots do realize that this anecdotal shit does not change the fact that the vast majority of hispanics vote democrat, right?

I don't give a fuck, I'm not one of those faggots. I don't want them ruining my fucking country with their expanded government control bullshit.