Best fight scene in the show was the White Lotus retaking Ba Sing Se

Best fight scene in the show was the White Lotus retaking Ba Sing Se

Would've been nice if Iroh did more than knock down a wall and burn a flag, huh?

We never got to see him actually break out before the Day of Black Sun, either.

At least he was in Korra, eh?

While we're on the subject, was there a series finale as hype as "Sozin's Comet:The Final Battle"?


>It wasn't a fight.

What was it?

Tge closesy thing was Season 1 finale of Korra, but they dropped the ball with Amon. The second hypiest would be S3 with Zaheer and then they dropped the ball.

I would like remake of S1 and S3 of Korra with a different Avatar. Becauae S1, S3, and S4 of Korra are serious plots that can carry 4 seasons worth of stuff.

A slaughter.

No it wasn't. It wasn't any good at all.

wow right off you want to shit up the thread fuck off

I would not call that a fight. It was too one sided. My favorite fight was Zuko vs Azula, before katara got involved.

best one was the s2 finale against the secret police or whatever they were called

Zozins commet was a major threat that was hyped for a majority of the show. Nothing in Korra came close to that. The only event that I can think of that was hyped as much as the commet would be Jack's ultimate battle with Aku, but that turned out to be a massive let down.

Dai lee. And yeah s2 was the best

2006 was a great (and very fucking funny) year for television.

Kappa Mikey was the peak of the year

Zuko v Jet swordfight in Ba Sing Se is my favourite


This user know the true...

One of the worst scenes in the whole show, from a writing point of view.
But then again, it's not that much different from the finale in general, or even Book 3 in general.

>One of the worst scenes in the whole show, from a writing point of view
Why? Because the strongest members in the good guy's team choose to take back a city that Zuko could free easily once he becomes Fire Lord while leaving two non-benders and a blind girl to handle Ozai's entire fleet of nukes?


(Well, also other reasons, like Iroh coming up with bullshit excuses for splitting up the group like that during their meeting.)