try and defend this logo
Try and defend this logo
Fuck you, we aren't changing it.
It's an accurate depiction of an Indian. What else do you want?
it's a cartoon character, if he was white he would look the same except be peach colored and have no feather
Chicago fag here great game last night, never fucking change your mascot
He's smiling. In a world filled with negativity, it's nice to see something uplifting and positive.
im sure we have bigger problems to worry about
The Fighting Irish are literally a Leprechaun. Get over yourself.
I love you, Estonia.
Guy with a Metis' mom here. It is a non issue in every single way. Do you see white people bitching about the vikings? 99% of native people don't even care about this shit lmao. Stop trying to feel offended on other races' behalf.
He seems happy
You're a faggot, that's why.
thank you :3
not an argument.
no its not you fucking edgy faggot its a caricature of a stereotypical american indian face
Why does it need to be defended?
Yeah it was awesome. Lets do it again next year.
Sure, after you stop being a whiny little bitch.
I can never resist smiling at that endearing shit-eating grin. It's adorable.
>liberals want to ban this
Pajeet go back
all in good fun
World. Champeens.
Try defending that flag.
Defend from??????
thats irrelevant
I like it. Who cares what teepee niggers think?
does anybody actually even use the term "redskin" as an insult? i've been around a lot of overtly racist people and if they're gonna say some shit about native americans they're just gonna call them prairie-niggers or alcoholics etc.
>its a caricature of a stereotypical american indian face
I don't see the problem here
American indians need representation in media and sports just as much as anyone else. Are you trying to take away their cultural icons? Typical bigoted leaf.
>28 posts in and no one has made a valid argument
I think that's the other kind of Indian mate.
>He goes to Sup Forums on its politically incorrect board and complains about politically incorrectness
Ground control to major wew
Freedom of speech/expression?If we can tolerate leafposters you can tolerate a drawing.
Because he's Indian. And because Indians don't look like that it's okay. Now if we were the Cleveland Native Americans, then it'd be racist.
>when savages don't understand freedom
>its a caricature
oh right i forgot, caricatures are totally off limits for a mascot and just plain racist
that's why there's been so much outrage over pic related
It looks like an Indian
Who cares, we killed them all.
I wonder if the Germans won the war, they'd make some football team with pic related as mascot?
Try and defend this logo
Over 30 posts and still nothing to argue about.
How is it any more offensive than this?
>the angry manlets
We think Americans are all cucks whereas native Americans are eternally hutthurt by you. Can't you give them a break?
leprechauns are folkloric figures that everyone the world over loves
red-faced chief ooga booga injun is just a racial stereotype
I want this logo to have sex with the redskins logo.
Manchester Jewnited?
That's more the redskins logo, this is just a cheerful Injun
>old leaf yells at cartoon head
Artistic freedom.
I think I'd rather have my race represented by a strong-jawed fairly realistic profile portrait than a tomato-colored buck-tooth caricature
How hurtum feeling?
Change comes from great thunderbird in the sky.
we killed those guys too when we came here, at least their decedents
if red-faced chief ooga booga is just a racial stereotype, so is the belligerent angry dwarf of an irishman that Notre Dame uses as its mascot. but nobody gives a shit because they all just want to feel like saviors swooping in to save the poor oppressed non-whites from the systematic oppression of the redskins mascot. it's just virtue signalling basically.
how is it irrelevant?
No man should have a cock shaped tumour in the back of his head.
Whats to defend? It's literally a cartoon drawing offensive to no one. Like holy fucking shit leftists are retarded. Natives couldn't give a single fuck about this, but emotional unstable landwhale roasties just need to be outraged at something.
Everybody loves snow niggers. Except for division rivals, of course.
I don't need to defend it. They lost and were nearly obliterated because their civilization. By the grace of our merciful hand we allowed them to live and a chance to integrate
They forfeited the right to complain about anything we do a long time ago. If we wanted to make a logo of a native woman being raped while her kids were strung by the noose then we would because it''s funny. And they had better shut the fuck up and take it if they know what''s good for them
redskins logo is more akin to
indians logo is more akin to pic related
leprechauns are supposed to be angry dwarfs. blame the irish, it's their mythological creation
I bet you had to look up what Metis even means
>Dad, what's a Super Bowl?
>I don't know son, we're Vikings.
he's smiling, he's happy, so it's OK
Stop appropriating my culture reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I hate you but respect you so much at the same time. See you next year chiraq :^)
I'm starting to get on board with Chief Wahoo looking a little racist and sheeeit. That being said, Redskins team name and logo is fine with me. Natives called themselves Redskins and the face looks like the Vikings equivalent
>Natives called themselves Redskins
People from India call themselves Indians too ya bigot.
>leaf telling others to defend their logo
Nobody is offended, it is a tool to gain power and shut down opposition, a distraction used to discredit and shame one into line.
way to dodge the argument faggot.
>inb4 b-but you cant racist toward whites!!!
Dallas cowboys.
Fuck off, after the shit that faggot pulled trying to get them banned from Canada I was GLAD they beat the Jays.
And the only reason I was cheering for the Cubs over them was because it would be more painful for Nate Silver and show that 2016 truly is the year of meme magic.
They really look like that
t. Oklahoma
Thats funny because wasn't there a bunch of blacks complaining about how even the black disney princesses look "too white", and how they lack any african features???
its almost like minorities will find a way to take offence at ANY animated representation of their race.
might as well just stop including them. period.
Fun fact - That logo was designed by a native and approved by a tribal council.
>butthurt libtard SJWs BTFO
I can't really defend against a bear.
No, you defend this.
I don't keep up with disney drama, but there's plenty of room for accurate representations without white-washing or racist caricatures
The company can do what it wants.
if you don't like it, don't look at it.
logo is fine IMO, team name not so much
Why are the feathers dipped in piss?
So what? It's one of the only icons in modern history that reminds people they once existed.
Damn, for an ID like heh I shoud've tried harder.
doesn't look indian to me
lol blow it out your ass and fuck off
>implying people would give a shit if the same was done to leafs
indians aren't really brown but more of a red color, obviously the artist took some artistic liberty.
No one has been called a redskin in over a hundred years. Indians were "redskins" and settlers were "the white men".
As soon as people hear color and "skin" in the same sentence they automatically assume it's an insult.
>REEEE "indian" mascots are racist
>everyone changes their name and mascot
>everyone quickly completely forgets that native americans and first nations people ever existed outside of history books
>people completely stop caring about the plights afflicting natives
>the indians drink and smoke meth until they wipe themselves out
the SJWs won't be happy until all the redskins commit self-genocide.
At least there's a good leaf in this thread