"""smartest man ever"""

>"""smartest man ever"""

What are some movies about bullshit artists?

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Greasy Strangler


Reminder that Hawking died many years ago

So guys...... now that the "smartest man ever" died , who's the smartest person now?

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Literally Feminism: Guest Starring lol Eagles - The Movie

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Neil deGrasse Tyson

His death makes me oddly sad in a profound way. I just assumed he'd always be here. One day all the relevant and famous people you know that were older than you will be dead, replaced by trash from the Bieber fever and 'cash me ousside' whore generation.


Hawkins as a scientist is overrated. He only got big because his ALS

That's why the world needs to be cleansed with fire

no one should see this movie. why would anyone make this?

Nope, me.

I wonder how many people "mourning" about him online even cared about him when he was alive.

>Still being buttblasted by Justin Bieber
Are you going to complain about Twilight next?

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Jaden Smith. Duh

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I have nothing against Bieber, I'm decrying the Bieber-fever generation.
And you're right, Twilight is shit as well and the Twilight generation deserves a cartel ritual death also.

based kevin


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No one would give a shit about hawking if not for his freak show gimmick.

He's a hack

>Smartest man ever

Carl Friedrich Gauss has been dead for over 150 years.

>smartest man ever
>no proof that he was even conscious and not just a computer using a human body as a ploy

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>waaaaaah this generation is so bad compared to the old one waaaaaaaaaaaaah
Reminder that this was said by every generation ever


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It's always sad when a actor dies.

Kanye West


Lupita Nyong'o.

>yfw you open Facebook and see all the normie and leepic sciene crowd weeping over this fag

based boomer poster

Based americans

Fair criticism, but there's nothing to suggest that the world doesn't actually operate in cycles of moral and intellectual ascent and decline.
Not on an individual level, but in terms of the overall average.
So each of the generations that said it could actually be right for their own generation.

Barron Trump

based boomer grandpa still using facebook


what the fuck are you on about, is this 2012 or some shit? get on with the times, grandpa


you can stop samefagging badly shill


I think this guy is such a brainlet that he genuinely thinks justin bieber was the first celebrity to have a large, obsessed following. hes calling this generation the "bieber fever generation" because they were the first ones to do that kind of thing.

fucking nerds eternally undeniably unequivocally endlessly BTFO

>So each of the generations that said it
Every generation said it user, every.

I know they're not. The generation of groupies from the '60s and '70s era of the hippie culture movement and rock 'n roll deserve just as much flack too.
Don't get so triggered son.

Truly we are the last of the good men

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