Russell Crowe Is Having A ‘Divorce Auction’ With Lots Of Movie Mementos

>Crowe is selling more than 200 items in a Sotheby’s auction, with the pieces to go under the hammer on April 7 in Sydney ― his wedding anniversary and his 54th birthday.

>The collection, titled “The Art of Divorce,” is also available for viewing as a public exhibition before the auction.

>“Just as we collaborate on the upbringing of our kids, it’s easy for us to work together on something like this. I think she feels the same way I do in regards to just moving on things that help create space for the future.”


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>tfw all this stuff he's selling is actually amazing and I won't be able to even see the exhibition

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More like unJUST

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>ywn have one at the bar with Russell while watching the Aussie-rules-game.

Who here wants the leather jock strap from Cinderella Man?

Est value: $500-600

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I'm gonna buy the lot and piss on the ashes

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Dinosaur skull he bought from Leo

Est value: $35,000 - 40,000

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>Russell Crowe
>Aussie Rules

He literally owns a Rugby League team he has no time for that faggy Victorian shit

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it's a treasure trove of exotic riches bros


What does it feel like to own things of value?

wheres my yous?

burdensome. lots of protection/upkeep/insurance.

>Those seat backs from American Gangster

Did Russell just stole them from the rest of the cast? wtf

I knew it was one of the two, sry.
still would have one at the bar with him, m8


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so what's the most kino item up for sale?

Everything from master and commander

It's just stuff

Having a loyal woman that loves you and a feeling of purpose in life is all you actually need.

The ship from master and commander
The tiger from gladiator
A case of yoohoo from nice guys

>be multi-millionaire
>wife threatens divorce
>don't just have her murdered
Why does this keep happening

checked those trips

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Nothing from A Good Year

That only works if you’re black and married a white

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I'll never understand why rich people collect dozen, sometimes hundreds of fairly obscure items.
Like I get collecting more traditional 'collectible' objects; rocks, art, models, awards, archaeological items etc.

But why would you have 30+ watches? Or 15+ guitars? 10+ sports team shirts? If I had large amounts of money I admit I'd buy some fairly stupid stuff, and I'd probably collect a lot of things as I already do. But not 20 gloves or 30 cricket bats... (Crowe seems really, really into cricket btw).

Also, keeping 2 fucking life sized horse props and a roman chariot? Really?

Because they can.

Is there anything from Man of Steel?

I want the romper stomper boots

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god these naval paintings give me such a boner


>Also, keeping 2 fucking life sized horse props and a roman chariot? Really?
Uhh, that's fucking awesome.


>cricket jumpers
>cricket bats
>johnny cash records
>all that film memorabilia
Crowe has pretty kino taste in collectibles tbqhwy lads

>it's a jews are trying to make me sell my crypto episode

No regrets... all indications are that he’s a certified cunt irl... not someone who you can throw a pint back with