who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
>it's a george wins episode
why is Judy so mean?
LMAO he kill the nice brooke that some good stuff right there i love judge judy wish we could clone her and send her to dc clean the filth up
Why would anyone agree to appear on tv like this?
The mother looks jewish.
It's small claims court. The TV show pays the fee if you lose.
kino ending
>she's not even my girlfriend
she was in the wrong for renting out through "oral" agreements
also this guy sounds like an absolute retard, look at the end of the video
>escape goat
Fucking made me laugh
Great ending
Does Judge Judy hate women?
no, but she loves ratings
We wuz kangz and shiet
Please stop making fun of my people. We can't help being black.
the formula is she gets angrier each time she detects bullshit. Whether it's actually bullshit or not.
Fact: Judge Judy is the best daytime tv show
the producer for allowing such a boring case
>don't mess with weirdos
They're getting more and more desperate for interesting cases. They probably picked them because they're reasonably attractive.
That's solid advice
That girl is kinda cute senpai
Who was the villain in this video?
all women hate women
Based af
Because they're loserds!
Bless Judy Judy for not giving out free money to losers.
It's not actually a small claims court. It's alternative dispute resolution via arbitration simulating the look of a small claims court.
>i done think this was a fair justice
judge judy is never in the wrong
>we on tv?
That guy played it smart. Didn't even need to bring in any papers, just kept it honest and straightforward.
>Allegedly drunk in court
>Mumbleraps his way out of legal trouble
Absolutely based.
nah, shes often wrong. But it doesn't matter because she's been giving binding legal power.
Often she'll shoot off onto her own fantasy tangent of what she believes a case to be, whether supported by fact or not, and then make a ruling based upon that.
>that smug look at the camera he makes
that man was actually the smartest man in the courtroom and he knew it
>be so stupid that the judge can't make you lose the case
Times when the villain won.
This is true.
>She wants an escape goat
What did he mean by this? Is it because she can't drive a car and goats don't require licenses to ride?
he was the smartest man in the room, look at the smirk he gives to the camera
From da north to da south
East to da west