God damn it it still fuckin hurts so much

God damn it it still fuckin hurts so much.

Attached: Philip-Seymour-Hoffman-1000-x-1000-1_650.jpg (620x400, 46K)

He had his run and apparently wanted to die anyway considering his drug use. Let him rest, he found his peace.

>come in ready for a comfy Chris Pine thread
>see filename

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He was a bloody great actor. People always forget his role in that mission impossible film. He was a top-tier baddy in that.

Pig fuck!

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He probably had a pretty comfortable death as long as he was too blissed out to be thinking about potentially being in mortal danger at the moment.
The whole thing about it though is that he didn't constantly use. He was sober for like 26 years before he relapsed after The Master and was dead 2 years later.
He was classic in that.

There will never be another PTA Kino with him ;__;

He had charisma and screen presence like no other.

oh yeah he's dead now

If I live to be 100 I am going to try heroin on my 100th birthday.

In all seriousness the biggest loss to the world of cinema this decade. People were going on and on about muh big death year 2016, but how many of them do we truly miss today? It's actually sad that there will never be another PSH movie.

Essential PSH kino?

James Gandolfini and PSH are the ones that still hurt the most.

Should have played CWC in the inevitable biopic.

Hunger Games

Mary and Max

What's the movie where him and his brother rob the jewelry store?

Scent of a Woman
Boogie Nights
The Big Lebowski
The Talented Mr Ripley
Punch-Drunk Love
Mission Impossible III
Charlie Wilson's War
Synechdoche, New York
The Master
A Most Wanted Man

before the devil knows you´re dead

lol he dead

you forgot Hunger Games

LITERALLY anything he's been in

No, I did not.

based pig fuck man
Yeah thanks for forcing Phil to drink after the Master PTA, great move.
That's a good plan. I don't understand wanting to live deep into your 80s or become 90 or something anyway, I'd rather die before things got that advanced.
I like don't even remember 2016 as a big death year.
Honestly every year has been a big publicized death year for a while now. I was fucking wrecked for a while back then though when I had to come to terms with the fact of no more PSH movies ever again.
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead. Based Lumet's last movie.

>8000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bags of heroin

can somebody give me a quick rundown of his essential kino?

for a few
Also add Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

WHat are you his mom? Just shut the fuck up.

Synecdoche, New York

Before The Devil Knows You're Dead

>The Talented Mr Ripley
Damn he is so fucking good in that. Just watched some of his scenes in that movie again.

The scene where he discovers Tom in Dickie's apartment and he does this little eye roll while playing the Piano is just phenomenal.

All of them