What does Sup Forums think of this film?

What does Sup Forums think of this film?

Attached: event.jpg (182x268, 17K)

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It's good.

It's great

I rewatch it pretty frequently and find it enjoyable.

inb4 some nerd points out the similarities to the 40k warp

i like it. i get a chuckle every time i see the cgi vhs tape floating in the background when they first board it

If you liked it, check out Disney's Black Hole which has weird similarities.

Also, loved it.

It's pretty good.

HOLY SHIT, this move is kino. me and my brother get together once a year and watch it.

Can't say cause I don't have a taste. I watched it till the end which prob means it's ok

all handjob no cum

Solid. Thick. Tight.

Contains the greatest horror movie quote of all time.

Attached: I+call+event+horizon+cosplay+should+have+at+least+one+_7681c07f2154f1fc338c0eefd29d92f3.jpg (1000x414, 141K)

Not good. Lots of fun and a great watch though.

false. the greatest quote is from a movie with this actor, but its in the mouth of madness
>do you read sutter kane?

Smooth. Supple. Silky.

horror is good, cartoon punch sound effects and wacky black guy aren't

Almost great. Easily PWSA's best.

It's no masterpiece, but it's a very solid entry in the horror/sci-fi genre. Cool visuals and concept, decent acting, the story and deaths are a bit silly.

I wanted to do this

What makes you think I'll miss? hehehehe...

Top 10 movies of all time. Behind Postal and Conan the Barbarian (1982)

More like non event horizon. Nothing happens

Who did it better?

Attached: 97scifihorror.png (460x345, 279K)

Writing a sequel.

Essential redditcore

Whats reddit about this movie? Seems like more of a Sup Forums movie because it's not popular and is pretty underrated.

first half is great, second half not so much... big minus for ridiculously over theatrical visual presentation of the drive core (or whatever it was). I'd say the IMDB's 6.7/10 hits quite close to the mark.

I watched it recently for the first time. It sets itself up pretty well, but towards the end it kind of lost me.

Something that popped in my mind is how people would react if it came out nowadays. All the white men either die or get killed, and the only survivors are a black man and a woman?!?

I meant to say "either die or turn out to be evil".

I just realized this is like a reverse Bloodborne.

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The soundtrack didn't exactly fit.