Mark Hamill even revealed the original J.J...

>Mark Hamill even revealed the original J.J. Abrams ending to Star Wars: The Force Awakens was changed at the request of LucasFilm. It had Luke Skywalker in an epic moment using The Force with boulders flying around him; however, as Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy wanted to essentially castrate Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Luke couldn't be shown using The Force.


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The Force is female, sweetie

Stop mansplaining.

goddammit KK and Rian.

>couldnt be shown using the force
>force projects a younger version of himself to stall kaylo

still sounds like x-men more than jedi but i guess it would be an improvement

What are you retarded?

>Wanted to essentially castrate Luke Skywalker

im not going to bother reading your link, but your green text says "luke couldnt be shown using the force" when he fucking holograms a billion light years away, in a younger looking self.
how the fuck is that not him using the force?

TLJ was a terrible abomination.


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it looks like you took a picture of a guy doint a hand stand and flipped it. it looks silly lol


>It had Luke Skywalker in an epic moment using The Force with boulders flying around him
havent seen the new movies but this sounds like retarded shit. glad this isnt used at least

like this?

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t. Disney shill

Daily reminder that Luke deserved everything and that if we're being fair he should have been castrated for real.

this is the movie adults get mad about
wew lads. im all for you enjoying what you enjoy, but sometimes you have to recognize what it is at the end of the day

Le force is female ;)

Daily reminder that you're a Disney shill

t. brainlet who wants dbz shit in star wars

>but sometimes you have to recognize what it is at the end of the day
star wars fans are the most passionate out of pretty much all fandom
its a blessing and a curse

>the force awakens

Why am I responding to b8?

Reminder that every single day of their training, Yoda got to
>bury his face in Luke's hair
>get soaked in Luke's sweat from clinging to his back
>sniff Luke's sweaty armpits
>sniff Luke's crotch and boipussy
>look down Luke's shirt at his perky boinips
>probably watch Luke completely naked cooling off in the swamp afterwards
What did that little green fuck ever do to deserve such heavenly pleasure?

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kek, maybe there was no training and yoda was lonely and made up shit that would tick his boxes.

I would have done the same in his position tbqh

Fuck off, JJ apologist. This article has bullshit written all over it. As far as I know the only thing changed and was requested was to swap BB-8 for R2 because JJ initially wanted BB-8 to go with Chewie and Rey for whatever reason.

Movies aren't supposed to be good anymore, user, they are supposed to push a far-left Marxist agenda

That would've still been dumb.

And that's a good thing

I hope fans boycott the next one over how bad TLJ was.

>TFA was utter dogshit too and yet they didn't boycott TLJ
>everyone panned TLJ from day one
>still made over one billion dollars
Sure they will, sweetie. SW is too big to fail.

so JJ's another eunuch

>as Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy wanted to essentially castrate Luke Skywalker in Star Wars
then why did we see Luke Skywalker establish himself as the Jedi icon/legend for the new generation of force (light) users at the end of the film and execute the most powerful force feat ever in the entire saga?

And it's powerfull

Where you saw that apart from your fanfic?

>They totally could of had Luke force grab his lightsaber to fight Kylo at the end of TFA.

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>could of had

the scene is in the movie though, only with Rey instead of Luke

>those sad comments by "Dot Dot Dot"
>that pathetic attempt at taunting
Dot Dot Dot is mad as fuck that people aren't abandoning Luke for their precious mary sue.

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oh that sucks because i'm a stupid retard who likes lots of things flying around the screen and right into my face in 3d. if any part of the screen is not covered in tie fighters exploding i get VERY impatient

>Luke Skywalker
it's in the movie, it's explicit. It seems you're the one seeing what you wanna see for trolling purposes or for whatever reason you may have.

we have everything we need right here

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based Rian and KK

what is Leia talking about with Rey?

Good. Luke was just about the one thing they did right in this movie.

literally what it says in text right next to the picture

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So just the climax fight of ATLA? Wow so original and cool. I'm glad i never liked Star wars to begin with you fags are literally insufferable. I bet you all look like nu male queers.

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Imagine smelling Luke when he's all sweaty and hasn't had a normal shower in weeks haha
I bet he smells really gross and nasty haha just imagine

This movie was a fucking mistake

>Heartbroken because of Kylo
>Kylo's mother comes to lift her mood
what did they mean by this

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>is built for a new generation, but not at the expense of the fandom. Without them we’re nothing..."
based colin

>It had Luke Skywalker in an epic moment using The Force with boulders flying around him;
this makes the part where Rey does exactly this a bigger middle finger and makes Johnson and Kennedy seem even more petty

I thought the same thing
cgi version inbound

He understands that, hes saying the explanation to not have luke use the force in tfa in order to line up with tlj does not make sense, because he uses the force in a big way in the latter

>yfw based JJ retcons TLJ

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Are you still butt-hurt about your fucking space wizard movies of which maybe one was good ? they are worse than capshit you degenerate fuck

JJs horrid world building is the reason the last jedi was such ass, so I dont have hope for anything with his name attached to it.

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they will fug. the mother and the damsel I mean

The best place on Sunset to score some finely cut Peruvian.

I would fuck old Leia, no jokes

And it was retarded. I'm glad it was Rey and not Luke


That shot is pure kino, pleb.

>Blaming JJ for TLJ
I dont even like JJ but Rian worshippers are the fucking worst

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Will CGI ever be able to produce textures like this?

Force projects to distract Kylo so they can escape, don't say: you guy get out of here while I hold them off, They stand around almost going after him, until they figure out what he is doing and barely get away.

Good to see Nein Nunb still kicking around. Dude was Lando's co-pilot at Endor. Now he's telling Finn about the one other black man in the universe.

Been that way for years mate. If you can make it good at the same time though its a bonus

>tfw never felt the need for headcanon before TLJ

that guy is a youtuber and hes a democrat

Who else to blame for the horrid worldbuilding than TFA?

>say tlj was garbage
>get called a RJ fanboy

Defending JewJew

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Rey did the boulders thing instead

I thought he was a based nazi, sieg heil.

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>when girls don't want to fuck you so you call it marxism

>he believes in "the force"

everybody laugh at him

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>iphone fanatic
>fat as fuck
>has no concept of taking care of their body
100 percent a liberal

Sure thing fatso.

Red states are like 50% overweight

iPhone users also tend to be in better shape than fat android autists

Why would he just be sitting around moving boulders? That's even worse. It's just more OT pandering.

fucking fascinating, go on

What is this thing ?

>can't be shown using the force
>force projects across the entire fucking galaxy

Hmmm something doesn't add up here

Is it just me or is everyone kinda too nonplussed about losing 98% of the movement? And for absolutely retarded reasons too. I only watched TFA and TLJ so I don't know if this kind of lack of care regarding lives lost is a franchise standard.

They used to be subtle about it.

It's me ;__;

>TLJ made 15% less than expected
>disney films reports no growth that whole year
>Toy sales sharply down

1.3 billion dollars in revenue does not translate to massive profit you fucking retard

2nd movie = 2nd act
the one where everything seems at it's worst
>killed off Solo
>killed off Skywalker
>killed off general Ackbar
3rd movie will be when these oppressed minorities will save the galaxy under female guidance with mary sue actions
it's going to be fabulous

>1.3 billion dollars

There is no universe in which a movie making a BILLION fucking dollars against a budget that was less than half isn't a massive success. How fucking stupid are you? Disney and co are just being sniveling babies because the movie didn't break box office records across the globe and that's what they think every product they sell should do. Meanwhile you are clinging to denial because your idiotic pet theories didn't pan out and you want the director's head for it.

No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans

1.3 billion dollars is a pornographic amount of money.