Come and See (1985)

Did he realize what he was becoming? Or... was this a pro-Russian film portraying that Russians aren't monsters like the Germans?

Attached: Come and See (1985).mp4_snapshot_02.18.52_[2018.03.14_12.25.42].jpg (1416x1080, 87K)

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Best war kino ever. But Hurt locker is close.

>Did he realize what he was becoming
Ofcourse, can it be more clear than that?
>was this a pro-Russian film portraying that Russians aren't monsters like the Germans
A dumb thing to say since the majority of the "germans" in the film are ukrainian collaborators, as evident by the under the bridge scene. And there is not even one hint of why would anyone join the soviet army also, nothing but bad things happen as soon as he joins them, even before he encounters any enemy at all.

When will we finally get a proper bluray release?

>Did he realize what he was becoming?
Hardly matters, it's already too late.
Just because he isn't a complete psychopath by the end doesn't mean he isn't irreparably damaged.

Is Criterion ever going to release the fucking blu ray?

It's on filmstruck senpai

>he isn't irreparably damaged
doubt that

Attached: florya.webm (704x528, 3M)

didn't the director actually torture this kid to get the authentic reactions out of him?

Boy has the left changed.

What's wrong with his face?

What the fuck is that terrible effect? He looks fake. It looks like in Game of Death where they literally just hang a picture of Bruce Lee over the other guy's face. And that compilation picture of him looks shitty too, like they just slather him with wax to make him look rough

You misread, I'm saying he IS irreparably damaged, and him deciding not to shoot babby Adolf doesn't change that.

>pro-Russian film
Klimov literally had to fight for 8 years straight in order to release it because the government didn't want it to be released, so no


does anyone have a torrent link?

There is no "effect", it's just acting. He somehow made it seem like his mouth is completely shut out of pure terror like in that one Matrix scene, but with zero effects at all.
Maybe the director had his mouth literally glued for that scene in order to make it seem that way, but there are no "effects" here.

>Pro Russian film because it shows SS men with Ukrainian collaborators doing what they do best in Russia

What? War is hell and this film tries to show it. There is no 'Russian' army its just a bunch of villagers and men trapped behind the lines trying to survive

War is Hell, Soviets, Nazis or Marines. That's the point of the movie.

Uh, did you see the end? Where Nazism is unequivocally the most heinously evil event in history? Where he joins his brothers in arms to be among the faceless martyrs between their home and atrocity?

some of the best close ups in cinema history

Attached: Idi i smotri_1.webm (704x528, 3M)

>the director actually shot real bullets past this kids head, almost killing him

>Where Nazism is unequivocally the most heinously evil event in history?
Where is that said in the film? It's only your dumb headcanon. Yes it's an "evil event" ofcourse, especially to young Florya, but the point of that scene is that he is shooting at the picture until he sees the image of the baby hitler, figuring out that he is becoming the same.
Did you see the part where most of the germans are not germans but ukrainians at the end?

Why would the government halt the release of the film for 8 years if it was the other way?

I'm surprised the poor kid didn't remain fucked up after filming was done.

I'll never forget this fucking scene. It hit me harder than the villagers being burned alive.

Excuse me for thinking the USSR would create a propaganda film.

Also, Ukraine pretty much threw a parade when the Nazis invaded. I'd hardly consider them anything but fascists.

He didn't?

lol get a load of this guy

Don't think so. He had a successful career afterwards I think.

Not torture, but Klimov made him go through the gutter... he was not a professional actor by the time, and the director wanted to try to make him actually experience and not act some of the events of the film... he went under fire of real heavy weapons, exhaustion, lack of food, etc

They could hide this movie in a vault for 50 years, it wouldn't matter. Stormfags would always find a way to act like a victim and bitch about their "unfair representation" (ironic how leftists do literally the same, makes you think).

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I'm a Russian and I don't understand this movie.

My favorite war Soviet movie is Trial on the Road (1971).

Does anyone know where I can find a good stream for this? I've been looking for ages, but I always either come across the dubbed version or a version without subs.

was this the same girl or a different one?

I'm not a stormfag. I would drop this film if it turned out to be an anti-fascist, anti-German, pro-Russian, etc movie.

I interpreted it as an anti-war film blaming the kid's gung-ho attitude for everything. He never learned, never listened to reason. Even when presented the opportunity to stop and start a family he kept marching towards conflict. Every time he did shit got worse.

just torrent it you fucker, streaming sites are always cancer no matter what

But I want to stream it to my Chromecast...

I need to know this as well. I thought it was a different girl.


Attached: come and see.webm (704x528, 2.79M)

By who?

>tfw no belarussian gf

muh 600

A child's illusion of war is crushed by the reality of it.


what a qt
whatever happened to this girl btw, I forgot

Apparently she just resembles glasha

She just looked like her, to him.

commie propaganda

The Ukrainian "Hilfspolizei"

Everyone but the poles did,it's like everyone hated the soviets

So, didn't happen?

Why did they halt the release of the film for 8 years if it was "commie propaganda" then?

Poles got raped by both sides and still hate the Soviets more because at least the Germans were forced to leave at the end of the war.

>ywn have an existential crisis along with a belarus qt in the middle of a forest

Attached: Idi i smotri.webm (704x528, 2.98M)

Can someone explain the forest scene when it rains? its almost dreamlike

also Glasha is a cute

Attached: come-and see dance.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

Poland was the sane alternative to USSR and III Reich.

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she's seen raped and catatonic near the end

Wrong the Czechs hated the Krauts and the Bulgarians weren't actually fond of them either.

t. Nazi cuck

Hot take: it's good to be anti-fascist

Jesus someone get this kid an acting coach.

someone get this guy a Filmstruck sub so he knows what he's talking about

If the movie is anti-fascist then it mean I over analyzed a simple shock and awe film.

This is how you know a movie has a weak plot and performances, you have to rely on gratuitous, lengthy close-up shots of one emotion being emoted to express what is happening.

Come and sneed

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I thought that was a different girl though

Is there any good quality torrent for this movie? All I've found were shitty dvd-rips. Filmstruck isn't avaliable in my country.

The Czechs manufactured almost half of the German's military heavy equipment and suppied tens of thousands of troops. The Germans were fond of the Czechs and were going to Germanicize and integrate them. Czechs today are jokingly referred to as "Slavicized Germans".

>the film has bad performances because an emotion of an entire situation is solely represented on an actresses face
The logic doesn't add up user

literally never. The Russians are holding out


Hello, 2008, long time no see. Most people just buy or rent shit off amazon, seeing that it's instant and cheap.

>hate the Soviets more
Complete utter nonsense, I am from Poland, don't like the sociopathic Russians at all but never the less we had our own Republic it was a satellite state but still we had some sort of self rule the German shits heads flat out sentenced this nation to death it was carved up as various provinces and the name Poland was to be forgotten for all eternity.

It doesn't take any talent to hold one facial expression, covered in dirt and fake blood, staring directly at the camera. It is kind of cheap actually.

Your mom is cheap.

>Hurt locker is close.
jesus christ

Yeah honestly instead we should have just had a cutaway where the director tells us what was happening instead. When's the film coming user?

are you even remotely surprised that Sup Forums is full of plebs?

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I love clueless brainlet posts like these. Go ahead and try it my friend

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You're right, a visual medium should rely solely on heavily descriptive dialogue and exposition. I don't know why Peter Jackson bothered filming all that trash, he should have just filmed himself reading the books.

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>The Czechs manufactured almost half of the German's
They had to pay to fucking eat something yeah the Germans were going to give the Czechs food stamps or some shit give me a fucking break
>The Germans were fond of the Czechs
They literally denounced the Czechs and their culture as something akin to a gypsie the fuck are you even rambling on about?
>supplied tens of thousands of troops.
Ethnic Germans of the area yeah actual Czechs hell fucking no.

>But Hurt locker is close.
Why did you type this

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I would do that if I didn't live in a shithole country, my friend.

It should rely on characterization and interaction, not gratiuitous third wall breaking for maximum effect

The Wehrmacht, the SS, local police, Ukrainian collaborators etc

>But Hurt locker is close.
please stop posting here

>It should rely on characterization and interaction
Says who? Some retard on the internet?

>Not torture,
>he went under fire of real heavy weapons, exhaustion, lack of food, etc

Your weird, ahistorical, distasteful "closeups are bad" thesis doesn't really hold up my dude.

>Breaking the third wall
user I....

>paying for anything

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People shouldn't have opinions until they graduate from high school

You're immensely dumb.
I suppose you think characterization is done only by dialogue, right?

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>Not torture
The kid's hair turned white from stress and hunger

>third wall breaking
Thanks for the laughs. Excellent bait

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how incompetent can you all be

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>almost all shit versions
learn to use rutracker

invite me

Spotted the history babby, Heydrich repeatedly stated the Czechs would be Germanicized and incorporated into the Reich, his predecessor (before he took over as Deputy Reich Protector of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) Konstantin von Neurath was actually a reasonable man, he had only suppressed open anti-German sentiment.

>As Acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, Heydrich applied carrot-and-stick methods.[79] Labour was reorganised on the basis of the German Labour Front. Heydrich used equipment confiscated from the Czech organisation Sokol to organise events for workers.[80] Food rations and free shoes were distributed, pensions were increased, and (for a time) free Saturdays were introduced. Unemployment insurance was established for the first time.[79

Terrible example, we have a closeup shot, but he is not staring at the camera trying to involve the audience in his emotions.