Come and See (1985)

Did he realize what he was becoming? Or... was this a pro-Russian film portraying that Russians aren't monsters like the Germans?

Attached: Come and See (1985).mp4_snapshot_02.18.52_[2018.03.14_12.25.42].jpg (1416x1080, 87K)

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Best war kino ever. But Hurt locker is close.

>Did he realize what he was becoming
Ofcourse, can it be more clear than that?
>was this a pro-Russian film portraying that Russians aren't monsters like the Germans
A dumb thing to say since the majority of the "germans" in the film are ukrainian collaborators, as evident by the under the bridge scene. And there is not even one hint of why would anyone join the soviet army also, nothing but bad things happen as soon as he joins them, even before he encounters any enemy at all.

When will we finally get a proper bluray release?

>Did he realize what he was becoming?
Hardly matters, it's already too late.
Just because he isn't a complete psychopath by the end doesn't mean he isn't irreparably damaged.

Is Criterion ever going to release the fucking blu ray?

It's on filmstruck senpai

>he isn't irreparably damaged
doubt that

Attached: florya.webm (704x528, 3M)

didn't the director actually torture this kid to get the authentic reactions out of him?

Boy has the left changed.