Esetoric kinos

What are some stranges movies dealing with religions, knowledges, love and other supernaturals bullshits?

I'll take good series, too.

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The Sacrifice

The holy mountain by Alejandro Jodorowsky. Great visuals

Valhalla rising
Spring, summer, fall, winter and spring

forbidden zone, cat soup, the sinners of hell

Unironically Man of Steel and to the (VERY) lesser extent Batman v Superman.
Fountain and to lesser extent mother! .
Three of Life
Valhalla and to lesser extent Only God forgives and Neon Demon
Matrix trilogy

Inb4 "muh obvious Jesus Christ symbolism" from faggots who only scratched the surface.

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You know what, you're so retarded I'm gonna give you a pass.

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Ok so I've noted most of the films proposed but what the fuck
Man of steel ? Why ?

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Only answer right here

can confirm, watched these cinemas freshman year and my IQ increased by fifty-five points
but you MUST put up the posters to complete the process

Die große Stille

lord of the rings

t. Literal retards with baseless "muh bait" retort. By the book.

Well, you can post yours list, mr."look I am so smart and sarcastic"

Because it is rooted very deeply with gnosis.

Also Star Wars, especially Prequels.

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Pretty much everything by Jodorowsky. He has an authentic mystics approach to filmmaking.

have only seen that shitting, burning the shit and then sniffing the burnt shit scene, does it get better after that?

Being There

was not sarcasm. once i watched 'Three of Life' i evolved beyond such.. human communication. i only come to you now to show you the path, for behold, it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for the Sup Forums pleb to enter the patrician realm
batman (1989)
rick and morty (watch carefully)

Also THX 1138, Griffith's Intolerance. But at first finish ones I mentioned before and .

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>Rooted very deeply with gnosis

You sure you ain't pulling a trick on me ?

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ninth configuration

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I am not.

Big if true.

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he probably confused it with gonads, as in batman knees the evil space alien bank robber in the gonads

You mean, Monad ?

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No, gnosis as if "esoteric spiritual truth".

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Beyond the Black Rainbow

Yes. Though maybe you should watch El Topo before Holy Mountain to see if his style is for you.

A Field in England.

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why be a whore after 2 kids?


Also Zardoz and Excalibur.

I already mentioned here

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Was in shock when I saw that this is the guy that was playing General Ross in mcu flicks. Holy shit.

the Wicker Man

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The Lion King
The Bridges of Madison County
Rocky IV

dr strange

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There is more esoteric value in Constantine and The Order than in mother!

This, came to post this.

Does this count?

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why are they so shiny?

Andrei Rublyev

good work by the DP

The Falling
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Everything by Peter Greenaway