So which one?

so which one?

Attached: alien.jpg (620x372, 40K)

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Newt is awful and ruins the film for me, alien is pretty consistently great throughout

how could you not love this CUTIE

Attached: aliens5006.jpg (1920x1080, 393K)

>trying to campare films from different genres
I shiggydigeridoo

Alien is vastly superior to Aliens in every way

Apples to oranges. Just enjoy them both and appreciate that the sequel is an attempt to do something different and exciting rather than clone the original and fail.

Given that there are several versions of both films, here are my thoughts:
Alien (Workprint) version is best (extra 35 minutes but slows pacing)
Aliens (Theatrical) is best, special edition slows the pacing and has a lot of unnecessary scenes added.


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why not both? People on Sup Forums invent reasons to hate Aliens all the time, but the fact of it is that they are both excellent movies and near the top of the sci-fi heap.


Aliens of course. Only insecure cucks say Alien because they've been conditioned to.

Alien because it looks as good as it did when it was released and didn't have horrible cliche characters in it.

Newt is the entire reason Aliens holds up to Alien and stomps other action films.

>how dare you compare different things
>you should only compare two exact same things

Alien > Alien 3: Assembly cut > Aliens > Alien 3 > AvP > Alien 4 > Prometheus > Alien: Covenant > AvP2

Alien. Aliens is closer to Prometheus and Alien 3 than Alien.

Yeah, that would involve actually comparing the two films, discussing the differences, different areas of strength, or weakness, etc.

Not just saying THIS ONE IS BETTER or THAT ONE IS BETTER. That is ranking, not comparing, and ranking inherently becomes subjective and thus pointless. Knawmsayin'?

2 different genres, both are great.

Sup Forums has taught me that the most innocent girl is a whore, so away with this demon!

It depends on which genre you prefer

A sci-fi cult classic or an average vidya tier action flick? Really makes you think.

Aliens is better because its timeless
Alien was great because it was the first of its kind but today its just another slasher movie in space

Alien by far

exact opposite actually. Aliens has been reconstituted and ripped off about a million times more than Alien. every grunts in space story made after Aliens owes a debt to it.

what Alien achieves is way more singular. few things are willing to be that stark, weird, brutal, etc. etc.

alien. i never liked aliens that much

Aliens. Literally no contest.

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this one

Attached: god.webm (960x400, 2.94M)


They're both good enough that preferring either is a respectable choice.
Personally prefer Alien though


I used to think Aliens, user. But that was when I was, like, 12. Plus, Aliens has aged terribly.

Alien all the way.

Incidentally, saw Alien3 the other's a lot better than I imagined it; but the CG alien at the end is fucking terrible!

Bitch why can't fruit be compared?

because opinions


Fuck that kid.

>the sequel is an attempt to do something different
But it's not? It takes its time to put the protagonist in the same situation as in the first movie. And it's so fucking full of genre clichés, you could make a movie and call it "Cliché (2018)". But of course, everyone would say you rip off Aliens.

>Apples to oranges.
Are you a woman or something? Away with that crap.

Both are great. For me its Aliens. It held up a little better, Alien looks really dated for me today.

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If not for Newt the film would have been a handful of space marines btfoing dozens of aliens. Would have been a long second act.