If you werent the first born male you need to kys right now.
Holy Shit!! Little brothers BTFO
>more likely
also, thoufthe?
>Tfw first born male
>Tfw reading about inheritance rights of cultures throughout the world
>Tfw so many other first born males to look up to
>Tfw truly finding your own path in life
>Tfw forever blessed by family and relatives
>Tfw protecting your younger siblings
Feels good man
This isn't a new finding. Effects in the womb can cause all kinds of cascading consequences. Even things like left handedness are correlated with being gay and having an older brother. I happen to be one of them.
implying incest
>more likely means every little brother is 100% faggot
american education
>Canadian psychologist
stopped reading
>tfw I have a big brother
What are you going to do, faggot?
>tfw little brother
My little brother is gay lmao
>Tfw have a big brother
>Roleplay as a girl in online games
>Have a qt dominant gf who has a thing for fembois and makes me scream like a little girl when she sucks my nipples
my big brother used to show pictures of naked high school girls when I was younger.
Probably the reason I'm not gay tbqh senpai
Sodomizing your brothers isn't gay.
t. Juden
My roommates ask me if I'm gay every time we get drunk. I also live withy older brother.
I-I'm not gay guys.
just what I expect from brazil
I live with my older brother as well, mine is a really good older bro though.
Is this /little brother general/?
>be big brother
>straight as a fence
>little brother asked to see my penis
>give him strange look
>"i-i uh uh nevermind"
>occasionally got boners around me and tried to hide it
>move out to my own apartment at 21
>little brother drunkcalled me a few times and talked about fucking me and called me feminine versions of my name
little brother represent
who here /tallest and most deep voiced in family/?
>tfw eldest brother
Here senpai.
I got the greenest eyes and tallest height out of 3, oldest bro got cucked with brown eyes.
>mfw only child schizoid high-IQ master race
I look down on all of you.
Im the tallest at 6'4 and have blue eyes, but I wouldn't say my brothers were cucked either. My 2 brothers at both 6'0 and have green and blue eyes. Though, my brothers aren't as tall as me because I got the German genes (they got the Italian somewhat, they could pass for northern Italian)
>tfw I'm a 5'7" older brother who's gay
>Younger brother is nearly a foot taller than me
What happened?
Its because they get molested
My little brother cant be this gay
I pity you
Growing up without siblings seems like the most dreadful thing ever.
You probably have shit social skills, and people think you're borderline autistic. I've never met an only child that didn't have something seriously wrong with them.
I thought homosexuality was genetic, not environmental?
your brother cucked you in your dad's nutsack
makes no sense at all
That's kind of hot desu
brb, writting this for that sweet fujo chash
My older brother is a poofter, but I love the cooter.
Is it really surprising to you that the left isn't consistent?
I've known this for years desu
it's due to shit that happens in the womb
wait what?? i thought people became gay because of child abuse or jewish propaganda. did Sup Forums lie 2 me again???
>tfw when you had no little bros
Does that make me the gay one???
Pretty sure I'm not straight up gay as I really really love ass and titties. But I would be remiss if I didn't admit to fapping to dicks.
thankfully there is 13 years difference between me and my brother, so for the most part of his life he is raised alone.
>more likely
That's like having 5% magic find in D2.
It's fucking nothing.
I have a big bro but thank God I turned out straight and got a gf.
It all ties to who kids hang around with.
If you have an older brother, hang around with him, and don't have any friends that are girls, then there is little reason to like girls
Couldn't it be that people with older brothers are more likely to get molested so they become gay?
I'm glad I have two older bros to suffer the vaginal jew so that I don't have to.
This isn't new; I saw studies to that effect years ago.
Just tell him "just say you're gay, at least then you're not trying to fuck me"
I've wondered if a boy is born really soon after another sibling if the womb is somewhat depleted and the hormone balance is off. Where if the birth is spaced out a few years the womb has time to regenerate fully.
I've got only two older sisters and I'm gay ass fuck
They're trying to seduce you, m8. Watch out for your cornhole.
>eldest male
>tfw gay
>both younger bros straight, in relationships
Wrong and wrong but hey, you're most likely projecting.
Most of the autistic cucks on this site don't even know how to engage in basic eye contact, yourself included. Not to mention they end up spouting the same kind of shit they talk about online so you get a bunch of autistic weirdos waxing poetic irl about "muh human biodiversity, muh manlets, muh IQ scores"
well shit that's me basically, welp.
Does that mean my little sister is a brocon
yeah but you're canadian
My younger brother is actually gay.
Is it my fault Sup Forums?
Iktfb feelsgoodman
You gave him the d one too many times faggot.
I'll put money down that a jew wrote that
>liberals accept homosexuality as a completely normal thing
>liberals spend inordinate time and funds searching for scientific explanations for homosexuality
You shouldn't listen to his liberal-tier armchair psychology. Personality is something that's not only environmentally controlled but is genetically heritable as well.
Then again, your mom or dad might have been an autistic social retard so there's that. My dad was alpha and sociable as fuark, so I naturally inherited aspects of his personality.
> 5% magic find in D2
Its actually quite a lot.
I've only got a big sister
3 older siblings
Half gay
People call it bi but who are they kidding its half gay.
First we learn that women's vagina's cause autism. Now we are learning that they also cause homosexuality. What can't women's vagina's do?
Are you my uncle?
Because thats him.
I'm the youngest sibling and a faggot. I think it has to do with estrogen in the womb being more absorbed by the kid with each pregnancy.
I'm the middle child with 3 sisters older and younger than me. I'm bi but I'm tops
lol my little brother is the one with a gf that wants to marry him
I'm 21
what the fuck canada
Can't it be both?
4chans obsession with posting black guy dicks got me all confused.
Source on this, I'm not gay you little piece of shit. Also
>Canadian psychologist
I'm the little brother. And I'm only a little gay fuck it's true
The effect is supposedly hormonal in the womb, not environmental.
little brother faggot detected
>For every older brother a man has, the chances of him being gay increases by 33 %
>have four older brothers
>chances of me being gay is 132%
My older brother fucked me. Am I gay?
>tfw no older brother to share first gay experiences with
why live
Did the balls touch?
132% greater than your original chance of being gay. Whatever that percentage is.
You know, now that I think about it
My godparents ended up having 3 sons; guess which one ended up being "the gay one"? He was always kind of "funny", even when he was a little 12 year old kid
Lad its not a chance to be gay increased, but a chances on chance to be gay increased. Like it was 5% now its ~12%.
holy shit this is so fucking true
I'm a little brother. Any little brother that turns out gay is because they got fondled. Not saying it happened to me, but it makes a lot of sense considering that's how usually people become gay.
You fuckers have all kinds of fauna to fuck, you are not a racist or spicesist are you?
>tfw two older brothers
Should i be worried?
Nothing to see here folks.Just the kikes trying to convince us that faggotry is natural again.
I'm a younger brother and enjoy sucking cock
Not gay tho
I'm the oldest of 5 boys.
I'm the only gay one.
Science BTFO!
No, we all know everyone of you rain-forest niggers are gay
Check your paprika privilege.
Fucking bay leaves.
>tfw 3 sisters and no brothers
I'm straight as can be, unfortunately I was redpilled by how disgusting females are, most notably in the kitchen & bathroom. The bathrooms were terrible. It was *their* bathroom but when time came around to clean it suddenly we were ALL responsible for how messy it got and I've seen things I shouldn't have.
>German education
This stuff was disproven a while ago.
Do your research guys, the data gathered to support this was insufficient and later studies found no correlation.
OP is just being a drama queen about something he saw on his fat friends facebook timeline.
Only my mouth
You are Central American so probably.
Does it make me gay to be attracted to dick and getting fucked by one but not being attracted or romantically interested in men as a whole?
>when time came around to clean it suddenly we were ALL responsible for how messy it got
>not intentionally pissing on the seat in the middle of the night to piss your gf off
That's not gay. You can sniff, suck, and lick the balls. They just aren't allowed to touch.