>be me
>ugly 27 year old nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, never been to pub, club, or party, had no female attention ever
>wake up at 9 am
>read some of atlas shrugged
>go to the gym
>go to full time job
>not sure whether to accept part-time burger king job for more money
>smell the fast food smell as I'm walking and have thousand yard stare PTSD flashbacks triggered (not just from my trial yesterday but from working in fast food years ago and hating it deeply, like all jobs)
>go to work, leave after 15 minutes, see 5 separate protests near my workplace
>currently drinking coffee in central London and feeling sad about life while wondering whether to take the job or not
>main criterion isn't money but money minus my potential level of feeling cucked
>plan to binge when I get home (not sure how to justify it)
>when I eventually start a 9 to 5 job I will feel like my life is over.
>all part time minimum wage jobs are so incredibly mind deadening and nothing can convince me otherwise. Only just world rationalisers could disagree
>my ability to waste all my free time on the internet is a superpower
Be me
Nice blog OP
That said, find something you think you would enjoy doing and pursue that. If you want money to escape the rat race, try the entrepreneurial path.
Not even a cool story, bro.
When did english people stop being able to properly use the english language?
>atlas shrugged that high on the list
same time you gave up on grammar
Reminder these are the guys who call you a cuck
Good, kill yourself, one less smelly subhuman bongoloid and virgin is always a good thing. For extra points kill yourself by sticking your head in the fryer on cam.
There is literally nothing wrong with what he posted. You, on the other hand, had your shit wall of greentext become more nonsensical than the ramblings of a sanitarium ward. No wonder you can only work part time at Burger King.
Its OK because they can still compensate for their shortcomings by making fun of Americans for their skin color and facial features
>user knows to say phenomenon instead of phenomena
Some of you are alright. Don't go to OPs flat tomorrow
>If I use more commas and full stops and remember to capitalise some words I grammar good
British people are the ugliest people on Earth after Abos and Indians though, Nigel.
well it could be worse
>go to taco bell
>pull up to window and pay
>she hands me back change
>I take it and start to drive
>I'm in too deep now
>keep driving knowing I didn't receive my order
>pull around corner and drive home with no food and lost money
who says the latter lol
You are retarded and I hope you enjoy flipping burgers until you die.
im saying that brits are the ones making fun of others, learn to fuckin read
>enjoys the work of ayn rand
>is a burger flipper
Checks out
Could be worse
>don’t drive
Could've turned around, gone back to the window, laughed about it and got the girl's number
Untrue, american 56%ers look like swamp mutants
he says they dont get to make fun of other people because thet are uggo
Do you guys have any idea how easy it is to be chad?
Literally just these three things:
>eye contact
>speak slightly slower than normal, a little deeper if you can too
That's it
You're a fucking idiot.
At least we aren't all permavirgin autistic losers that blogpost our failures on Sup Forums every single chance we see a "britfeel" thread
Yeah and im saying that they make posts like so they can make up for their virginal antisocial unemployed shortcomings. The whole "ha ha americans, ha ha el goblino" phenomenon is just the right wing version of "ha ha look at these losers it sure makes me feel better about myself"
Nah the poster who replied to me is. You're the mouthbreathing windowlickers who can't even attain a basic elementary school reading comprehension.
Is that dog fucking that chick in the background?
>implying I am op
You are so fucking mad
Yeah, you're definitely not an autistic virgin.
It's pathetic but I would have done exactly the same, now you can never go back.