Move out from the stupid fucking boring forest. Jesus FUCKING Christ aren't you bored of it yet? 10 fucking years...

Move out from the stupid fucking boring forest. Jesus FUCKING Christ aren't you bored of it yet? 10 fucking years, 9 fucking seasons, it's just forest forest forest FOREST. And it's not a cool looking Tolkien forest, but a worthless backyard cabbage patch overgrowth in some Dixie SHITHOLE. FUCK.

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I forgot where I dropped this show. What ahppened since that cannibal warehouse?

Just watch FTWD you crybaby

they met a group that were hostile towards them at first but then they grew to understand each other and started working together building a stable community but then there's a third group that attacked them and the community crumbled so they left and then they met a group that were hostile towards them at first but then they grew to understand each other and started working together building a stable community but then there's a third group that attacked them and the community crumbled so they left and then they met a group that were hostile towards them at first but then they grew to understand each other and started working together building a stable community but then there's a third group that attacked them and the community crumbled so they left and then they met a group that were hostile towards them at first but then they grew to understand each other and started working together building a stable community but then there's a third group that attacked them and the community crumbled

There were like 2 episodes where they were moving through abandoned towns which gave of a Last of Us vibe

I enjoyed those

>mfw this fucking show is going to go on for another 5-10 years still doing this exact same shit

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I loved the episode where Carol and Daryl went into Atlanta to scout out the hospital where Beth was being kept, and how nightmarish the whole place was at night. Probably the one time the series was genuinely scary, moving through that labyrinthian hellscape and hearing the dead moan around every corner.

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>they will never explore the ruined Washington
>they will never see a dilapidated white house
>they probably won't go into a city ever again
>they will never show signs of advanced civilization like helicopters, etc again

Fuck this gay earth, fuck gimple, and fuck AMC

They should just end the show next year. It's pretty clear they ran out of ideas around 2013. All the threats have been examined extensively and only 4 of the original cast from season 1 still remain. Just end it.

How do you kill that which is already AMC® The Walking Dead™

Get em

Yeah they completely glossed over D.C. in the show, they're doing a very poor job of hiding the fact that they're still filming in the same rural Georgia town that they have been since since 2. Glenn and Heath were supposed to be going on supply runs there. The comic equivalent of The Wolves were there and desperate after an unsuccessful outing that forced them to sacrifice one of their people to get away. Everything in the show is standardized old stale TV Walking Dead over and over again.
>>they will never show signs of advanced civilization like helicopters, etc again
The TV show recently had Rick spot a mysterious helicopter, which is mostly like an early hint of The Commonwealth from the comics. I think they're also tying this into the trash people, who have a helipad at their settlement which Simon questioned about. Possibly trading/negotiating, maybe they were triple-crossing The Saviors with hopes of The Commonwealth rolling over them? I Dunno.

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When they showed the cities and highways, they showed manicured lawns. The mowers of the dead still maintain things a decade after the fall of man.

>10 years have already gone by
Sure doesn't feel like it. Feels like they're still where they started off.

Blame Kirkman, the comic is every bit as fake and gay.

they branch out off the comic right ?

sorry i dont watch this shit and read the comic up to the city arc.

aren't they supposed be be in virginia or some shit right now? because it really doesn't look like virginia

For some reason, I still enjoy it immensely.

I dropped this when the ninja with the katana and the two slave zombies showed up.

slave with the katana*

Because she's a nigger? That's racist

why haven't the zombies all starved to death or rotted by now?

you know what'd be a good idea
find a guy with an electric helicopter
hang in here with me
an electric helicopter
and then they fly to like Vancouver or Hollywood
and then get this
get this they land next to an "old" studio where they film stuff and can literally just film in a stupid
boom brand new scenery and will cost thousands less
they can even sleep in trailers and stuff that are "left" there

It doesn't look like anywhere. Maybe the u.s. in 1970 or something. Everything in twd is back roads and small country towns where even now they are all littered with strip malls, fast food shops, and gas stations. You never even see a 7/11 or mickey d's in twd.

Of course, it's a different universe. One that didn't have a zombie mythology and one where every gun is full auto.

best character just passing through

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He got merked by her in the end