is this, dare i say, lovecraftian ?
Is this, dare i say, lovecraftian ?
Are you, dare I say, retarded?
is the yiffy torrent ready?
It's literally Lovecraftian tho
ye bruh
He's not. How dare you say that?
pretty much
>"inconceivable horror"
>being is not aggressive, just a greater force
>themes of insanity
I've seen this, what is it? some 90's flick?
Annihilation? More like Proliferation!!!!
Damn decent movie, and very Lovecraftian.
However the fact that they are a perfectly inclusive team of purely diverse(all female and half black) cast felt really shoe-horned in. It was a bit insulting and unnecessary to the plot.
Wow. What is that wemb?! I want to watch more, that's crazy. Help a pleb, please.
while going to see TLJ I came in part way through the trailer for this and thought it was a Color Out of Space adaptation bc of the "shimmer"
It unironically is.
Please, give me the name.. No more files with video game missions.
i'll give you a hint
The Void
It's not a good movie though
No its more SCPian
It’s basically the Color out of Space
Get used to that kind of derailment
Thank you! I'll still watch it. Those are some spooky, fleshy and violent scenes! I truly hope there are more and that those three scenes don't conclude most of the bloody action.
I believe the platitude you're looking for is Kafkaesque.
lets just fucking call every movie about aliens Lovecraftian till the word has no fucking meaning anymore.
Call it cosmic horror if anything but this is not quite Lovecraft.
Yeah,"The Shimmer" is pretty much how I imagined "The Colour" from that story. By the way, it's "The Colour out of Space." Lovecraft was an anglophile who preferred British spellings to American ones.
If the clone had tentacles, would it then have been Lovecraftian?
It's literally a stealth adaptation of one of his most famous stories.
cant be lovecraftian as H.P. L. always tabletop RPG the characters with Lunacy/Madness rolls
Anyone else notice that two of the woman on the trek had this tattoo on their forearm? The Oroboros is a symbol that represents life that consumes itself. A symbol of infinity and the interconnectedness of life and death.
the void
Is it a thinly veiled metaphor for Lovecraft's horror at miscegenation? If not then I don't think it counts.
Is war of the worlds lovecraftian because the motivation of the aliens is vague and non-understandable? No
Most movies have aliens that are either highly advanced or Animals. This one went the animal route and did really well great, fantastic. But Lovecraftian? Bitch, please.
I think the creature was cognitive of what it was doing in Annihilation. Not only was it a mimic, it also fundamentally changed its hosts. I think it is almost reminiscent of the monolith of A space Odyssey:2001.
Uh, sweetie, watch the movie again, That tattoo moves between the characters during the movie, you first see it on Oscar Issacs.
I never noticed that, I only remember the large shoulder tattoo he had. Well anyway that explains the movement of the alien through each person.
>hurr its just a dumb animal
You're basing this on the testimony of Portman, who we KNOW lies to the debreifers, and who we know at the end of the movie isn't even human. The creature was obviously intelligent, it wasn't just mindlessly mirroring her, it was intentionally copying her in order to learn her body movements.
Wut? The monolith from 2001 is irrelevant right now, that thing is a metaphor not much more, and definitely not a parasitic creature that requires "host". Secondly better comparison would be the thing, from The Thing because it uses a host to continue its survival. Which is something that animals do in real life all the time like tarantula hawks. So the just because a dumb animal has a specific type of reproduction or requires hosts doesn't mean its not a dumb animal. its just trying to survive.
I agree, the purpose of said movements though was not clear.
I think it is relevant because this creature also perpetuated a level of evolution.
Now I base this on this movie and Ex Machina. Both written by the same person and both exploring a very similar idea. What is a soul, what is human? According to the author we are not our own cells, or our own mind. To him there is no soul and we are just a combination of matter expressing itself. In Ex Machina the robot is not only indistinguishable from a human but also seems to have aspirations. In Annihilation it is expressed that a mimic could be as human as a human.
He is expressing what Scientism(TM) believes more or less. As Carl Sagan said we are all Stardust, which I can relate to the Ouroboros symbol. Life or matter in a constant and continuial cycle. So a man born of natural ways, or a robot concieved in a lab capable of free will or a perfect clone of a person, all have a divine spark in the eyes of the writer. I'm still not sure personally.
it's not bad
Better than any of the Hellraiser movies desu
the guy in the pool with the wormy intestines had it first
I mean its interesting. On a personal level i find the whole concept demoralizes the human condition and spirit to say we are all dumb animals and that robots can have the same feelings and consciousness as us. Thats just me personally, but i respect the fact that the movie goes into those themes, its interesting and all that sheit.
I don't think it demoralizes the human condition. I think the opposite, it seems hopeful. It tells a story where maybe we could even figure out how to rein in this beast that seems to be random mutation, like the creature, and build our own future as we want. Now whether this is against a code of 'natural law' is in contention. I think it may be, as I cling to an idea of fate or destiny. Perhaps though, as the author suggests, we are not destined or fated to be one thing or an another. We could, like the creature, proliferate not randomly but based upon a sense of determination. We could determine our evolution.
I like the idea, but I see a lot of practical problems arising.
>cuckoldry is truly the thinking man's movie
>not being able to think past his sister getting fucked by the black bull down the street
Smarten up white man if you want to evolve.
Your a disappointment right now.
>hits lighthouse
>bringer of light
>light that is trapped in itself
>uncontrolled life
>tormented people enter
>remain forever
>its hell
>its not an alien its satan
>its signs all over again
The thing that all these movies miss which I feel was only brought oddly enough in a video game (prey) is the concept that humans are special in that they are THE ONLY SPECIES TO FEEL EMPATHY. Now im not trying to be a species football fan and say that our team is the best and all that. Just I feel that every intelligent species should have and more than likely does have that one gift that is unique to them and only them as a species and as a people. It gives a real sense gratitude, a species good built to destroy, built to create, or built appreciate and observe, all attributes are things that could be their one gift that makes them unique above the superficial aspects of a life-form like their anatomical behavior, their diet and ecosystem. This is all really preaching bullshit but I don't give a shit its how I honestly feel about the subject. This is why i love these movies for the discussion they cause, they aren't all masterpieces but they spark the mind and thats all i can ask from modern day cinema.
This is a terrible analysis, try again.
Yeah, ok, so what I see you speaking about is what I would call the "natural law" That beings have a set code or language of sorts that they need to follow beyond their own free will. It could be building something, or forming a hierarchy, or sexual reproduction or something else. These would be in the realm of natural code and law. What makes us human would be our fallibility to these rules. Seeing outside of a natural paradigm to realize a greater goal. Empathy or altruism is outside of that animalistic realm. It is the feeling or propulsion to do something that may place you or your family in harm for something greater or different than you. It is empathy because it may likely be based in a code of honour or morality that is outside of the mindless animal behaviour.
In the world of the writer, this does not seem to be something that he entertains very well. I think he doesn't think humans are better than animals, and this is why I disagree with him on his movie. I liked the movie and it really got me thinking which, just like you, I think is the sign of a great film.
That being said:
Altruism can be argued as a fundamental part of human behaviour.
Understanding what is needed beyond the scope of what you can see is human. No one questions the man who risks his life to say someone falling off of a cliff. This happens all the time where a person will risk dieing to save another.
The species in this movie does not care about the lives of the people persay, but suggests that somehow they become apart of it. All of it's creations have humanity in it, yet it cares little for the plight of humans or plants, it suggests a greater evolution, one where a being is capable of creating matter from cells. One that not only can create humans but mix a human with a plant or another human. It is an example of a transhumanist state.
This is the what this film was about. Its very obvious to me.
Anyway the point is the presupposition of the film remains:
Human consciousness does not exist, we are merely the mutation of cells, not unlike a cancerous tumour. Our thoughts and memories exist in our brain which can be replicated. We are nothing but meat vehicles to continue this process of evolution
I don't agree with this, but it's pretty fucking clear this is the point if the author.
Thoughts, questions?
Yes, you do dare. Well done.
>humans are special in that they are THE ONLY SPECIES TO FEEL EMPATHY.
This isn't close to true, all mammals and many birds show empathy.
>bad ass women with guns
>2 of them are black
So is this film actually interesting and worth a watch a download? or is it as shit as the cover suggests. Don't I repeat DON'T waste my fucking time lads.
Los Ogros del Americas...
Fuck off.
It is actually good. You just have to suspend your disbelief on some parts.