ITT : We dont criticize or applaud the movie, just break-down the scenes and their meanings.
>all that fusion symbolism >Lena getting Anya's tattoo >Kane getting the accent >The mother fusing with a bear, animals known for being protective of offspring >The drug addict freaking out when she sees her skin crawling, as if she were on a bad trip >The wallflower girl, literally turned into flowers >The cancer-afflicted woman, getting beamed into pieces like a chemo treatment
I wouldn't be surprised if, in the sequel, Lena is dying of cancer due to the close proximity with Ventress in that scene.
Would appreciate if we could upload webms of all the visually important scenes and for the audible ones just link to /wsg/. We can start deconstructing everything.
I don't believe it, a movie that actually looks interesting and scary. There just aren't enough simple body-horror movies around that aren't gore or torture porn.
i didnt actually notice the flowers the first time i saw it
Ryan Reed
Did they all die once they entered the shimmer? Like are they all clones? Why else would they lose their memory, I know in the book they were hypnotised but this is a different story
Bentley Ross
Why is it that Josie doesnt look in pain during her fusion but this poor fuck looks on the verge of passing out?
Is the fusion painful?
William Green
>The mother fusing with a bear, animals known for being protective of offspring
POSSIBILITY #1 over the 3 years the bear mutated so it can mimic its pray voices to lure in more
POSSIBILITY #2 just how the deer cloned itself and made a copy that and it skin was darker the bear could have also clones but in the new copy the roar wasnt a bear roar it was the voice
I wouldn't say as soon as they entered the shimmer they died, but early on they were already starting to develop into beings like Lena was at the very end, an organism spliced with many. It was evident soon as she woke up the first time she was completely changed seeing how she forgot everything. There is actually a popular myth that every time you sleep the person you are will have 'died' due to most of your cells having been recycled for new ones by the time you wake.
If this is true, what happened to the original bear? Does this mean clones outlive the originals? Are they immortal?
Lucas Brooks
>is a bald >like a cancer patient
Carson Hall
depending on what the shimmer added the deer clone looked like it wasnt made right and had cancer
Nolan Thompson
>There is actually a popular myth that every time you sleep the person you are will have 'died' due to most of your cells having been recycled for new ones by the time you wake.
Neurons stay alive your whole life.
Thomas Garcia
But are you the same person? Just because a few cells stayed the same?
Retard. The bear is very clearly an alzabo, and a big part of the horror there comes not from the fact that it would kill and eat you, but that it would eat you and you'd still live on as a tortured ghost in a shell.
Angel Cooper
Yes. The actual few cells that determine who I am stay alive.
Dylan Lewis
Maybe I was imagining things, but did Lena's arm look like the lesbian's at the end? Not just the tattoo, but in that light it also looked brown.
Dylan Diaz
this movie was just amazing, shame they were right about it being too smart for most people. all these comic book faggin up in these threads with things like "hurrr muh wymens and niggers dhuurr"
Angel Lopez
>I cut my hair and my nails. I am like a new person
maybe because one of them got cut open and the other one remained sealed?
Xavier Stewart
read the book you cun
Eli Nelson
no joke its great. my fav next to the ritual, so far.
Brandon Perez
you are a retard my friend. Do you also believe in the soul, in gods and other bullshits? Literally the only part that defines and entity is the self consciousness and its memories
Angel Lee
Will answer any book questions people have. Worth a read if you found the film interesting
Alexander Williams
I just finished 5 minutes ago I'm trying to understand why Kane's clone was alive at the end Also, this film is already miles better than the Alien reboot.
we are talking about the fucking movie, if you want to be a cunt go to you are in the wrong board.
I don't give two shits about the books. If the movie is shit and all the inconsistencies are resolved in the books, I couldn't care less. Bad scripting, bad movie-
Gavin Peterson
I just looked it up and it appears to be some sort of mythical alien creature. Not sure why he couldn't have just answered you, but that's Sup Forums for you.
>they go through the swamp instead of using a boat and getting straight to lighthouse >not reporting back on anything they see >helicopters are used to stop ambulance but not to enter alien activity zone >carrying wire is never thought of by anyone >the shimmer expands but nobody thought of building bases/highways in its patch to make subsequent missions easier really activates my almonds
Chase Taylor
if this movie was more focused on the horror aspect instead of trying so hard to be 2deep4u, it'd be much better
Aaron Ramirez
So answer the question. Which ship is it? Which Riker is the real one?
Easton Ortiz
she was the alien at the end. You can tell because she looks at the water, and notices this time she didn't leave blood in it.
Connor Cox
It wasn't tricked as it didn't want anything. It took the trait of self destruction she had and then self destructed.
Charles Clark
But nu-kane left blood in the water and nu-kane was an alien. They both had the shimmer eyes at the end though.
Evan Cox
yeah but we SAW he give it to the alien. So how is it that the original Lena died?
Charles Collins
>sequel LOL
Angel Gomez
It's weird that you're ignoring all the other instances of issue and DNA transfer via contact and how obvious they made it that it just incorporated her larynx to make her noises, the psychosis having your brain rearranged making things violent and then the several verses of characters plainly stating that like cancer, there is no malice or intent
Hudson Myers
Are those roots or veins? Jesus christ.
Ayden Jenkins
Clone Kane was literally coughing up blood
Cameron Flores
ships and animals don't ask themselves questions such as "I am the same one of yesterday?"
try again though
Landon Ward
>sequel top kek
John Jackson
thats fucking stupid thats for a horror movie not a scifi why would the minds of the creatures it kill get trapped in the bear it would make more sense if it developed a way to mimic its prey
The original Lena stopped existing around 3/4ths of the way through the movie. The thing at the end was no more Lena than that was Kane.
Evan Edwards
>if this movie was more focused on the horror aspect literally saying >if this movie was dumber it would be better because the majority of moviegoers are too stupid to follow along
Jace Johnson
The new version of it is replacing parts of your brain with machinery until you completely replace it and then reconstruct the brain elsewhere.
Which is the original? You can't hide behind dismissals.
Jaxon Perez
You're the dumbest person ITT
Colton Thompson
that's the point, this time the alien didnt fuck up and replicated her better. notice how kane blew himself up, the alien didnt have time to replicate him well. it had more time to copy her.
we saw the events as told by the lena that came back
Ethan Wright
>dude creative cancer lmao
in reality the mutations wouldn't be harmonic with the affected body, everyone and everything would turn into a cancer ball.
Christopher Perry
>ITT Anons think they are more intelligent than Plato, Heraclitus and John Locke
William Lewis
so much reddit, why the fuck would this movie need a videogame you retarded mongoloid?
Elijah Kelly
>the alien didnt have time to replicate him well. it had more time to copy her. you can't be fuckin' serious. going based off the film they recorded, kane and nu-kane were literally hanging out before he killed himself. lena's alien replicated her appearance mere seconds before the self destruct.
Aiden Moore
everyone who entered the shimmer was "turning into" an alien, like kane at the time he killed himself, he was no longer himself, he even says this. she wasn't the clone, she was the original except changed radically to the point of not truly being herself. that's the meaning of the ending and if you didn't get it you're a brainlet.
Angel Cruz
those are scars
Christian Robinson
She was already suicidal
Henry Bennett
nukane only appears after he dies dickhead
Benjamin Mitchell
Why did Hershlag go on a suicide mission to save her husband when she didn't have any problem getting blacked during his absence. It doesn't really sound like she loved him that much.
Dominic Myers
those are flower vines growing out of it
Brody Cook
Jack Myers
Shit I have to watch this again, browsing Sup Forums while watching it wasn't a good idea
Jason Carter
so why does it close up on the water? that's just your interpretation actually
Connor Edwards
she had the affair before he left, him finding out was the reason for going on the mission in the first place
Nolan Brown
Hopefully when they find a cure for autism, you will realise he used the word 'myth'
Luis Gray
>standing out of view >lena wasn't copied until they touched hands I feel like i'm being trolled, but then I remember just how many brainlets browse this site.
Colton Brown
jesus christ people really think the returning lena wasn't a clone? lmao
Jayden Turner
It shows the water to make us think she isn't a clone you dumbwit. Clone Kane drinks water and starts exploding internally Non-clone Lena drinks water and is fine
Asher Powell
It's not cancer, retard.
Aiden Edwards
>all these anons defending bad writing.
Explain this,
Why did the physicist turn into a plant within minutes? Why only her and not Lena? Why at that exact moment did she turn into a plant and walk into the section of the field where all the other plant human hybrids were?
>suicidal that goes against the earlier dialogue about her cutting herself to feel alive. I just assumed that she was so far infected by the shimmer, she just gave in and became one with nature.
David Williams
I'm not going to take a chance on this movie because it has a female cast. I'll watch it for free at home.
Ryder Perry
>Chased by Apollo, Daphne prays for help either to the river god Peneus or to Gaia, and is transformed into a laurel (Laurus nobilis): "a heavy numbness seized her limbs, thin bark closed over her breast, her hair turned into leaves, her arms into branches, her feet so swift a moment ago stuck fast in slow-growing roots, her face was lost in the canopy. Only her shining beauty was left."
Christopher Ramirez
she didnt want to face or fight it. its said in the movie
Jayden Cooper
It's on Netflix, dummy
Julian Scott
looks like a russian female gopnik mixed with some ayyyy lmao
literally raise your standards, bro
Sebastian Morgan
Henry Myers
I guess you could say that Sheppard didn't really know what she was feeling inside but it's more a case of bad writing desu.
Landon Miller
Already? Great. I'll watch it tonight.
John Campbell
Of course she does. She wants to make sure her insides aren't gonna explode.
Brayden Cook
>Why did the physicist turn into a plant within minutes? if I had to guess, it probably had something to do with her rubbing the flowers all over her scars. she practically gave in to the shimmer, which we still don't fully understand the extent to *its* power.
Angel Lewis
So many little details. Didn’t notice until I rewatched it that the bear has part of a human skull on the side of its head.