Whatever happened to Ellen Page?
Whatever happened to Ellen Page?
Turned homo.
Name one thing she can't do
same ol' story: came out, career ruined.
no producers wants to hire someone who won't suck their dick.
hopefully more female producers will rise in the future so you can eat carpet for a role.
Too gay for movies
a dick?
what does that mean?
Went full SJW and put a stop to any sex appeal she may have had in her youth. Career followed suit.
>came out as lesbian
>basically only did gay stuff afterwards
>made "being gay" her only appeal
get pregnant naturally
Hormone replacement therapy at the moment.
Walk like a girl
>Whatever happened to generic reddit roastie #148293
she is so fuckable here but i refuse to watch this movie
Well she 'got old' simultaneously with saying she was gay. That might have a bit to do with it. Also, she seems to have steady indie work. We get to see her get naked with Kate Mara in an upcoming film. I'm showing up for Kate, but I like Ellen too.
literally looks like a little boy in a skirt you massive fgt
She peaked with the Trailer Park Boys
massive fgt + pedo
she was severely traumatized when some white male director made a joke about her being gay. Shes another victim of the patriarchy.
nah flat is justice and she's 18 here
she looks like a gayboy here
The little gayboy look is fine as long as they're not actually a little gayboy.
Nothing gay about lusting after girls who seem boyish. 100% less gay than traps.
agreed, the problem is that you probably want her to have a big feminine dick and a pair of balls
It's all gushy Sup Forums~
yep it's this, i have no attraction to traps
All people who have seen this and talked about it online say Kate's scenes are amazing. Can't wait to see her tits finally
reminder men cant be raped
with that being said
i would let her rape me baka
i need to lick!!!
what would it taste like? i thought it was piss
i need to suck gusset!
She was always a shit actress, and ugly. In Hard Candy she actually achieves the improbable, by making the audience sympathize whole heartedly with a sexual predator.
w-who is this?
My Days of Mercy rip when? I've heard the lesbian scenes are pretty great.
what a cutie
She came out the closet and now nobody cares about her anymore
it's not piss. Vagina's have a gland kind of like sweat glands that makes mucus/lubricant
Everyone only liked her cause they thought she was QT
Then she said "fuck the police I only love the vaginal crease" and now nobody cares
how did she learn to handle balls like this?
cant comment on the taste but its excellent lube