why is there no latino kino? blacks are 15% of the population yet they are in 100% every movie, video game and tv show. there is always a token black. same with a token gay. everyone is gay enabler now.
pic related the last latino movie hollywood did im sick of seeing nogs and wallahabibi being portrayed but nothing featuring NEW latino actors.
its always the same 3-4 latinos making the same stereotypical roles
Hollywood (and the US at large) doesn't understand that being Latino isn't a race, and they can be White, Black and Native/Indigenous (and every possible mixture of the three).
Ayden Phillips
speak in full sentences please
Robert Hill
>latinos are basically white la creatura
Caleb Roberts
you want US-made latino kino? >Machete >The Pest
Cooper Ramirez
Kevin Cox
Mira 3s puntos just like spider nghraahooh im the boogie man
As a latino in Miami, Hollywood doesnt understand us at all. They think we arr all mexicand in cali or puerto ricans is new york.
Let me blow your mind for a moment, if there ever was a coming of age movie about latinos you know what it would look like. Not what Hollywood thinks it looks like. It would look like a freaking japanese movie. Growing up in latino countries meant lots of playing around in school uniforms and people that behaved almost like anime characters.
Fuck Hollywood, we don't need them anyway. Univision and Telemundo are sleeping giants and they are bound to produce a latino american kino eventually.
Zachary Moore
fuck off mexican shit
Caleb Kelly
I have this class that does research on representation within the top 100 movies each year (we got a nod at the Oscars this year, our research got a mention) and actually found that:
Blacks are OVER represented. Asian #'s are accurate. and Latinos are the most underepresented of the three.
Jaxon Davis
>Growing up in latino countries meant lots of playing around in school uniforms and people that behaved almost like anime characters.
pleb here. has anything like that been made at all?
Ryder Garcia
Fuck you bitch. If he's latin in Miami that means he's Cuban
Jaxson Perez
>Univision and Telemundo I dont understand why they keep making shows every week but they dont take some money and produce something.
all those shows take a lot of work I know I used to set up stages and sets for upcoming shows in my city
if they took just a fraction of what they spend on those shows and made a movie, it would probably make even more profit
Joseph Anderson
No, it never has. I was talking to my parents about it the other day. They agreed. Closest thing my be Carrusel ,it was a novela for kids from the 80s.
But nothing that i seen has been able to capture that very nostalgic feeling. You know in anime when kids walk back to school next to rivers in their uniforms. That was literary me growing up i even had a tsundere girl who liked me.
Also latino cinema isn't well established because of budgets and stuff. So nothing like that has showed up. And hollywood isn't gonna make it cause i doubt they even know that exist.