The Simpsons predicted #MeeToo™
The Simpsons predicted #MeeToo™
Sheldon predicted soyboys
Only two people so far haven't actually been guilty of their accusation.
soyboy was a thing on various forums in early 2000s.
No it fucking wasn't
You know what else they predicted?
And now the current writers would say this unironically.
Innocent until proven guilty. A claim is not evidence, jackass.
it was. i've browsed tnation, and misc since before Sup Forums. "soy boy" was a term used for weak men due to diet, specifically soy.
Damn sluts, amirite? I mean, how dare they speak up? Fucking uppity roasties, gas them all.
Most of them have admitted to it. Weinstein said he needed “sex addiction therapy”
And you believe him???
holy shit
This joke probably wouldn't fly in today's climate.
TBBT is /ourshow/
Doesn’t matter if he’s doing it or not. If he was really innocent he would’ve denied everything and got his lawyers out
Also that video where the kike was asking the girl for sex was creepy af
>Sheldon predicted soyboys
no, kary perry did
Zimbabwe was right all along
or katy
I'm willing to have them all arrested so they can have their day in court. What about you?
sheldon is based:
skip to 1:17
i don't remember any trials or witness cross examinations. But since the vast majority of the #MeeToo accusations weren't yet actual crimes I guess your right a lower standard applies.
>implying sheldon isn't one of the biggest estrogen infused soyboys around
dear lord, this means Sup Forums will call it based now.
How is this such a big deal for people? This joke has been made for decades.
it sure is
based sheldor
He's not a soyboy, he's just incredibly autistic. All the more reason for him to be /ourguy/
ty based Shelton
What else?