>Mexico officially on suicide watch
Mexico officially on suicide watch
they should build a wall to keep him out
Everytime Trump mentions them, it should get 10 feet taller.
>inb4 their plan is a wall
Come on
Well? Is it true?
Mexico is so scared of Trump that going to pay for the wall just to keep him away from them
It must be terrible having to take back 2 million of your own criminals.
Their plan will be to implement obligatory pole vault classes in all mexican schools.
12D Intergalactic Mahjong
>people do think that Trump will successfully force Mexico to pay for the wall
Aaaaay mis costados.
What is he gonna do? Send the army to force us to pay for it in the eve of conflict with Russia and China? TOP KEK
Economic sanctions maybe
Texas alone can handle you. No need to get the fed involved.
they're gonna strike some sweet deals. mexican government has nothing on america.
If trump can legalize weed in america he might actually become the president that ends the war on drugs. I just hope mexicans make the most of this, both nations could end up really benefiting from Trump if he plays his cards right
Take your illegal families remittence monies faggot
>he doesn't know
You're adorable
typical lazy mexico waiting until the last minute
You think anything in Mexico will move after the swamp is dry?
Taste my sanctions Paco
If trump did that he'd be the libertarian dream boat.
cutting off the foreign aid we give you should pay for it
I thought Mexico's president was sort of down for Trump, just not down for paying for the wall.
Doesn't matter. With the removal of sanctuary cities, we will imprison them, their families, and use them for slave labor.
Making it short. most of the pouplation is idiotic, some people see CNN as an honest choice, in comparison to the local choices. Everyone thinks Trumps is Satan reincarnated and that he eats fetuses. The president is even deeper dumbasss and acted eagerly inviting him, he's saving face, and the goverment is gonna work with whoever wins.
>they can't afford it because they're poor and stupid
>the eve of conflict with Russia and China?
Why would Trumps plans involve Hillary's results?
Now mexico will build a wall to stop illegal americans from getting in!
The original meeting with the Mexican president seemed outrageous and resulted in people getting fired, but there's speculation that it was done to show that the president and Trump could cooperate and thus stave off a total investor panic upon a Trump election.
Mexico's growth is like 2%, and most of that is due to car companies moving down there and building factories.
He can impose economic sanctions on you and use that money to build the wall.
Who said you'd have a saying in it at all?
No, we're just going to stop sending your shit box of a country money until it's finished.
>mfw mexicans are not laughing now.
>mfw now they understand the gravity of the situation.
>impose economic sanctions on you and use that money to build the wall
Not even that, he can increase visa fees
Even if the wall costs 12 billion and takes three years to build, he doesn't have to have it paid over that period. He can get the money over ten years if he wants.
>mexicos contingency plan involves cutting off all contact with America and refusing to pay for the wall
>America's contingency plan involves invading mexico and pushing the spics south past the panama canal and building a smaller wall there.
try your luck beaners.
They could have avoided this if they weren't such dickheads to begin with and co-operated with Trump now they will get the horns.
Honestly it would be easy. Just put a tax on all remittance payments that wind up in Mexico.
I plan on using everything I learned in America to become the Adolf Hitler or Pinochet of Mexico.
I will have my vengeance for this humiliation. Believe that. Within the next 10 years, I will single-handedly bring about the rise of the Mexican right. I will bring Mexico into relevance with the most ambitious nuclear arms program in the history of the world.
With that said, I will now take a phrase out of your plebeian jew and say this. I will Make Mexico Great Again.
>Make Mexico Great Again
tfw Mexico invades the US and butthurt commiefornians declare they're independent nao
We can cut off money transfers and kill your economy in a week paco
Tell me about this aid you trumpniggers love to talk so much, the four hundred milliong forced in old military gabage and some shekels so that your gov agencies can run scams such as fast and furious. that aid, you can shove that up your whore mother asshole.
Everyone who ever kicked us while we were down will pay.
Gringos, sudacas, gachupines, eurofucks, niggers, chinks, nips, EVERYONE of you will shit their pants when they have one hundred red, white, and green painted nukes with the national seal pointed right at their mothers' cunts.
Believe it, Eugene.
>Mexico already starting to save some money for the wall
You better start saving, the wall ain't gonna pay for itself. Oh wait a second, the money saved from not having to deal with the criminals you send could very easily finance the wall, but you better start saving anyway.
How are the rapefugees treating you, did you have to suck some arab cock today too.
shit paco ur mad ur welfare is gonna get BTFO ahaha
stay mad wetback subhuman
A response to the cartels perhaps?
I don't mind sending in the green Beret to fuck some shit up and teach the locals. -pending permission to carry out missions at our own discretion.
Get back to chyna you soulless dog eating slant.
Nigger we can make you pay off our debt if we wanted to.
lol 10/10
Mexico could just ignore Trump and invite the Chinese over. Honestly, i don't get you guy's mentality. Mexico is an American ally and have been for a long time. Why does anyone think pissing them off and making them an enemy is a good idea? America's lost maybe someone else's win.
no mames puto
If he does get you to pay for the wall, I'm betting your country will get something in return in the backend.
I'm fine with illegal Mexican Immigration to China.
mexico isn't working on a trump contingency plan this article is fucking retarded; trump would never in a million years pull off mexico paying for a wall literally nobody in american politics would support it so why the fuck would mexico bother with a "contingency plan"
I bet their president is regretting not being a bit nicer when Trump visited.
>we need to do something about this big meanie, Trump!
No, you need to do something about the povert, crime and government corruption in your own fucking country first....
Listen, there is bit over 50 billion USD in profit Mexico receives annually for business done with the US, and all the legal Mexicans with work visas sending back more billions. We can tax the money sent back to hell, and halt trade. You're government would be given the choice to spend ~10bn now, or lose ~65bn if they don't cooperate. Which would they choose, do you think?
how far up your ass is your head?
Nah. It would be too similar to the nuke crisis of 1964. But this time it would be México instead of Cuba and China instead of the URSS.
Maybe time is really a circle.