>Sup Forums told me it was shit
>watched it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it
Sup Forums told me it was shit
that's because you're reddit
>t. brainlet
Your mom's Reddit
Stick to Transformers, kiddo
P-Please explain it to be
t: Brainlet
It’s not on Netflix how are you people watching it?
It was on Netflix last night.
Anyone else found the scene of Jennifer Jason Leigh bursting into treats to be hilarious? She even dropped the title before doing it
Not on US netflix.
or Canada's
literally nothing to explain the movie is pretty straight forward
it was an alien anomaly that copies how cells act, she burned the source and the whole thing died
Thats it?
you ever heard about a thing called torrent?
you are not even aware of amount of things that went over your head. It's true what they say. The big part of being a pleb is not realizing you are a pleb.
Enlighten me then if you're so insightful
The movie is about self destruction. Annihilation, if you like. Cells have a genetic flaw that causes them to die after reproducing enough - cancer accelerates this. People indulge in self destructive behaviours - each of the characters does this. Finally, ego death, but it's also a form of resurrection - Lena passes her self destructive trait to her clone after tripping balls seeing the entity in the lighthouse, and she leaves in better shape than she entered.
The Shimmer was a phenomenon that did not exhibit self destruction. It was like a cancer that just kept reproducing and mutating, but not killing. The efforts of self destructive beings to understand it only led to annihilation, except for Kane, who left as a biological clone, and Lena, who left as a psychologically brand new person. Two sides of the same coin.
Just switch ur brain off, bro.
Nice headcannon, phamperoni.
hello r*ddit
>y-your're r-reddit
honestly just starting to pity people like you
looking into the camera and winking at the audience was a bit much
Not really that hilarious but really corny and cliche.
The namedrop sure didn't make it better.
>everything I don't like is Reddit and I'm going to shit up and try to ruin any thread of any film that I personally didn't like with my unfunny unoriginal Reddit-obsessive shitposting xD
Actual Redditors are a cancer but people like you are arguably even worse than them because you should probably know better than they do.
You ironically shitpost about "lol upvoted bro ;)" but you're essentially just unironic Redditor downvoters yourselves. So go back.
finally a voice of reason, thank you user. its actually a bit disconcerting the extent this kind of obsessive behavior truly goes to. like seriously, who cares.