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>chestlets instead of milkers
big if true
Who asked for this?
tomb raider was never good
the point of it was not to be good
what a faggot
ffs this movie would be a hit if they would've just cast a chick with decent tits.
>even not-Lara has bigger tits
thats why this movie wont work
normies got no clue it's reboot, based on nu-Lara
TR fans know it's a reboot based on nu-Lara so they wont bother either
nulara still has nice boobies tho
and face, Alicia looks like hmm i don't even know, but thats not Lara face
>tomb invader
tomb kek
Those movies sucked and Angelina wasn't even that attractive.
idk why people think she's that hot, she's bimbo tier
yes, even in that outfit, whores like her are a dime a dozen on instagram, frankly they're even better looking
first games are good
The best for me.
She's perfect to play Lara.
The plot of the two films is not to be good enough.
They had a thousand more interesting stories
Damn this dude is hot
She doesn't seem very fertile.
Isn't that the central theme of the franchise?
mmm so sexy
they were pretty boring and had shitty a camera and controls
many better games from that period
wasn't there an outcry for tomb raider 2 (posters/life size cut outs) that was too revealing, i.e angelina jolie's nipples being eraser heads?
1-5 yeah
The Last Revelation was imo the best.
Gib milkies
cancerous milkies
she has a goblina face
why are americans so muttified?
more like FLOP raider
we should make this movie into a blockbuster and buy fuck tons of it outselling the nu-lara and sending out own message to hollywood.
>pretty boring
not an argument
>shitty a camera and controls
git gud
>just play it a lot bro haha waste your time on crappy video games from the 90s for no reason dude
I'm here to kill the patriarchy
they were not boring, thats for sure. agree about controls and camera, sometimes it went crazy
>tfw when spending hours on Wreck of Maria Doria levels in TR2, trying to figure out all that maze in no-internet era..
>1:1 hip-to-waist ratio
why would they do that? who is going to even watch this movie? the whole point of doing films about a shitty videogame was the milkers, how are they going to sell this now?
She's barely using biceps. Probably because she couldn't lift those without shit form.
She's swinging the weights. Bad form!
Trying to cash in on the STRONK WOMYN MOVIES 4 STRONK WOMYN craze in Hollywood.
>just post a lot bro haha waste your time on crappy image board forums from the 00s for no reason dude
you need some introspection time faggot
If that cunt with the beard is her personal trainer he should be fired on the spot for letting her do curls like that.
i don't think that works unless you use a franchise that people actually want to watch like star wars or cape shit
i don't know any "tomb rider" fans beyond horny guys
her personal trainer is there to make her feel good about herself, not mansplain gym things
They did it for montage. Must be portrayed as a strong woman instead of her lifting 5lbs.
lol, females amirite *tips fedora*
yes, because you know more about fitness than a professional training coach
these are not bicep curls, why would she even be doing them in the first place?
>thinking she is impressing anyone with shit tier curls that might send you to snap city
this lol
He says something and he gets fired.
Do you really think he gives a shit about her form? He's just there to say how great she's doing and collect the check from the studio.
The whole point of tomb raider was the graphics just barely got good enough to have 3D tits. The games crashed in popularity once 3D tits were in enough games and it no longer was a novelty.
>spotting chin ups
She did it for camera. No way she lifts that heavy dumbbells on regular bases.
>shit form
>babby weight
lmao every teenage boy in the gym can curl more despite them doing everything they can to make her seem impressive
oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha
how deep does the rabbit hole go
tomb raider movie and her tits feel like the perfect cross-over from gamergate really
>babby weight
Isn't that like 20kg? That's a lot for a female.
The CGI is atrocious, I dont understand how they can offer this up in the year 2018.
>oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha
this stupid shit has to stop m8
>heavy dumbbells
>babby weight
which is it? looks like Sup Forums is taking out of their ass as usual, it's a legitimate exercise, and there is nothing wrong with that video except for how flat she is
Look Thor is lifting the same weight.
dumbell's not worthy xD
Jesus christ, what work can we put women too that they won't ruin?
You let them raise your kids and be stay at home moms and they do this, you let them into the work force and HR departments pop and and you have to deal with their BS.
>tfw all the disney shills in SW threads are literally 40 year old roasties
top fucking kek
the coach is obviously robbing her of a real work out, just making her do cardio and lifts with shitform for the camera.
>mixed grip
I didn't play all of the TR games but 3 And 4 were amazing. The atmosphere in those games was so impressive given the graphical limitations
>this stupid shit has to stop m8
oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha oooooooooh no no hahahaha no no ha ha no ha non nononono hahahahahaha
so? 20 kg isn't that much, every consistent beginner can do that after a month or two
kinda hot desu, maybe if we berate them enough about their blown out pussy's we'll get some sexually starved MILF BJs.
3 was very bugged, critical bugs that killed the game. 4 is masterpice, once you pass 2 training cambodia levels it goes wild. whole adventure in egypt, starts around karnak and other upper nile areas, then going down till finale underneth the great pyramid.
That's a lot for a female especially for one her size. Though from the looks of it you can clearly see that she can barely do 2 reps.
Have you ever worked out? Or are you literally a pathetic woman without any knowledge at all about this?
That bowling shit form using momentum is literally babby's first mistake 101
Why people make this mistake? Because they are lifting way above their threshold.
My dick liked it.
A real man would fuck Angelina and Alicia without bitching anyway.
Exactly, she's using zero biceps and is doing a quick one off with bigger weights for the camera
She obviously works out half decently in her own time with lighter weights (even Thor was probably using weights he doesn't regularly use just for the camera)
I'd be a lot for a female if she was actually curling it, but her biceps are barely being hit at all in the webm.
I'm pretty sure that to get that much muscle mass that weight is what he pretty much does for a warm up
fucking jews
la luz eztinguido...
oh ok you're a woman
Still hotter than this 56% bimbo
I was making a point about those not being "baby weight". I agree that her she is cheating with her form.
no it's called roids
you dont get big defined arms by lifting big weights like a powerlifter, you do it by squeezing dem muscles until they tear and you dont do that with big weights that give you shit form specially if you're some 6'4 dude
yes male pecs and zero hips are hotter than tits, hips and a bimbo bj face
im also gay
>Who asked for this?
the (((beancounters))). intelectual property had reached the ripeness for milking again thanks to that successful 2013 game reboot.
alright, prove that you're a man, tell me how much he's curling in this video
would unironically watch this before the new shit and have no doubt it would be more entertaining
the shit he does for the camera isnt what he actually does
he's literally doing crossfit shit with balls and elastics and cardio and some back work with zero curls
>that awkward high five
Gib cancerous milkies
you're right, aster googling I found out he essentially does 5x5
it's virtually impossible that he hasn't surpassed that sort of babby weights
top kek thats absolutely true
God damn.
>we need an actress to play a very large breasted action hero from a video game
>but who do we hire?
>Find me the flattest woman in hollywood!
How the fuck is 20kg dumbbells baby weight? Do you do 40kg?
It was a different time.
>whores like her are a dime a dozen on instagram
because of her
skinny thin lip women were THE thing before
You're old if you remember Relic Hunter, but I'd take Tia carrere in a new tomb raider instead.
Dude, even Lara (male) has bigger tits.