Is this just a meme? Are Sikhs really bro tier?
"Sikhs are bro-tier"
What did Moot mean by this?
theyre ok
Woah dude, spoiler your image. I wasn't ready for that dose of BRO-TIER AURA radiating from the Sikh in it.
They're bro-tier in the sense that they hate mudslimes.
They actually try to adapt to other cultures and don't necessarily believe in Sharia Law. They're still mudslimes, but they're better then other mudslimes
I served beside one in Afghanistan.
total bro, most liked fella in the platoon
hatead mudslimes lol
fucking Roop
Air India flight 182.
Does he look white to you motherfucker?
>implying this wasnt the jews
Aren't they the only group in the world allowed to carry their sword on a plane?
>They actually try to adapt to other cultures and don't necessarily believe in Sharia Law.
Sikhs are not muslims.
>They're still mudslimes, but they're better then other mudslimes
I repeat, Sikhs are not muslims.
>They're still mudslimes
I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Its a meme, all by the same person with proxy.
I like his hat
As meme as it is, sikhs are actually bro-tier af. Never met a bad sikh and all respect our American culture and hate muzzies. Good peoples.
They're much better than Mudslimes, and don't deserve to be confused with them.
Nothing brown is bro tier
sikh's are based by just about any way you can measure basedness
>it's another "American tries to be stereo-typically stupid" episode
>better than other mudslimes
Evidence enough for me.
Absolute bro-tier
Nicest people you will meet and they want to adapt to the culture of the land.
They still keep their culture in the family but to be honest I'm fine with that.
No, they are designated street shitters and are brown.
Waste of trips. Sikhs are Indians who were fed up with being oppressed by mudslides from the west and the get-nothing-done traditions and castes of Indians in the east, so they went full rogue and made their own religion and lifestyle that was essentially the complete opposite of both of those things as a big fuck you.
>he thinks sikhs are muslims
let's just take a moment to appreciate how stupid this guy is
That's pretty based.
go back to stormcunt
Can confirm one of my good friends is a Sikh
As much as I hate admitting some poo in loos are okay, yes. Sikhs are basically indian Uncle Toms and will go at great lemnghts to gain approval from white people, making them bro tier.
>don't really fuck with anybody unless they're fucking with somebody, in which case they'll fuck you up super hard
>multiple times have fought Muslims not only to defend themselves but on the behalf of other peoples, religions or different sects of Islam
>aren't pushy about their shit, flexible, don't believe their way is the only way or true way or anything
>generally adaptable to host culture due to being flexible and the points they don't really adapt on aren't a problem (like the beard and turban)
>almost always balls to the wall badasses if they're in the military, only group that rival them in being consistent shitkickers are Gurkhas
They're basically anti-bully rangers.
What about Sikhettes?
theyre original kebab removers
No, its not just a meme. Sikhs are awesome.
They have rational and practical values, and are far more deserving of respect than the scores of cultures they are stuck in the middle of.
>unless they're fucking with somebody
*you're, fuck me
So existential kekists with designated streets, emergency towels and pointy things? Sounds neato.
Nice meme
A open palm or a cleched fist is still a hand
A shitskin is a shitskin is a shitskin.
You sir, are retarded.
Go back to India.
>not wanting Sikhs on the vanguard of the race war
>muh shitskins
Yes they really are. Basically, this:
Lowly people would discard a scribe who has a darker complexion than them just because he's "different" instead of asking him to teach them something because they're low, bydlo sovok scum.
Sikhs used to smoke weed and, right after smoking weed, fight Muslims. They even competed in getting the coolest kills. They're like the Cossacks of the Indian subcontinent.
Why are amarigans the greatest shitposters of all? God im tearing up over here.
They sure seem pretty "bro-tier"
I mean what i love is the extremely fine line between trolls and straight up autists these threads show
They really are.
When I came back from a Trump rally the other week I stopped at a gas station (still had my Trump sticker on my shirt), and the Sikh working there said he wished he didn't have to run the store otherwise he would have def been there to show his support. We chopped it up for a good 5 minutes about why we both are voting for him. He said his whole family supports the man too. They hate muzzies just as much as we do. They have first hand seen the atrocities that religion commits.
Sikhs are cool hindus are fucking garbage bears