Oh boy, this will surely be impartial and unbiased

Oh boy, this will surely be impartial and unbiased.

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t. fox news viewer

I hate Fox news too, bud.

what if there was a channel that only played memes

>netflix news

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Fox is literally less biased than CNN

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Netflix News Network™

t. Sup Forums

It will be a news channel hosted by literally only comediennes and blue checkmark twitter celebs


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Oh great, we can get news direct from George Soros

Seriously, watch it some time. It's obviously still biased, but they don't distort reality the way CNN does.

Of course. Because the guy who runs SPLC and Avaaz can only ever be unbiased and totally not anti-Western and anti-white.

Why do you hate the White race so much?


>We want the honey boo boo audience

With fine programs such as:

>Woke! with Shiqia Lavell
>Science as F*ck with Bill Nye
>(And That's a Good Thing) with [insert twitter nobody here]
>White People: Watch This. featuring a panel of professors and experts discussing how we can be more diverse

I can't believe it took so long for one of these streaming companies to see the potential in owning a news organization that broadcasts exclusively to under 50 people who are bad with money and sedentary/dumb enough to watch 15 hours of a tv show they don't even like

they're going to be able to tell these people anything and if they run ads for breaks they'll make a lot of money while doing it

i think i'll stick with naked news

Murdoch literally argued in court that Fox News is an entertainment service providing fiction rather than informative content
And won

haha hey guise they could call it NEWSFLIX!

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childhood is thinking Fox News is emotional lies for idiots

adulthood is realizing liberal networks do the same but even worse

Aren't evangelical Christianity and mass shootings reason enough to hate whites?

They're both equally trash

Just read AP, Reuters and The Economist if you actually want to be informed


>Just read AP, Reuters and The Economist if you actually want to be informed

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Niggers aren't smart enough to do mass shootings. Every time they get a roll on, a KFC distracts them.

You know that joke Colbert does with the news for Trump people , Fox news is like that but unironically , they are seriously like that , there is a reason they call it Faux news.

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this is true

anyone who actually hates fox news has never watched it outside of handpicked clips on youtube

Okay, and if you read any of my posts I'm stating that CNN is worse

Yeah, everyone knows you should only read Brietbart, Infowars and Zerohedge!

Shadilay fellow pedes!

>Yeah, everyone knows you should only read Brietbart, Infowars and Zerohedge!
They're ALL corrupt

There is not a single news source more unbiased than those. Reuters possibly has a slight liberal slant, so you can drop that one if you want or just take it with a grain of salt.

Where do you get your news from?

Sup Forums and alt right twitter accounts

yeah I'm sure the Rotxchild press you listed (AP, Reuters and The Economist) has a DEEP commitment to reality.

Fuck off

fuck off samefaggot. Not me.

Point out errors they've made and times where they've reported fake news. Bonus points if you can do so without some retard MUH ROTHSCHILD shit.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

The Reuters Handbook, a "how to" on journalism, is considered to be THE "gold standard" by nearly every single major news company worldwide. Not once in the Reuters Handbook is the word, "terrorist", or variations thereof, mentioned. And the reason?

>one man's 'terrorist' is another man's 'freedom fighter'

This is how you find what news source you should watch. The process of elimination. Any news source that mentions the word, "terrorist" (or variations thereof) should immediately be dropped. IMMEDIATELY. They are automatically biased and their information is rendered null and void. Once you've found a news source that doesn't use that word, stick with it.

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I feel like Netflix is desperate and shooting everywhere hoping something sticks

Can't wait for Disney to release their own streaming and put Netflix down

>he's actually trying to shill Rothschild news on here

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This but unironically. At least fox brings people on with different views and lets them speak. CNN is just rediculous
But its a meme to hate fox news because stephen colbert always joked about it

>implying they won't just outright buy Netflix

>Bonus points if you can do so without some retard MUH ROTHSCHILD shit.
yes Mr. Shill, who owns these companies is completely irrelevant.

baka....you idiots are really getting desperate.

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Uh you DO realise that I'm a different poster to the other guy, right? For all I know, Rothschild news mentions the word "terrorist" frequently and is therefore biased.

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>watching tv news

Honestly, does anyone really care about getting unbiased news?

I do. I'm capable of reading into the why or how of events, I just need the events.

Does anyone believe the OP really cares about impartial news and doesn't just watch "so and so DESTROYS liberals" clips on YouTube?


I do. I might be a minority, but news should just be the relaying of pertinent information. That's it. I don't want opinions or "analysis." I just want pure facts.

OP here
Was me

>>The Economist

>Murdoch literally argued in court that Fox News is an entertainment service providing fiction rather than informative content
>And won
...and CNN is still worse LMAO

less partial and biased than you in you're criticism and posting here, surely

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Not kidding here, german media literally called fox news “right wing extremist“, and here, that's pretty much the same thing as calling someone a national socialist

that's how far we've come

>less partial and biased than you in you're criticism and posting here, surely
cool English Pajeet

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It's not news like a daily news show more like once a week investigative journalism 60 mins type stuff

Netflix didn't want to maintain their subscription numbers anyway, they're fine having a third of their consumer base vanish because of this venture. Who asked for an MSNBC & CNN clone, anyway?

I guess it's a bad thing that KFC is closing stores all across the country then. They can't be bothered to keep their restaurants clean and keep getting shut down by local health departments. Easier to just keep making bizarre commercials.

Are there any valid arguments against the Economist, or is it entirely antisemitism against the Rothschild family?

Fuck off faggot and learn to draw

they're not wrong

>mfw I get all my news from liberal comedians telling me how to feel about things

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>Are there any valid arguments against the Economist, or is it entirely antisemitism against the Rothschild family?
you're very unintentionally funny user


Christian film and right wing conspiracy theory documentary streaming service when?

and that's a good thing.

I don't see a problem here, the cable news networks are all the biased propaganda machines. And the only news Sup Forums even watches is John Olliver.

People that can't hold security clearances don't deserve truth.

Sure thing Rupert

"news" and "comedy"

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Has anybody got that video where somebody breaks down just how corrosive that is in American society?
The news shows which pretend to be comedy shows which pretend to be news shows which get away with spreading lies and shit because they're not "officially" news (even though they are).
I've been searching for it for months and never found it again.

>The Zebra Killings
>Wayne Williams
>Maurice Byrd
>Eddie Lee Mosley
My apologies, user. I hate announcing that I'm wrong, but in this case that's precisely what it is.

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All news stations are biased garbage.

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>And the only news Sup Forums even watches is John Olliver.
yeah. no

nice try

you can stop samefagging about these falseflag shootings

this desu

they study it and literally it's 50/50 positive/negative coverage unlike libtard hugboxes


>another news entertainment channel

Yet, another real time parody of modern life to program the masses.

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*licks paw

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>he doesn't know how to check for samefag

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I don't think you know what, "biased," means.

True, every news source just calls them freedom fighers instead :^)

Don't worry, champ. The user who posted the reply will know that I apologised to him, and that's all that matters. Shoo shoo golem.

Found the aussie


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derr what a proxy

derr what a dynamic IP

you dumb fucks do the same thing every time you get caught

Care to elaborate?

Ah yes, those are more likely than two other people responding to you.

It's not your fault.

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watch Scientology TV network live on youtube its GREAT!

>made (((documentaries))) painting fascist ukrainians (ukraine coup), and fascist muslims (white helmets) as the good guys

netflix is/will be straight up establishment propagandize.

No, but i know they're right. Media is 100% behind all the madness in this country. Terrible thing is they can't be held accountable for it.

>blacked literally everywhere
can't wait

what did he mean by this

>Consuming any (((news))) at all