ITT: God tier Chinese kino
ITT: God tier Chinese kino
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Ok but which chinese god?
Funniest coolest thing ever.
Drug War was pretty good.
Three Kingdoms series
shaolin soccer and kung fu hustle used to always play on these movie channels we used to get when i was younger, must've rewatched them like 10 times each.
absolute kino
>no mention of WKW or in the mood for love
plz kill yourself
we're talking about kino, not PLEB GARBAGE you miserable little toad
Love this film
>posts kung fu comedy as kino
you dont understand stephen chow or the word kino
the only kino hes ever made was King of Comedy
Why do the chinks make such god tier crime/cop thrillers? It's not even just them, the gooks are pretty good at it too. What do they know that we don't?
those are not even that good
Out of the way plebs
I was talking generally, but The Killer absolutely is kino.
john woo's worst film probably
>tfw once Jackie Chan dies the age of kung fu combined with slapstick elements will officially be over
You've seen fewer than 5 John Woo films.
Are the sequels anywhere near as good as the original?
the sequels are awful
Sorrowful Rice.
This. Really good
this was ZhangYM's attempt to make a martial arts epic following the success of Crouching Tiger and earlier and less successful Ashes of Time. Before this, Zhang did not make even one martial arts movie.
House of Flying daggers is probably Zhang's most kino martial arts film.
Thanks bro gonna check this out
The whole damn thing was an analogy for the transformation of chinese society and yes, it was kino. It's not his funniest work, but maybe his most profound.
please expand
Which Chow yun fat movie had the trenchcoat fighting secene?
Steven Fung tries to make them.
Bulletproof Monk
Anything by stephen chow, his latest movie is Mermaid, you people should see it, its on netflix, it keeps altering from bizarre cringe to very funny, great movie.
That isn't true the god of gamblers movies are pretty bad.
I'm in Japan right now and I have to say that China is honestly better than Japan
They're not up their own ass at least
Watch the two part version. Pure kino!
Post proof
I have seen dozens of hk and shaw bros movies and could post a ranking list or something, but I'd rather give a mention to this underrated flick. If you haven't seen it, it's great fun with nice fight setpieces, as long as you're okay with the self aware wirefu.
I will use literally any excuse to post this series of webms. Beginning dump.
>Hero, Crouching Tiger, Flying Daggers, Golden Flower
>90's wire-fu
>Shaw Bros flicks
Is this all the wuxia genre has to offer? I've been binge watching wuxia movies but I seem to be already scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
ashes of time
Yassss, but I prefer the original hong kong version over the American version
>I have seen dozens of hk and shaw bros movies and could post a ranking list or something
Please do. And I agree Iron Monkey is awesome, but I don't think it's really underrated.
>Hong Kong
Pick one
I used to watch stephen chow movies with mom, nobody else in this country likes them except us... she is gone now and seeying these movies only makes me sad.
Please death, take me tonight.
>I have to say that China is honestly better than Japan
>One insectoid race is better than the other insectoid race
i watched kung fu hustle like 20 times during a xanax binge
It's because they're influenced by Jean-Pierre Melville
Last one.
Can someone fucking explain why they turn into kids at the end of the movie? Don't you fucking tell me it was all the fever dream of some kid who wanted to impress a girl with a lollipop.
he hasn't made one of those movies in years, it's already over
Watched it. Some others that don't fit into the categories I mentioned:
>Reign of Assassins
It was pretty great, I'm surprised it's not recommended more often. Balanced use of CG unlike other modern stuff
>Zu Warrior From the Magic Mountain, A Chinese Ghost Story
I guessed 90's, but they're actually from the 80's.
>Sword Master (2016)
I expected it to be mediocre from the reviews, but I thought it was fun.
Speaking of Ashes of time, I even watched a couple of Condor Heroes tv adaptations. I recommend the 2006 one if you don't mind the cheap production values.
>the sequels are awful
I haven't watched 3, but 2 was far superior to the first one.
Touch of Zen is GOAT wuxia, and King Hu is great in general
Kid with the golden arm
Dirty Ho
Crippled avengers
5 deadly venoms
36th chamber
Boxer from shantung
5 fingers of death
8th diagram pole fighter
Drunken master I/II
Snake in eagle's shadow
I tried ranking them but I sort of gave up half way through. All great movies.
A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
Why don't you people set up a stream for chink shit so we can all watch and suffer together? if someone says its 'coz piracy is wrong' i am gonna lose my shit
If I knew how I would. I'm still learning how to make webms.
also piracy is wrong.
This was not a good film, Zhang has no business doing 'martial arts' movies or w/e the fuck these things are suppose to be
TY user. I love Ice Fntasy. It's really dumb, but it went all out with it's dumbness.
Kung-Fu Hustle is a masterpiece and one of the greatest things I've had the privilege to see in my life!!!FACT!!!
The sequels are trash but POLICE STORY is my favorite action movie of all time!!!FACT!!!
Why is that guy attacking him with leaves? Why is that guy fighting said leaves with a sword? What result was he hoping for?
African American detected
The Departed is better
any of u fags see this kino
You know the rules
All the characters fight with cgi magic. Every fight is pretty much like that.
Yea but leaves, fucking leaves, I get ice and fire and w/e that chick is doing but the leaves user, why the leaves?
it was okay. eye candy pretty much. the assassins/archers scene was pretty cool.
Never stream for reddit spacing fgts? I gotcha senpai
Police Story 2 and 3 are definitly worth it.
The Reboot: New Police Story is godawful.