Thoughts on this lads show?

thoughts on this lads show?

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its based
i love ironically watching it with my "lads" who are ironically all very much middle class

bear baiting trash


Dr. Phil

some bong 'celeb'

The real proof Britain has gone into the shitheap, just get a bunch of inbred pikeys and have them yell at each other for thirty minutes and you have Jeremy Kyle, it’s entertainment for retards and ironic shitheads.

pic related was considered a 10 by the main viewer base.

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used to love it as mindless entertainment, as a freak show essentially
now I can't stand it because the man talks so much shit it's unbearable and lie detectors are so unreliable especially on nervy substance abusers but are treated as absolute gospel by him

girl from my secondary school was on it though ama

i like the parts where he shouts at chavs.

My mum puts it on whenever she's doing typical house work. I can't fucking stand it, just Britain's worst being put on public display for the entertainment of the better off people. Feels medieval.

tell us about the girl

>what was jerry springer

>pic related was considered a 10 by the main viewer base.
err no

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probably one of the more attractive ones to go on there, didn’t stand out as a wrongun at school just your average slag, but then again i did go to a shithole manchester school so you could just randomly grab someone from it and find perfect material for the show

probably one of the more attractive ones to go on there, didn’t stand out as a wrongun at school just your average slag, but then again i did go to a shithole manchester school so you could just randomly grab someone from it and find perfect material for the show

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why was she on the show bruv

Essential viewing when bunking off school. Unless you wanted to watch one of those fucking antique shows.

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this is one of the better looking ones i've seen

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pregnancy between two lads or some shit, too busy snapping pictures of her on it to listen to whatever shit she was talking

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Genuinly felt bad for her, glad she got the teeth sorted

worse than that but not by much

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My boyfriend cheated with prostitutes but is he partied?

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I'll never fail the lie detector if you marry you.

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Fat kino

Essential chav-core. I couldn't watch it now though, reminds me too much of being unemployed

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I'd give her a home if you know what I mean

nothing wrong with his teeth, he is just obsessed with snakes

You left me when I was the dad - today I'll prove you're pregnant!

Never understood what anybody said
Fucking British people

there are los despacitos from goblin village in this thread just saving these images to insult our teeth in the future guaranteed

reminder these are the lowest class of people in the country.
its disgusting even for us, but we watch because its car crash television

On todays show...

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A lad from my schools parents went on Jeremy Kyle and our teacher brought in a tv to class to let us watch it

el anglo dias degenero...

Scum show for scum people.

I think that girl works where I do, this t h i c c as fuck slag comes in every day wearing jeans that barely fit with a bright orange Trump face and botox lips. It's disgusting. I'd fuck her

My gran actually suggested going on this show to settle a family dispute a while back.

The fucking state of my family

what is the dias? is this just "the anglo degenerate"?

I like to watch it as it exposes the anglo "people" for what they are like upturning a rock and finding thousands of woodlice, and my tele picks it up here

prefer playing spot the the tranny on the wrong stuff tbqh