Get the fuck in here francophones. French right-wing party is holding its second primary debate right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
First for president poisson
Poisson all over the place
Vote for me I look Turkish
> Poisson
Also NKM is trying to play hard to get and Sarko belittle her at every turn.
What drugs do you lads reckon he's on?
Pourquoi faire un sujet sur ce débat sans intérêt? En plus on sait déjà que Juppé va gagner.
Le Maire is being a try-hard too. He knows everyone thinks he's a stiff cunt and wants to appear "dynamic."
> Sarko: If I'm president again, I'm not sure she would be minister again.
> NKM: I wouldn't.
> Sarko: I'm just joking !
> NKM: I wasn't.
Just fuck already.
>French right-wing party
They seem like your run of the mill globalist wealthy-dick-sucking shills. Right-wing my arse.
who knows?
Its more like cucked-jewed-wing debate, nothing to see here vote Marine.
Vive la France
Vive la Nation
Is it me or Jupe looks like some of the orcs from Shadow of Mordor?
>right-wing party
For shit and giggle user
>why are you talking about politics on a politics board?
Fucking French autists and their constant whining.
Ça veux dire que vous allez encore être dans la merde pour les 5 prochaines années ou il a le potentiel pour être un bon président ? Entre lui et Le Pen, qui serait le meilleur choix (le moins pire) pour la France ?
This is /entertainment/. Anyone watching this non-ironically is fucking retarded. Vote FN.
Half the people on stage have clearly bad social skills and are a torture to listen to, FFS.
look like a jew
lol no
she's being so tsundere with Sarkoboi
> En octobre 2016, Jean-Frédéric Poisson dénonce, dans Nice-Matin, une « soumission » de Hillary Clinton et la « proximité » de la candidate démocrate « avec les super-financiers de Wall Street » et sa « soumission aux lobbies sionistes ».
> 2016, Jean Frédéric-Poisson denounced, in an interview for Nice-Matin "Hillary Clinton's submission and proximity to wall-street super-financers (sic) and sionists lobbies"
I really never would have guessed with this picture...
All of 'em
for the lulz
Just hatefuck already*
kek, better get used to his face doe, we're going to see it a lot in the next five year
All of them.
Juppé fera peut-être des réformes économiques de droite. La France en a besoin.
Par contre, si tu veux une politique "edge lord supreme deport all le sandniggers xDDDD," alors - non - ce n'est pas ton candidat.
>Ça veux dire que vous allez encore être dans la merde pour les 5 prochaines années ou il a le potentiel pour être un bon président ?
Oh je doute pas une seule seconde qu'il sera à 15% dans les sondages au bout de 6 mois.
>Entre lui et Le Pen, qui serait le meilleur choix (le moins pire) pour la France ?
Aucun des 2 ne peuvent régler nos problèmes actuels imo
>des réformes économiques de droite
You mean what Hollande did for 4 years ?
A year ago, everyone thought Jeb! had a golden path to presidency
The story will probably not be as fun here as Jeb!'s freefall to hell, but Juppé has not won yet...
If only there was a single interesting candidate...
She acts like holier than thou most of the time yet I bet she fucks like a tiger.
>politicians telling us about our daily life
always a laugh
Kek, that was fucking nothing. You guys need MUCH more than that. Your economic system is a fucking government-dominated disaster. I'm talking full-on, hard-on UK in 1980s, and Germany/Sweden in the 1990s.
Deep depression probably
Not worse than Fillon, who will probably kill himself before the election anyway
we should invest in a rope.
They don't know shit, they never worked for real, its Just talking. We need someone like Trump. Someone who graduated through the social ladder by himself.
Le désastre c'est le système économique capitaliste poto
>cuckservative galore
absolutely not watching this
Fucks croissants and fuck French people
>Fucks croissants
Thanks for your usefull participation burger bro
Kek, you fucking French and your obsession with leftist economics.
> Hard-on UK 80's
De-industrialisation yay !
We are not competitive compared to the chinese, better close down everything than trying to develop a better industry !
Because that's how capitalism work amirite ?
Aside from Germany, none of your examples really benefitted from what you describe as good economic governance.
And what they did was actually quite different in its causes and effects from Thatcherism (even if they have some strong common points)
>Le désastre c'est le système économique capitaliste poto
>m-muh evil capitaliiiiism
Grow up.
Meanwhile, humanity never had better until now, and I can't think of a better system.
It's not perfect, but neither is your mother but apparently someone still fucked her.
NKM trying to sound like a fucking GI or something
How's your lolbertarian utopy taking shape in Belgium ? Havin' a stable government yet ? An effective police force or something ?
At least your economy is doing well lmao
Who cares about that bunch of pro-EU cucks? Le Pen 2017
>muh manufacturing
Seriously lad, good fucking luck competing with the sweat shop gooks.
Indeed, deal with the fucking realities of capitalism and adapt. Don't delude yourself and try to hide behind tariffs.
> Muh tam-tams place de la Rep
let's have a croissant burger.
>oh shit, someone not from my country is calling out my country
>"kek your government is shit too xD"
wew lad
Et vous soutenez qui?
Looks pretty yummy
Like Bérégovoy?
Underrated post. Made me laugh.
Mitterand had him killed
>we need diversity
Coppe wants to waste tax payer money on the 'hoods' and 'projects'
they break everything
Why should we produuce the same shit as gooks sweatshops ? We have great enginneers and skilled workers. Investing in new forms of industry (highly specialised) could be a good bet instead of closing down factories after factories and replacing them with fucking malls who close down 6 months later. Too much service kills the service, and focusing only on that is a lost bet longterm.
no one
> be french miderate right wing candidate
> end of debate
> go eat super expansive homard in Paris restaurant
> ending the night with other candidate fucking little Kids to death
> french politics are all pedos and liars
> mfw Dutrou 2017
So this is all a show for Sarkozy to get the ticket right?
>great engineers
>skilled workers
Don't worry, they're coming.
And doctors, lawyers...
even his family hates him
>he think the FN is relevant
Ah yes, the magic power of subsidies.
>he thinks that's a reason enough to sell his ass to a cuckservative
oh boy
ISIS time!
C'est surtout qu'on a pas besoin de produire autant. C'est grotesque cette obsession de la surproduction qui ne sert qu'à gonfler l'ego des golden boys et des "true males alpha" de droite.
Le Figaro and its fucked up stream I swear
Why aren't you watching it straight from BFMTV?
NKM is obviously Al Jupi's mole
You could at least post the one the media released
>hon hon hon les bonjour la baguette
When will this meme country die?
the fucks who cut the priest's throat weren't even send to jail?
top kek, saved
yeah never heard about that
Oh boy!
C'était avant l'égorgement.
J'ai loupé quelque chose d'intéressant?
>the fucks who cut the priest's throat weren't even send to jail?
Wait, I thought the BRI killed them?
i searched
the guys who did that had electronic bracelets and were known to be potential terrorists
Meh, they're just shitting on each other as usual
Elle sait pas prononcer Maastricht ?
damn, my brothers are in Paris! I should go too.
Bwahaha, Coppé just said he wants some "Marc Trevidics at every post" for justice.
I'm pretty sure juge Trevidic wants "Coppés" in every cell in jail"
>french politics