Hillary conceding she has lost Ohio Iowa and Florida and trump is closing in other swing states.
Hillary conceding she has lost Ohio Iowa and Florida and trump is closing in other swing states
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>Even at the end her priority is still jewing
>She lost Florida
Shouldn't of wasted money on shit like flash mobs, bitch.
Trump with barely any GOP funding did this.
You're done Shillary.
>Hillary has gazillions in donations from Saudi Arabia and Wall St
>somehow needs a poor college student to "chip in"
what for
Because she has no soul.
Shut up, goy, Trump is literally Hitler. You owe it to the six quintillion to chip in and do your part!
what will money fix at this point in time?
Her donors will drop her hard when she will lose.
She knows its lost. She has the true - unrigeed poll numbers. She's just asking for cash now because why not, might as well squeeze a few millions out of the sheep before they jump ship.
Her "travel arrangements."
What country would hide Hillary Clinton? Maybe she'll flee to a Saudi embassy and hide out...? Then we can, what was the expression, "drone her"?
>chip in
god damn this woman has no humanity left..still beggin.
A useless old woman no one likes and with no connections. I'm sure she'll do well.
Damn, I wonder what their internal polls are telling them. Anyone have the recent fox news interview with Jimmy Carter's polling guy?
That's implying she had any to begin with.
Even those pictures of her when she was 10 that float around, you can see there's nothing behind the eyes even then.
Is this even real? Or is this just dumb disinformation again?
Reminds me of bernouts campaigning and phone banking and donating their life savings for sanders and the Jew himself shilling for more donations when it was clear he was going to lose
>Clinton defiant despite results asks for more donations
>were clearly losing. But if you donate to me your college fund well somehow win this critical swing state!
This isn't real.
why would the rigged polls show her losing?
So when Trump's internals say they're doing bad, it's a psyop to make dems overconfident but when Hillary's campaign does it, it's real and we're winning?
Got ya bro
>unverified account
>asks for help
>doesn't say please
How rude!
its cognitive dissonance
try not to think about it too hard
Remember last week when she said she was done focusing on Trump and was now shifting her focus to down the line when she is president? lol that didn't last long. Made that bitch look dumb as hell
Why would anyone ever show their hand when it comes to internal polling?
couple months ago
the post is from a week ago, dolt
Hillarys waving the hwite flag now. Good good.
>"gib shekels goy"
Almost all of her tweets and fb posts this week are about Trump. Fuck you, dolt.
>Berniefags will fall for this again
Wait a minute that flag...
Oh Drumpfkins, only 5 more days until this board implodes.
You idiots will literally believe anything. Why don't you fact and source check first? Fucking retards make us all look bad
The polls have to maintain some semblance of legitimacy. The way to rig a poll in a "legal" way is to assume Hillary will get Obama tier turnout, assume that all of Trump's new voters are unlikely to vote because they have no voter history, oversample democrats, phrase questions in a specific pro-Hillary manner, etc.
Even after doing all of those things some kernel of truth remains, which is that Trump is winning.
It pretty well guarantees your voter turnout. If you paid for the candidate, you will show up to vote for them.
Can't wait. Hillary is going to jail
Atleast leafs know who best girls is.
Oh fuck off you bitch. How much do you need?
>stand with Hillary
literally can't stand up herself
She's spending money to beg for money.
I supported Trump but I'm in a permablue state, voting for Stein.
it's finally happening
the nightmare is coming to an end.
What in the actual fuck? Who on her campaign thought this message was a good idea? It sounds defeatist and damages what little energy her campaign has.
You don't need to have the IQ of a kike globalist corporate overlord to realize this was a bad PR move. The phrasing is awful. What is she paying these people for?
WAAAAAAAAA...keep crying like a little bitch.. .Fact check: You're still a little bitch. Trump 2016
>t. woman worth 400,000,000.00
Is this real?
>still begging for donations
Jesus that woman has no shame.
Why would Hillary in this instance?
She's trying to scare her base.
This is nothing
Archive or it didn't happen
Fuck me, hillshits are getting pretty fucking desperate.
Look at her Twitter, it's more of the same.
She lets retarded sociopaths like Mook run her social media, they have no clue how to be human.
> Will email secrets for cash
what a convenient excuse
This way, no matter what the outcome you still get to be right.
>we might be losing this election
>instead of asking more people to vote for me though, I'm just going to ask for more money while I can
lol, you'd think that Dems would have learned after Bernie.
Maybe she really does think she is going to lose so she's squeezing as many shekels as she can at the last moment.
He's had to get multiple state-level Republican organizations replaced because they were dragging their feet. In Ohio they were actually registering 3rd party voters.
>get resources
Allah, she's raised almost $1.5 BILLION, how much more does she need?
At this point money isn't helping.
A thousand likes
Hello and welcome to Sup Forums. These threads are about one-third gullible idiots and two-thirds roleplay by people who know it's fake.
Its gonna be just like Bernout.
#NoRefunds4Retards lmao
Openly cheering on the Cubs and making fun of Cleveland was a bad idea if she wanted to win Ohio.
that means she is conceding AZ and NC
>Hillary conceding she has lost Ohio Iowa and Florida
Fucking reading comprehension.
The message said: "Trump is the favorite" to win those states. It didn't say anything about Hillary conceding them.
This is typical of the drooling retardation of Sup Forums.
So you're actually willing to believe a fake image because it makes your feely weelies feel good? Why don't just vote democrat then you idiots, or better yet neck yourselves
Please donate to the Hillary Clinton life of luxury in a non-extradition country fund
>O G R E
The donations are for her legal fund. Check em.
Welcome to the hivemind,
>stand with Hillary
even the American flag has given up
Don't waste your vote.
The image isn't fake, see where it says "Sponsored"
This is a Facebook ad for the Hillary campaign, it shows up in your stream.
>I'm losing
>give me money
its 4D chess
she wants to get Hillaryfags in AZ and NC into a panic and get them out to vote
Was she ever winning it?
She needs money for her legal expenses or a one way trip out of the USA once the various devils realize they wasted their money.
I honestly believe this to be the case, the same way it was with Bernie
bernie did it better desu. convincing people to out-bid each other for his cold silence and five seconds of approval on reddit.
To make the young generation into dept slaves.
And as was suggested (I think it was by FBI user), trying to manipulate more than 4% of the total votes will be too obvious and set off alarms. If a race is close, they can "just barely win". If the legit guy pulls away, they can't risk it.
In all likelihood, Trump is set to win more than 300 of the Electoral votes, and Clinton has no means to take any states she needs. Trump is going to take the Rust Belt and that will earn Hillary the loss.
Not him, but I'm voting Stein in Cali. The more votes, the more coverage. She could easily divide the Dems if they don't start going with progressive candidates in the future.
She needs your money so she can keep hers and ride the Lolita express.
New York or California?
user, i'm sorry but even fucking harambe outpolls jill stein
gary johnson is a retarded meme candidate that's worse in every other way, but at least he gets poll numbers
She never won it.