Notice anything

Pol btfo

Notice what.

Nevermind. The lovely sirs on the first row on the left



Good eye desu

but how are we suppose to know which jews are the bad jews? certainly there are red pilled jews that are here to help us right?

j-just making sure there's no suspicious activity here goyim

It's not the run of the mill, powerless Juden we need be worried about, but the hyper liberal globalist ones that try to subvert the sovereignty of nations.

Oi vay

If black and latinos can be red pilled surely enough there are jews who grew up with said red pilled non-whites


Israeli/Sefaradi Jews are pretty redpilled, always put their country and family first, and generally are based.

European/Ashkenazi Jews are the greedy globalist scumbags.

That's pretty much it.

They are the good guys



Satan's little helpers on the scene.

>country and family first
>there are men in the world that do not do this

fucking shameful.

yeah but Ashkenazi are the smart and not utter garbage ones

Hell fucking yes it is. Sad to see Russian youth turn into cucks due to all the ((('Murican Culture))) exposing through the internets.
We'll take both our countries back and be stronger than ever in the future, I hope.

>red pilled jews
but i though the redpill is suppose to out the jew! can a jew out jew his jew self and unjew it?

>Pol btfo
Not really just makes us look not racist

Columbine shooters making gun poses at the camera.


God no.
>make up less than 2% of the US population
>control US politics

>everyone standing up and cheering
>jews sitting down and scheming

brother Nathaniel could. Bobby Fischer could.

They're all garbage
>Israelis use their influence in the West to bend it to serve Israel financially and militarily resulting in trillions of dollars of debt and lives lost
>leftist jews subvert and destroy western nations introducing foreigners while eroding at our identity
They the one and the same.
Look up Tikkun Olam
>Russian loving Jews
It was the jewish orchestrated privatisation of Russia in the 90s when (((Gaidar))), (((Chubais))) under the guidance of (((Sachs))), (Larry Summers))) and (((Andrei Shleifer))) privatised Russia's state assets which fell invariably into the hands of Jewish Oligarchs like (((Khodorkovsky))), (((Abramovtich))), (((Berezovsky))) et al. (((Khodorkovsky))) is now a persona non grata in Russia after being imprisoned by Putin for 9 years and is now running around in judaeo-globalist circles.

Do music directors clap and cheer for themselves afterwards?

>Sad to see Russian youth turn into cucks due to all the ((('Murican Culture))) exposing through the internets.
I know that feel

DAMNNN kekekekekekkekekekekekkekek
fucking helll , the jews , didnt even see them lol hahahahhahah

So you want me to think that Trump, with a huge crowd (Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Whites, Women) where everyone is happy and has fun together, is antisemitic, racist, sexist and xenophobic?

The MSM shout be shot because of criminal false propaganda.