What does Sup Forums think of this anime?
The Boondocks
The first three seasons are some of the funniest satire [adult swim] ever produced. I am glad it exists and it exceeded the original comic strip in nearly every way.
>Sup Forums says it's not anime because it's an American cartoon
>literally animated by a Japanese studio
It's anime.
That moment in the spray paint episode when GrandDad saw the mural hit me so hard in the fucking feels. Kino show, but it died when Mcgruder left
I wish this show would magically return with peak quality. Great cartoon, great voice acting
one of the GOATs
probably best that its run was short and sweet. Super comfy and re-watchable though
not spectacular but likeable
Nigga that's a purse.
good stuff but i was too dumb to understand the plot, if there was any
Kino besides the dumpster fire that was season 4
>that banned 2 part episode taking the ever living piss out of BET
holy shit that was pure kino. I think it’s up on youtube
It was pretty much just critical to several aspects of black culture, which is probably why Sup Forums seems to approve of it
I can't put my finger on what's exactly wrong with season 4. It seems... toothless?
Creator left. Too cartoony too wacky and zany
All cartoons are Korean basically. Madhouse is a Japanese studio though, but they, and pretty much every Japanese studio, outsource to Korea and still don't get called gook shit by Sup Forums.
These tools put fear into a nigga’s heart
>A whip
>A noose
>A branding iron
>A job application
Pretty sure everyone in here agrees but Seasons 1-3 were pretty damn good, Season 4 took a big dip in writing quality cause the creator left, shame.
Aaron whatever or whoever writes this show is a real nigga. He exposed so much about the nigger struggle against the Jews.
Do any blacks watch the boondocks? It basically called them out on their bullshit
Blacks love it. I once went to a best buy in Georgia, let me tell you Georgia is filled with darkies. The best buys video section had three big displays with the entire boondacks series, many of the copies were already taken.
At least one watched it for three seasons.
>niggers think they count
One of the only good shows Adult Swim produced along with the Venture Bros.
How is this shit allowed to happen so often?
>McGruder gets Black Jesus greenlit, and the last season of Boondocks is terrible and only has ten episodes.
>David Simon gets Generation Kill greenlit, and the last season of The Wire is shortened and has the budget slashed by HBO.
shameful shit
>watch boondocks clip on youtube
>shit is bleeped
>nigga isn't
was that airing that way or what? and why would they do that?
it was after 10:00 pm so they could say that but not f-bombs.
I still don't get it, why can you say nigga, but can't say shit or fuck?
they showed this once on cable tv before it was banned from syndication: youtu.be
I was pretty shocked to see this live desu
black people can say it, duh
More black people need to see this and take it to heart:
They probably won't though
Best fight scene?
I say the hateocracy vs bushido brown
y'all need to watch Samurai Champloo
>animated by a Japanese studio
so was Inspector Gadget, Batman TAS and Thunder Cats. The reason they're not considered anime is because the shows weren't created in Japan. it doesn't count if the animation is just being outsourced to Japan and still based on western storyboards/keyframes.
Not my kind of humour.
This show is one of the only reasons i befriended a black kid in my college hallway. I owned the first 2 seasons on DVD. We must have watched that shit once a month. Fun to laugh at niggers with a nigger in the room. Also blew my mind that Uncle Ruccus was voiced by the black guy from Malcolm in the Middle...
You're a moron if you think black people are monolithic and don't disagree with each other. There's basically three wings of blackdom, the "woke" wing, the "thug" wing, and the "actin' white" wing, which can overlap with each other. Each of the Freemans represents a different wing, and at least in the early seasons you saw the good and bad parts of each wing get portrayed without really taking sides on too many issues.
oh shit, that actor is truly GOAT to play two very different kinds of black stereotype so well
It called out blacks and whites, it's wierd how Sup Forums doesn't seem to notice the parts mocking them.
Watch where you walkin’ nigga
too bad boondocks wasn't made during #BLM, would have been guuud, real guuud
>She did Huey and Riley
talented as fuck desu
glorifies nigger culture
therefore its shit
Fucking amazing. If it was more widely seen, it could have single-handedly fixed race relations in the US
Yes. It's called satire. And it's brilliant
This episode in general was a work of art.
Smells like weeb bullshit.
It's like claiming Dark Souls isn't a Japanese game because it's heavily inspired by European history for it's aesthetics and mythology.
It was controversial as fuck as was. It wouldn't have been allowed if it came at the same time as blm
>those two episodes that were banned from adult swim
kino episodes
No, it's nothing like that. Stop using retarded analogies
>humour's fine until you insult Jewish people or point out how detrimental BET is to society
What did they mean by this?
>glorifies nigger culture
Have you even seen the show?
I don't remember it vividly but it seemed like it was trying too hard to be relevant, like when it tried to do a parody of Breaking Bad or when they had an episode about the Kardashians. It was the kind of trend focused dreck I'd expect from something like the later seasons of South Park, and not what I wanted from The Boondocks
Yeah, what the hell happened to season 4.
>Have you even seen the show?
stopped watching after that guy gets cucked by a ghost
>hurrr bbc
>pick up the soap XDDDD
the punchline is always "it's wipipos fault" though, even in that clip
I always wonder about that. Did she die or did they split up? I was hoping we would get an answer one day.
I think you guys are on the wrong board.
you ever wonder why the french love the scene in monty python with the french castle? or when robin williams always took the piss out of them with his impression depicting them to be blase, nihilistic, and sarcastic?
most people enjoy satire and have the ability to make fun of themselves. (cant say the same for Sup Forumsacks like yourself)
Why are Adult Swim animes so comfy to watch at 3-4 AM?
Maybe it was Riley and Huey's parents?
>argument is ">p-pol"
McGruder left
I see what you did there.
Liberal writers who didn't understand what made the first three seasons good.
>argument is ">raycis niggers hurting muh feels"
One of the best adult swim shows.
if you say so
keep loving niggers tho :)
>mother was a hamster
>father smelled of elderberrys
>talks shit about pol
What a cuck