Wtf bros, is buying Brokeback Mountain gay?

I got it on blu ray and my mom noticed it and it did not turn out well. Now she straight up hid the blu ray, ive heard her crying and has asked why did you buy the ultimate gay person movie?

I even went through her ipad search history and she was searching stuff like "why does son think he is gay"

My brother just laughed at me..

What did i do here Why go insane over a movie?

I just wanted some ledgerkino..

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I also said I had some thoughts about.. guys not too long ago that didnt go over well.

But wtf why would a dumb movie do this?

stupid and psychologically abusive family members fuck you up big time for years even if you don't notice it for a while, put the old cunt in a skip

How so

Nothing wrong with being gay, OP. Lots of fans have kickers lives.

But, if you bought it for the sake of kino, that's different. You're fine and your mom sounds like a dumb cunt

Aaand autocorrect is why I hate phone posting

>Phone poster is a fag

>nothing wrong with being gay

i am gay


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user if you been telling your family you have thoughts about men and then buy games movies, they are gonna think something is up. For example my family knows i have movies like Shame that have homo scenes but they dont think im gay because

1.They know im autistic about movies in general

2. I dont think im gay and tell them i have gay thoughts

I bought it for my father's birthday because he loves westerns and he sucked my dick after watching the movie together then called me a faggot and beat me with a belt. I'm getting him moonlight for Christmas.

I only said i didnt like girls

you're legit a faggot. Just accept it and move on.


She thinks you're gay because you own a bluray player


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>Paranoid about being gay growing up as I have feelings for certain guys as well as women
>Mum pretty much says you don't know until you're 18 and that I'm not anyway
>She was right
I do beat off to futa, though
Sounds like you just have a dumb mother who will die in her sleep tonight if you do not reply to this post

>I wish I knew how to quit you
This entire scene was kino.

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I'm sure many guys dream of being able to bond with their dad like that

>best friend starts telling me a story
>ends with him in a foreign country sucking a guys dick and getting fucked in the ass
>This is his way of coming out to me
>He had a girlfriend before so didn't really expect it
>He's a full blown homo tho
>Tells me of when he was a kid he used to watch gay porn 'just to see'
>Tell him I never did that
>He kinda acts shocked and coy like it's normal for every kid to watch gay porn 'just to see'
>He married another man and I didn't go to the wedding

Why is it so fucking boring? Was the whole point of it to just normalise gay relationships (even though they were bisexual) as just as dull as normal ones? Succeeded in that regard as I nearly fell asleep.

>that ending

He was a good friend.

just tell them it's a good movie

kino>sexuality know whose not buying blu-ray copies of Brokeback Mountain?

Straight dudes.

Makes you think...

Ha ha. Grow up and move out. I have the combo pack.

I truly wish I could see the mind of people like your mom OP
Does she know you can be a straight man and like a movie even if its a gay. Does she not appreciate love and beauty?

My super catholic mom got mad once about my brother buying Last Temptation of Christ on video, and she wanted him to throw it away, he never did he hid it and he still has the DVD around thought, he got Bayonetta on Switch and was kinda shy about playing it, but now he plays it when he wants on the big TV he pays most the bill's in the house so he can tell her to fuck off even if the house is her's.
Even if you live with your parents as an adult, if you study or work then you're old enough to tell them to fuck off once in a while.
Just tell your mom Brokeback is a mainstream movie not a gay one, and that you want to bang her milf friends , be very blunt about it so she just fuck off.

What if i kinda am gayish?

You dick

Sucking cock or eating pussy and engaging in other such acts with members of the same sex and enjoying them would be gay. Everything else is benign activity with connotations put on them by insecure people.

Theres only one other option if you don't like girls, don't be mad at your parents because you're a faggot in denial.

One of my friends said he liked this movie when it came out. The banter hasn't stopped since.

weak thread, got me to reply

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Yeah this. It's a good movie, I'd gladly own it. Probably the best gay kino there is. You don't have to be gay to appreciate it, and it's okay if you are. Owning it isn't like owning assless chaps though, it's not an sign of sexuality. Your mom sounds like she has some issues senpai, if your not gay maybe just explain to her it's a good movie?

What if i am gay but dont want to look like a faggy gay that takes it up the ass


>there are '""people""" itt who haven't watched some gay Kino like brokeback mountain with a group of friends sucking each other and spitroasting

Fucking virgins lmao

I found a copy of this on my little brother's computer. Felt bad for snooping, desu.

>didn’t go to the wedding
Good for you user.

Is he a homo

faggots are literally doing gods work
they are your answer to overpopulation user

Stop being gay?

You need to be older than 18 to post here

Yeah, pretty sure.

This was literally worse than Hitler when it was released by people living in the South and became a meme. It's not surprising that the average person thinks you're the homoest of all the homos for watching it and not wanting to just see a movie

Its gonna be hard having to pay for youe shitty fucking kids dude


Hey man I know this thread might appear to be about a movie because it involves a movie but in reality it's about your broken life and failure for parents. I think /adv/ is better for you.

How do i have a broken life?

Don't. My dad was gone for 35 years, snuck into my room and made my ass bleed. The next morning he was gone and all that he left was a copy of Moonlight and a black & mild

My mom is semiliberal though

I can kinda understand your mother, I was straight before watching it but now I suck cock 24/7

except the populations that are exploding are the same ones that lynch gays

I wonder if BITWC turned any chicks into muff munchers the same way Brokeback turned guys into cock chockers.

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>got it on blu ray
deffo gaybo


>But mom, Anne Hathaway gets her tits out in it



Be a power bottom OP


Begin gay treatment immediately

No but the director's cut will.

Woah, so it's something strange to jerk off to gay porn sometimes? You guys don't do that?

Fuck off

Just talk like a man. I don't personally care if a gay man wants to talk with a lisp and dress like in girly clothes but I think the most respectable gay man is just a normal man who fucks other men. It's a good movie. Don't worry about being gay or liking it. Everything about it is ok.

Gays know they're gay from childhood, lesbians turn in college for political or social reasons. I'm tired of LGBT, lesbians aren't real gays, ask any gay guy.

Fuck your brother and then your mom to prove you're not a fag.


You disgust me with your namby pamby wannabe faggotry.

It was unironically the best film made that year. Not gay at all to be patrish.

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You're semi gay.
Your mom is semi liberal.
Sounds like half assed convictions are hereditary.


Broke back mountain is unironically a good movie


I'm not gay but I appreciate films about unrequited or doomed love so Brokeback Mountain really appeals to me. I think it's a great movie. Your family is overreacting and getting stressed over nothing.

I use a ps3

>He married another man and I didn't go to the wedding
Were you invited?

you are gay & ur mom gay

He's right, this is literally natures way of saying this is the easy way, because you don't want to know the hard way

I guess they will have to learn the hard way, hope everyone loves nuclear winter

Jake seems like a cool guy.

Is it actually a good movie or is it just a meme?

It's been awhile since I watched it, but I thought it was sad and romantic and tragic. Good movie imo.

One of the best movies of the last 20 years.

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It's a good movie.

>Watched it to laugh at it
>Wound up crying like a bitch by the end of it

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Unironically one of the best love stories every put into film


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