My son Eric told me about this site. He said you guys are really enthusiastic about my campaign. It's good to have such a high-energy base! We're going to win on the eighth, folks. Ask me anything you want!
Hello, folks. Donald Trump here
why pence?
>I'm trump
Prove it nerd.
How are you going to decorate your office when you win?
i'm moving to the US as soon as hillary wins, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Hi Don! Take care!
He looks like that poorly drawn sad man!
If I were to prove such a thing, it would damage my campaign. I heard this place is pretty controversial. Have faith!
Who is your waifu, Trump?
I might put one of those frogs on my desk. I will also put a framed picture of Eisenhower in my office for inspiration.
I just google what "waifu" means. Definitely Melania!
Make Australia the 50th state you cunt
just please don't get jfk'd.
That would be 51st. I would consider it.
Will you donate to keep Sup Forums open since we have done so much to help your campaign?
My guards are great.
This is what we're doing to your people real life real time
Also baron looks like a precursor fag
Mr. Trump,
How big is your dong?
pick one faggot
Are you the Messiah?
stop raping young girls you monster
Possibly. Only if you shut down /mlp/.
LSARPing didnt work and the tactic has switched to random fake email scandals. Didnt you read any of the memos this week?
Tits or GTFO
Let's just say that its size reflects the amount of energy I have.
I'll roleplay along
When will America conquer Brazil so you can make it great again?
Hmm. I don't like Brazil.
What did those losers do to you?
Most of them voted for you you orange dork.
>He looks like that poorly drawn sad man!
what kind of non-answer is this? You're supposed to be a straight talker who answers questions directly.
>Have faith!
How many times has Trump actually used this phrase? Come back when you've gotten better at role-playing.
What did you do when you were at Epstein's place?
I have no idea if you are real deal or not, and I do not care, but whatever, Donald Trump is better option to rule over USA because he is not warmongering roastie. You have my support, even though I am not USA citizen and I cannot vote.
TRUMP 2016
Instead of deporting, why not just drive around in mobile Gas Chambers?
Just a suggestion
Animated ponies are for young girls, and this website is 18+. It is a contradictory board!
>I don't like Brazil
Anime is for kids too, this website was founded on cartoons. Do your research.
I'm not buying this.
Barron, why are you larping as your dad?
Do we have permission to annex and bring based Aussie bros into the fold?
why are you faggots giving him (you)'s?
there is no way its actually trump you fucking dumbshits
doesnt even type how he would talk
Did you fuck the woman who built Trump Tower?
Mr. President,
how tall is the wall gonna be?
Instead of a wall, you should build a moat of liberal tears. It'll easily be 30-feet deep on November 9th!
>Anime is for kids
What is Seinen?
What is Josei?
Do your research.
What is hamtaro
Mr. Trump, will you please hire me?
I can be the head of your Meme Warfare department.
I have a long resume of making many classic shitposts and defending you on the internet.
Stale pasta
Papa Trump, if I may call you that, are an inspiration to aspiring citizens who look towards a great future. Tell me, how exactly did you manage to get so rich and successful from a decently large loan of $1,000,000?
I am your son.
Time stamp?