Netflix's Sabrina Will Be 'Lovecraftian'

>Showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa discussed the idea in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. The towns of Riverdale and Greendale (Sabrina’s home) are separated by the Sweetwater River, which could act as a barrier between the magical and non-magical worlds. “On the other side of the mythic river, which is sort of like the River Styx, there’s magic and witches and dark Lovecraftian horrors.”

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It better be a good lovecraft. I dont want just a generic tentacle or cthulu

Sounds more kafkaesque to be honest.

How can you have Lovecraft without tentacles?

>Kiernan Shipka and tentacles

*soy-smile intensifies*

sounds VERY lovecraftian

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How can Riverdale not be magical if Betty and Veronica are witches in the comic?

As long as they dont force my waifu to date a black guy

You...don't want a Sabrina series with tentacles?

>Sabrina's cat will be named Niggerman


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What stupid idea.

Sabrina is a a fucking Archie Comic character. She lives with two meddlesome Aunts and a talking cat. The program has always been a teenage comedy with the premise being essentially the same as Bewitched.

Why not simply make a proper Sabrina program, or make a program based on the works of Lovecraft. You can't merge these two, just because there's 'magic' involved.

Why even call it Sabrina and make it a "reboot" if it's gonna be that different from the original series?
How hard can it be to come up with a new teenage witch character?

and Archie is a superhero

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When can we expect Afterlife with Archie?

it isn't based on the regular Archie lines, but rather the Archie Horror label

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>displaying anything in a visual medium
>calling it 'lovecraftian'

how do so many people completely miss the point of his work? It's literally pulp fiction, not deep philosophy. Jesus the fucking brainlets

>The program has always been a teenage comedy with the premise being essentially the same as Bewitched


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>lovecraft can't be done in a visual medium
can we end this meme pls?
It actually physically hurts everytime someone says this shit

Riverdale itself was based on a more serious and "dark" Archie reboot. It was surprisingly successful so they did it with Sabrina.

At least I think that's how it went.

what if cthulu wasn't just a story?

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Then you'd bitch that it's just ripping off sabrina.

it probably hurts your tiny pea brain to even read words on a screen considering your brain is so smalla s to think you can visually display a genre largely based around the observer seeing things that are so indescrably different it drives them insane.
try filiming in another colour too!

Riverdale has nothing in common with any of the Archie comics, including the horror ones

It's just Twin Peaks Lite with characters named after Archie and His Pals but with little to nothing in common with them

>taking the horror route


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I find the lack of kikiposting disturbing


...the teenage witch?

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Kiki Nooo!!

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Pretty sure that's exactly what it is, at least it will be if they're following the comic.


Holy fucking shit, bros, I've never heard that before. That sounds exciting and unique.

I chuckled, thanks man. I was hoping someone would make this joke amd you delivered.

Wtf is this from?

Thank you kind sir

Holy flying fuck, this looks like my dream porn come to life.

The Teenage Whitch?


kek please make it true

Left or right?

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>dark prince

Uh, Reggie is white. Or like, part asian. But your attempt at racism is appreciated, and your ignorance all the more apparent for the failure.

hardcore racism is enough.

Looks like my cat

cant be Lovecraftian if it doesnt give you a Lunacy roll based on perception, ignorance is bliss.

I will always choose MJH.

who will voice salem?

His big complex is raceMIXING. Any story of his which is about "impure blood" and "inherited sin" is an allegory for it, and there's a lot of them.

Im actually surprised they kept Harvey white

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Thanks user now i can sleep


They made him more white which probably means they're going to make Sabrina black

it's gonna be dark and gritty.

Lovecraftian elements will have a twist: human-fishkind breeding will be a good thing

>which probably means they're going to make Sabrina black

user, Kiernan Shipka is playing Sabrina.

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Shit, I never knew it was based on comic books. I read a book series as a kid and assumed that was the original media. They're probably garbage but I liked them.

There's only 1 Sabrina

Do i need to watch Riverdale before Sabrina?

What a qt3.14

>it's the aunts make a humanoid sex toy from cookie dough and use magic to make it alive, looking like a real man
>turns out they need to steal a soul to make it work and decide to kill a homeless person after luring him into their basement
>cookie dough man is abused by the perverted witches in satanic rituals
>the aunts cut off parts of cookie dough man and force him to eat himself
>cookie dough man slowly gains consciousness and has flashbacks of his former life
>he manages to escape, falls in love with a waffle waitress, but slowly falls apart more and more
>the witches track down cookie dough man who decides he'll stop running and fight
>he gets a gun and catches sabrina putting a gun to her head beneath the stars
>the witches start praying to satan and it starts raining
>cookie dough man melts away screaming, the gun falls to the ground
>cut to credits, spongebob theme

im hyped brah

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Me too when does it air

Sabrina is getting tentacle'd by c'thulu in one comic and is a satan-worshipping witch whose bf got his face eaten in another comic, but Netflix is going to make a shitty boring show anyway.

They still can't even figure out how to make acid trips look realistic. It's going to basically be like anime, if it's good at all.

Post more Kiki

I second this fine post

Kek underrated

I hope this is the look they're going for. Looking like she was literally Built for BBC

>hurr tentacles
>muh sanity


That word doesn't mean what it originally meant anymore. Overuse and misuse by plebs who've never read Lovecraft have just turned it into a synonym for "spooky".

I hope it's as lovecraftian as the cartoon

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it will look like riverdale but with spooky skeletons. Those chuckle fucks don't even know what loftcraftian means or that showing tentacles or whatever was totally loftcraft. Disgusting.

Lovecraft means alien tentacle monsters that make you go insane

>Lovecraftian now means "JUST ADD TENTACLES BRO xDDDD"

Fuck this almost literal gay Earth.

>*ear shattering fart noise*

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wait, doesn't the sweetwater river divide the north and the southside?

No the "tracks" do that.

Please just fucking stop

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read sweatwater river

What does loftcraftian mean? American gothic detective stories investigating stuff you don't really see, can't explain, but drive you insane?

>Octodad: the movie

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>What does loftcraftian mean? American gothic detective stories investigating stuff you don't really see, can't explain, but drive you insane?
yeah, that and some ancient civilizations, cosmic horror and non-euclidean geometry

>non-euclidean geometry
the best

So True Detective really was loftcraftian only with it lacking a the crazy pay off, even though it was hinted at?

yup, season one surely was inspired by Lovecraft. a good take even imo, kinda opened new narrative posibilites with all that post 60s hippie white trash stuff and a lil bit of new age, it was fairly enjoyable

bone tomahawk is also pretty lovecraftian and didn't have that big cosmic payoff neither. check out the mound, a Lovecraft tale set in the far west. it's a cool meme to laugh about it, but that doesn't mean that writers and producers aren't mining the guy's stuff to make new films and narratives, that's totally happening

>Sup Forums caring about the lore for Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Who the fuck cares? The only thing that matters is if they continue with the Totally Spies level of fetish pandering.

so are you saying "ominous atmosphere" means Lovecraftian now?

>Lets talk about X show based on previous Y show
>Omg why do you guys care about the lore of Y, who gives a shit

(((((((Lovecraftian))))))) is just a soyboy buzzword to lure in reddit for huge views and false kino claims.

Did you give a fuck when Archie experimented with genres and presentation, too? You're an ignoramus.

>You're an ignoramus.

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Sure. I think it happens all the time but considering most people don't actually read Lovecraft they don't realize his general influence. On Stephen King for starters. Even obscure stuff like his dreamland stories. What bothers me is that it's reduced to gore and tentacles which it never really was about. Or at least it was mostly just some abstract thing that's seen less than Hitler in Indiana Jones. Only movie that worked going full retard horror is The Thing and some other movie I forgot the name off. Maybe Reanimator too, but Lovecraft didn't even like Reanimator because it was just him trying to make money.


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