Damn. Eric not pulling any punches.
How's that for a disavowal? Duketards BTFO
Damn. Eric not pulling any punches.
How's that for a disavowal? Duketards BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
what a fucking retard.
Wtf? U were the chosen one
Gotta throw duke under the bus to appeal to niggers and leftists
Isnt his wife a jew?
Don Jr is the based one
Duke knows what Eric is doing.
He'll be our Obi-Wan if he has to be.
>inb4 media crucifies him for advocating violence
Keke bless him .... The child knows our powers
It's fucking true. All the Sup Forumsacks that unironically support David Duke are dumb hicks. Get over yourselves -- he's not even remotely as good as Trump you retards.
Duke is a faggot that can only lose trump voters
Also probably a CIA plant
Eric learned from his father well.
Media will spread this quote like crazy, to say that he advocates murder. The general public will just see that the Trumps hate David Duke.
>Yes Yes
The joke will be on the Trumps when they are kicked right to the fucking curb once the beaners are deported.
We're well aware the Trumps are golden goys.
We're using them, not the other way around. They're shifting the overton window for us. The jewish race has to be exterminated in the 21st century. It's the most important endeavor mankind as a whole, of all races has to undertake.
Politicians will sing whatever tune they think the people want to hear. The jewish tainted people will fall into obscurity.
t. Schlomo Shekelburg
you're a dumbfuck
I like Duke but he really has to stop acting like a hillary plant, Eric is just telling it how it is.
Truly the savior of the white race!
That's harsh, but Duke deserves it for trying to hitch his wagon to Trump.
He knows he is electoral poison, he should have supported Trump on the down-low, waited till Trump was elected and then after the shift try and raise his profile. Instead he's been trying to make it seem like he's Trump's vice president and it can only backfire on Trump, it's pure egocentrism
>stop acting like a hillary plant
Did he do something major recently?
He does.
for being a DNC plant trying to sink Trump's campaign
wtf i hate the trumps now1
Based Eric.
>Don Jr is the based one
This. He also tweets red pill Material.
But not really a surprise as he looks more like the young Don Sr.
>thread bull of butthurt redneck faggots crying that their KKK retard got called out
Anyone stupid enough to join the KKK, put on bedsheets and then repeatedly try to endorse Trump needs a bullet.
You can be all for white nationalism but joinng a democratic cult and then being too retarded to realize you are toxic in politics leads me to believe you deserve the darwin award.
>hurr how darez you impliez that any racist shud get bulleted!
Dome yourselves as well.
Nice argument
>impling I'm not a Nationalist
Also a reminder,
If you go against the Trump family in 5 days it's treason.
Good Duke sounds like a faggot when he talks and name drops Trump to fuck us over.
He does deserve a bullet. The guy is a fucking plant keep worshiping the stormkike Sup Forums. We know the Jews love the KKK and Duke.
>huffpo version
>"Eric Trump wants to give David Duke ammo for racial uprising!"
This is probably the best thing he could have said. It shuts the left up, and Republicans can say this was a strong response against racism. I'm pretty sure Duke is a Clinton plant in the first place. Duke keeps on name dropping Trump to make himself look better, and Trump look worse.
>thread bull of butthurt redneck faggots crying that their KKK retard got called out
Literally no one is reacting in that way
>If you go against the Trump family ... it's treason
It's treason to go against Yael Kushner? Interesting.
He absolutely deserves a bullet
Fuck Duke, and fuck all the alt-right for trying to attach themselves to Trump.
The entire movement is cringey and reeks of white male frustration.
Not realizing that Duke is a plant
You mean except the whole "HAHA I LOVE TRUMP I SUPPORT TRUMP HAHA TRUMP IS JUST SAYING WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS SAID HAHA" through out the entire election?
He uses Trump's name to get himself exposure.
>Yael Kushner
Ivanka is best girl so I guess so, ya dip.
The liberals never chastise the black rioters, the communists, the feminists, the trannies. They support them.
We need to stop dividing ourselves, and instead support our allies. If we throw eachother under the bus like the liberals want, we will never get our message into the open and will continue to be silenced.
And I am sure there will be more.
So, so, so many shitskins in this thread trying to push the narrative in their direction and attach themselves to some fake multicultural, economic plantation nationalism.
Why just one?
Give him a 100 round drum so he can kill as many niggers as possible.
Part of me is nervous for the 6000th time this year
Part of me sees liberals going wtf I love Eric Trump now
White males ARE frustrated. You can cringe all you want, I don't give a shit.
>stop acting like a hillary plant
>Did he do something major recently?
He associates himself too much with Trump. That hurts Trump cause Normie thinks it better to support non white Supremacists like La Raza and BLM than being associated with a guy who was in the KKK 40 Years ago
David Duke is a cancer.
He and his supporters will get Order 66'd by Eric leading a platoon of Trumptroopers.
babies would just drop out of that vagoo.
Duke is controlled opposition.
The Klan was founded by Albert Pike
>Duke suddenly given air time
>Tries to align himself with Trump
Totally not a CIA plant or anything
Kek. Thats a Good one
He does.
Hes a shillary plant who only said that shit about supporting Trump to fuck with his campaign
David Duke is a professional saboteur and his entire existence is based on donations from a small redneck cult on an FBI forum (stormfront) run by Don Black who got off lightly for his criminal enterprises in exchange for exactly this kind of thing.
Government Cointelpro agent pls go
Good, Duke is a faggot. (((They))) use him to associate any truths that could harm (((them))) with the KKK so normies wont look into it. He is cancer and deserves to die, a long with the entirety of the KKK.
he is right about the jews though
At what?
Be honest, how can you seriously be frustrated at society when you're in your position? Are you going to pull the "MUH RACISM" card to? The Alt-Right is no better than fucking niggers who cry about institutional racism or women who think the wage gap is real.
Who the fuck cares. In case you missed it, Duke has pretty much helped to fuck up Trump's campaign since the start by coming out as a Trump supporter and talking about how good america would be if Trump was elected. WHEN HE KNOWS that people around the globe sees him as a pure fucking nigger hating nazi.
We don't like him here.
he should've left Trump alone, Eric is right.
he must be on (((their))) payroll or something I swear
i hope you have cancer
Fuck you newfaggot. Duke's been fighting for the white race for DECADES
He's been on the air tons of times before. He was in the Louisiana house of Representatives in the 90s for fuck's sake.
Are you all retarded?
>too retarded to realize you are toxic in politics
All of us here are "toxic in politics" you leftist piece of shit.
Anyone denouncing David Duke instead of cleverly defending him is Judas. There are so many ways you can deflect a question in a humorous way that will make the journalist look stupid and people to question their assumptions
Fuck everybody who denounces such a tireless good-hearted advocate of the White race as Dr. Duke because he's "too toxic"
>redditors in this thread
all non-national socialists get out
you know that he left the clan ?
Hope all you want faggot, it will be about as useful as your cries for mercy before Eric puts a JHP in your cranium.
He should be killed. He hurts his own nationalist ambitions by not shutting the fuck up and repeatedly tying Nazism to Trump.
You know JFK issued an order to give the banks unlimited power over the economy right? Order 11110
Also Hitler buried Germany in debt to banks.
Oh wow fuck this guy. Fuck Trump too.
>implying that matters
>when duke is only famous for being in the KKK
White males should be in charge, yet everyone else keeps pushing for equality despite the fact that we built this shit and we're the best at running it. I don't want to see America become the next South Africa just because some niggers decided to play human.
DD is pure poison to the cause, even his own
Oh I don't know you stupid potato nigger. How about the fucking shitskin moslems that raped a 5 year old girl in your state a few months ago?
How about HUD shipping in niggers to destroy my state?
Get fucked kike
eat a bullet you nigger
fuck off , I'm as big of a nigger hating anti-semite nationalist as anyone, but Duke has NOT helped Trump's campaign with his constant outbursts, the media ran with that shit for months and it hurt Trump immensely
This. He coordinates with the dems
You're an idiot! Eric never said anything agaisnt David Duke supporters he talked bad about DAvid duke himself!
Duke made the cut for the debate under Louisiana law. He's been pushing real red pills for decades. He never shit all over Pat Buchanan and they tried to come crawling back on Twitter when it was time to run for President and he needed paleo-con votes. Duke doesn't have a kiked up family tree. Duke never advocated military intervention in Libya or support for Israel. Duke never sent interracial agitprop to city council members to shame them into flooding their country clubs with niggers and jews. David Duke doesn't get $25 million checks from turbo-yid Sheldon Adelson or $3 million checks from street-shitting immigration pusher Shally Kumar.
Duke is 100% anti-Zionist. He's not a steam valve or a plant.
David Duke isn't to the right, he's an obvious plant and desu a pedophile with gender issues.
>Not realizing Trump is a plant
Kill yourself you miserable kike cocksucker.
>JFK issued an order to give the banks unlimited power over the economy right
Oy vey
Why did Duke endorse Trump? As based as he is, he knows his views are super far right and it gives Trump a bad image.
>We don't like him here.
No Shit
He's right. Duke's a fucking retarded that only NEETsoc faggots like.
Duke is too extreme in the current climate and everybody knows it, him endorsing Trump is essentially the same thing he and Don Black did with Ron Paul, whether they're paid opposition or not is debatable but they're absolutely fucking retarded and giving pundits an easy way to present a decent political stance as radical/racist without having to spin implications.
Because he is a plant.
he was a member if the house of reps though
>risky civil movement that involves hiding your identity because you'd immediately be painted as the devil to normalfags
>join said civil movement
>dont hide your identity
David Dipshit was right to be called out
>he's an obvious plant and desu a pedophile with gender issues.
>his views are super far right
You are such obvious leftist shills holy fuck
Look up order 11110
pls have cancer
obvious bait
> saying 'Kike' on thread about emperor
> not CTR
David Duke is a genuine holocaust denying KKK fuck head. How is this bad? I would put of bullet in his head for free.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post?
>anyone who stands up for your race in public is a plant goyim!