Did I fix the world?
Did I fix the world?
desu Iran is based, could leave them in. Otherwise 8/10, didn't remove Australia
Where's Israel?
Jews are bro-tier.
Remove all of Central America, and then you're good
Canada is still there, so no.
I could be haply with that.
No, hue monkey. You're masters are not "bro-tier".
forgetting south as well
Just get rid of South-East Asia and Argentina + Denmark
>white bois thinking they would survive without stealing africas resources desu ~
>USA hasn't annexed Canada
Shit map
Such states like Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Mongolia isn't part of Russian Empire. Also Alaska and baltic Clay countries.
No, you didn't try harder
>Everything south of the US (except Chile and Argentina)
No, no you didn't.
Central and South America needs to go. Bunch of drug running face-peeling fucking psychopaths.
Also Finland.
>Germany exists
>South Africa gone
>austrailia still there
>stealing africa's resources
Pick one and only one, my african friend.
Just remove countries with white population below 80% (Sorry America)
what do you think is in your pc
one can only dream of a perfect world
>Dominican Republic still exist
neck yourselves
>Erasing the place where civilisation started
Get rid of central asia, new Guinea, mestizo and Mulatto areas of Latin America, and Indonesia. Then it's pretty good
>Jews are bro-tier.
Nah m8, get rid of argentina
Gtfo niggerfag
Get used to it...
for one day you'll be staring at earth from your space shuttle...
and all your beautiful times in that speck of dust will be in such stare..
as you bid farewell to your no longer fertile home.
Your future self.
I know about the Englishmen stealing from Egypt
like now how you use an EGYPTIAN GOD to influence the election
all the colonialism in africa can only give you a leg up for so long LAD
hell of a good start, OP.
Here's the completed map.
Remove China and it's perfect
Took me a while to realise.
Oh God the anglo sphere will be the only sphere. All hail the queen
This would be a pretty wacky world to live in, but I think I could get used to it.
we wouldn't technically exist, homo evolved in Africa
Oh no what will we do without gravel
>Quebec is still there
Sup Forums is a straight board, gayboy
Add back Japan. Remove Quebec.
Nordics fixed
go away mongoloid
Fuck you halfbreed
You killed most of the Aryans on earth.
Sven's on vacation
>wanting usa to be full of cucks so hillary have 100% chance of winning
yaay we can travel to australia str8 line m8 cunts here we come
Dude kill the goatfuckers but whut about the oil
>being ignorant
canada's more conservative than usa at this point.
61% of leafs didn't vote trudeau, polls show canadians would rather vote trump than hillary.
annexing canada would save trump.
>From United Kingdom
>Can't speak English
Le haitian butthurt
This is the best answer
Iran is slime filth desu. Only reason they are "based" is because our leaders are cucks, just as the Saudis are "based". Muslim filth garbage the lot of them. Hezbollah, Hamas and all other burqas along with them