ITT: Movies men will never understand
ITT: Movies men will never understand
TLJ was good the rest is hot garbage
btw OP are you a tranny or why you calling yourself "women" ?
Juno. Men don't understand her
i'm a man and i think Rey is based.
>It's another """""thinly""""" veiled circlejerk thread
Include the 50 shades trilogy op
>*im a soy filled excuse of a man
This, i like the movie because the idea of making preggers prime Ellen page makes my peepee hard but I don't really understand her decision and the posture of her dad
And that is a GOOD THING
the fuck did this site turn into askreddit?
mad cause Rey could kick your arse?
>the posture of her dad
The dad was a cuck and her parents acted etremley unrealistic. No real parent would have allowed her to give the baby away. They would have just raise the baby for Juno in real life.
That OP.
From my experience, this is actually a movie women will never understand. As a man, you can totally relate to him. Women don't like the fantasy elements, the nostalgia of the movie and don't really understand why she would want him back at all.
It surprised me at first, but I heard it from many of them. The movie's idea of romance and partnership is the direct opposite of what women think about it.
the thread was made by & for OP to spam his Rey-obsessed degeneracy while parading as a female to obtain personal sanctification/validation from other Reyposters... who are several other men also playing dress-up.
This has become a daily occurrence.
i didn't make this thread. but reyposting is based.
She could kick gods ass if she wished, that's how overpowered her character is.
i believe in her. based /ourgirl/ rey.
>TLJ was good
mother! Is the only not shit flick in that image
most John Hughes movies to be honest
Does this apply when the director/writer is male? Honest question.
>Women don't like the fantasy elements
>is the direct opposite of what women think about it
Idk i think its really hard to say what movies girls can relate to or not based on the fact that there are alot of different types of them. I mean ask a reclusive weird chick and she'll say she understood all of the concepts and struggles even if the main character wasnt a female but then you go and ask an preppy out-going girl and her only response will be "its not really my thing/ the ending was stupid/ It was so weird!"
Maybe you're right and i've just been associated with an eccentric crowd but who is to say whats an anomaly or not in regards to genders when personality (also society) plays a big role in a humans likes and dislikes. Fuck i even had a hard time thinking of Female Leads in movies that females actually like that arent over a decade old.
The scarcity of kino female movies has resulted in favoritism over movies with Male leads that come the closest to a female understanding, despite not being able to fully jump into the mind of the main protagonist(???)
we need an 80s revival in cinema
Nobody likes TLJ, that movie is complete shit
Also some quality girlcore favorites:
The sisterhood of the traveling pants
The parent trap
Freaky Friday
(obviously) mean girls
The Virgin Suicides
american beauty
ghost world
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Empire Records
girl, interrupted... Aside from this being a knock off of One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
keep in mind these were all low budget cult movies. I get the lack of quality/quantity of movies for women, still that doesnt mean you have to hijack StarWars and feminize it when most women arent into the scifi genre. If there needs to be high budget film for woman then they should go fantasy (i.e fairies, magic, mystical shit).fucking hell I would rather see the revival of the LOTR with a female lead than watch Disney pander to extreme feminazis that didn't even like the original starwars.
ALSO Lindsey Lohan in the peak of her career was a better role model than any female actor in currently at the top in 2018