There's one thing I don't understand about the Clone Wars.
How the fuck didn't CIS win the war easily? Republic has Jedi and Clones sure, but it's implied in AoTC that Clones take a while to grow and CIS can just shit out billions of droids easily. It's impossible for the Republic to survive against those odds and the droids would just overwhelm them with pure numbers. This is straight from the wiki: >Perhaps the largest droid army ever assembled, the army of the CIS outnumbered the clone soldiers of the Republic 100 to 1.
I don't know, maybe the droids themselves were just that many in total, but the CIS still needs to transport it everywhere, plus make the ships themselves. I don't know.
Cooper Martin
>Large number of dumb robots >vs. growing number of clones who want you to cook a man some eggs What mystery.
Angel Lopez
Wasn't the emperor controlling the CIS too?
Hudson Garcia
They can shit out battle droids easily. Not Super or Droidekas. Clones are far superior than droids in combat.
Angel Adams
Controlled opposition.
Parker Young
He was. Sheev was trying to amass power, he was trying to make the war as long as possible. OP is a dingus
Connor Roberts
One republic commando is worth 300 clankers. Adjust your math correctly.
Appart from better soldiers, I wouldn't put it past the Republic to have better equipment as well, coupled with Jedi Generals that can predict the future they can make up for their lack of numbers.
Jace Allen
Republic had better ships can't invade a planet when your fleet gets destroyed on orbit
Dominic Adams
This actually makes sense. Droid fleet from what we can see in the movies was complete garbage and got rekt by an 8 year old
Zachary Anderson
Does Dooku know that the person controlling the CIS is Palpatine?
Brandon Howard
Clones are far superior to battle droids, dumbass.
William Moore
>mfw even Prequels have legitimate lore to discuss when Disney Nu-Wars has fucking nothing to discuss because it's so fucking boring and it's only good for shitting on it
>The Grand Army of the Republic >literally just a few million clones
How the fuck would you even p r e t e n d to wage intergalactic war with a few million like nigga North Korea has more men fucking shit i get so triggered about it
user, the whole war was a sham being run by The Senate, with all the actions of both sides (sans those of the Jedi) being handled by one guy like a stage play.
Landon Perez
Palpatine controlled both sides of the war. The whole war was just a means to weaken the Jedi Order so that they could be killed off. Did you even watch the goddamn move?
Jordan Foster
Yeah, he must have, since he knows Palpatine is Darth Sidious. He didn't know all the details (Palpatine plans to discard him and CIS as soon as he outlives his usefulness). I always assumed he knew the Clone Wars was meant to weaken the Republic but he didn't know Palpatine's full endgame.
Kevin Turner
Sheev was running the CIS as a sham... once he got his army of Clones and full power over the republic, he desolved the leadership using the Jedi.
Oliver Myers
Juan Wilson
why didnt the CIS hypserspace missile Coruscant
Oliver Lee
It makes my head hurt, when Anakin / Obi Wan first meet Dooku he says something like he's trying to save the Republic because it's under the control of a Sith Lord. But at the same time he's a Sith apprentice? Is it just part of Sheev's plan to let the jedi know this?
The Republic fleet had superiority, so the droids could be pumped out in the billions but were vulnerable to orbital bombardment. The Republic only had to commit to conventional planetary warfare in a few instances, and in the later stages of the war most confederate systems were being seiged by Republican ships while loyalist space continued to rally troops and build up their war machine unmolested.
Noah Cruz
How come the republic didn't establish some kind of rule over shit hole planets but let mobsters control them instead? Is the republic like league of nations or nato?
Dooku was lying to their face to try to convince them to lower their guard. Furthermore, he knows that by revealing the existence of a Sith Lord controlling the Republic, which we know the Jedi Council had been discussing the return of the Sith at the funeral of Qui-gon Jinn, would further distract the Jedi Council from Sheev's ultimate plan.
You mean Hutt Space? Or the Corporate Sector Authority?
Daniel Bell
He never trusted Sheev but he disliked the Republic and Jedi more. I think he was legitimately trying to get Obi Wan's support to try to usurp Sheev and in the meantime strengthen the CIS as a whole.
Noah Sanchez
there was militias from the invaded planets too
Noah Wilson
Are you serious? sheev controlled both sides, he never wanted the sepratists to win, so they didn’t. Did you even understand the prequels?
Joseph Lewis
They refer to the clones as "units" and I like to think that an unit is like a division or something.
Nolan Lopez
You'll see discussion of Disney's stuff in fifteen years from now when today's kids are nostalgic for it.
Brayden Gutierrez
Unlike Disney shit, Prequels actually added tons of stuff to the Star Wars lore. Disney can only rehash the OT by adding Nu-Empire and Nu-Rebels
Kayden Russell
Like what? Throwaway lines like how First Order don't use clones because they're illegal? How the rebels let the empire rise again and build an even bigger Death Star that can destroy their homeplanet from galaxies away? How they stopped calling themselves rebels but became the resistence not trying to reestablish a democratic republic again despite Palpatine dissolving it 44 years ago or whatever?
Jack Garcia
I thought CSA was Kotor?
Brayden Bell
Dooku wanted Obi Wan to be his apprentices and even let him know that Sheev was the sith, why would you beliebe what Dooku the main head of the CIS was telling you the truth?
Parker Ortiz
>Ship looks like a half eaten donut Anyone else think it looks cool as shit though?
Aaron Morgan
There's nothing at all redeemable about Disney's Nu-Wars. It's utter and complete trash. The prequels were lazily done but has infinitely more story and lore than the Nu-Wars could even dream about. Nu-Wars is about minorities and girl power and unattractive protagonist and faggots and an end to cis-white male orientated adventures.
Luis Long
Like every other Sith, he has ambitions to take over from his master. And then you need an apprentice. And Kenobi is a pretty good draft pick for that. All-round player and all.
Did you miss the part where the entire war was just a complete sham started for the sole purpose of giving palpatine increasingly more emergency powers until he could easily declare himself as the totalitarian dictator of the republic?
Chase Edwards
The Republic Commando books said that the production capabilities of the CIS were drastically overstated and that all in all, the war wasn't nearly as big as they let on. It was all Palpatine's shell game. Just look at the attack on Coruscant. If hundreds of cruisers could just materialize directly above the enemy capital and that ISN'T the first plan of attack, you know that winning the war isn't their real objective.
Of course, that's Karen Traviss and people didn't consider her canon even in the old EU.
Plus Kenobi was Qui Gon's apprentice and Qui Gon was Dooku's apprentice. He thought it would be pottery in itself
Camden Jackson
>The prequels were lazily done
I kind of disagree. Lucas is pedantic and micro-managing as fuck. He has to sign off on every freaking ship design and wookie costume like a lunatic. Prequels have flaws, but just because Lucas likes to sit in front of a monitor instead of swimming with Leo and Kate in a pool doesn't mean it's lazy.
Michael Russell
Did you forget the part where Sheev planned everything? He's playing 4D Pazaak.
Nathan Torres
in the star wars universe a planet is the size of a city.
Cooper Barnes
Prequels had a good story to tell underneath it all Too bad Lucas ego had to ruin it all, he really should have got a few scriptwriters to edit his script and dialogue
Xavier Rogers
100 to 1 wasn't enough
Camden Price
I wasn't disputing the point but I agree. Prequels had heart and were flawed by they weren't by numbers shit produced to make money by feeding on nerds nostalgia. George was flawed but he was a man with fucking vision. I laugh my ass off whenever I think of Darth Icky and only George could invoke joyous laughter then slight anger then shake it off to wait for more and not just blatant anger at Disney's shit.
Well, George at least knew what the fuck he was doing and had the entire trilogy planned out from the start. I'm pretty sure Disney don't even know how the fuck the IX is going to end.
Robert Gonzalez
it's fucking hard as shit to govern an entire galaxy in a democratic/inclusive fashion like they tried to do. hence why the empire resorted to fear tactics
Because it's the chancellor who's giving the orders to the CIS leaders. The chancellor were merely manipulating them and using them so he can gain control of the Republic. He did not want the CIS to defeat the Republic just to scare the senators into giving him absolute power and to trick the Jedi into bringing into the Republic the clones that he controls with Order Numbers. Once he achieved his goals, he had Anakin cut off the head of CIS by eliminating all it's leaders and then destroying the drone manufacturing facility.
Sifo Diyas, probably Sheev doing some bullshit with the trade federation's credits like shell corporations and how charities manipulate the system.
Michael Stewart
I wouldn't say he was lazy. The dude was watching over everything. He went through tons of sets, props and designs and was involved with the editing and special effects like the entire time. I don't think you can find a single BTS video with him not actually being there doing something. This is quite different from films today because directors don't even watch over the special effects because they're done overseas, and sometimes the director doesn't even show up to film scenes and someone else has to do it.
Hunter Garcia
>redeeming Georgies legacy was Kathies plan all along
Bentley Rivera
Dooku knew everything. The plan was for him to kill Obi Wan and defeat Anakin in ROTS. Sheev and Dooku would then turn Anakin to the Dark Side and Dooku would allow himself to be "captured." He would then make a speech before the Senate blaming all of the Separatist atrocities on Grievous and disavowing the CIS. Once the Empire was established he would be Sheev's second in command while Anakin was their enforcer. That all obviously backfired when Anakin beat him. He was genuinely trying to turn Obi Wan into his apprentice
Mason Roberts
Droids were kinda stupid. They had numbers but clones could tear them apart.
Also Palpatine was playing both sides.
Cooper Hall
Sheev secretly paid for it
Blake Robinson
Is this explained in the EU or did you just made that up in your headcanon?
Levi Lewis
It was explicitly laid out in the ROTS novelization and nothing in the Nu Canon contradicts it
Evan Hughes
Ah, I see, thanks
Colton Clark
Darth plagueis was a space jew and Sheev inherited his shekels
Dylan Hernandez
>Darth Icky
Judging by all the BTS docs, Lucas has a dry sense of humor. I have no doubt he was just fucking with those guys. The problem was that he was talking to a bunch of nerds whose virginity was postponed for a decade by their love for movies with talking gay robots and these fucks are built to wait for someone to literally say just kidding. And of course he didn't say it. He may be autistic, but not as much as those LucasArts guys.
Nathaniel Cook
Rots novel came out just before the release of the movie. According to the novelist Lucas even supervised his novel. Lucas wrote in between the lines in the script fleshing out ideas.
Jaxon Watson
Ian Clark
Dooku is Bruce Wayne level of rich. When he quit the Jedi Order he reclaimed his inheritance.
I'm guess he payed for the clones in cash and signed the contract as Sifo-Dyas. I'm sure the EU has a convoluted explanation for the sequence of events (it always does), but this is hat you can conclude from the info in the movie.
Caleb Mitchell
This. Lucas is a Chad albeit an autistic one. Lucas wrote Apocalypse Now in Coppola's apartment while working on Star Wars at the same time. Lucas told Coppola after he was done that he didn't want to be associated with a movie as dark as Apocalypse Now.
Parker Fisher
they didn't pay. dooku jedi mind warped them into thinking they're already been paid.
Cameron Lopez
>Lucas told Coppola after he was done that he didn't want to be associated with a movie as dark as Apocalypse Now. >meanwhile Star Wars has themes of genocide, rape, child killing, slavery, forced lobotomy, etc.
Angel Sullivan
>Lucas has a dry sense of humor
>goes around wearing Han shot first t-shirt
>tell the Ki-Adi Mundi actor: Good death for a character I'm sure you're glad to be rid of
>Anakin actor covered in burns: This is why you don't go surfing at night. With a blow torch
Yeah but it's dressed up with fantastical images that clouds your sense of concern.
Whereas APOCALYPSE Now is just horror and even more horror.
Luis Jones
Dooku's inner dialogue from the RotS novel is pretty kino. He had a dream of going full 40k/Dune, "Empire of Man" gets contemplated and the Sith Knights unshackling from the Rule of Two. Best timeline?