ITT: Films Americans can never fully understand

ITT: Films Americans can never fully understand

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Give it ten years or so, user. When today's college kids grow up and get involved in politics, I think we're going to get an up-close lesson in what happens when left-wing ideals get carried out to their logical conclusion

> Americans can never fully understand
Unironically its butthurted ""russians"" will never fully understand satire behind it.

Orlando Bloom was terrific in this.

That's why subtitles were invented

that wasn't orlando bloom.

>tfw critics loved Star Wars but not this movie

>implying far right governments aren't just as farcical and don't descend into one big cult of personality meme too that implodes as soon as the guy dies

did I imply that? It's almost like the answer is just not to be a stupid extremist who ignores reality in favor of ideology




but hitlers bad senpai.

Stalin killed a lot of jews and look at most critics.

No matter how many jews he killed, Death of Stalin is a better movie than Star Wars

>did I imply that?

>satire about something that happend 60 years ago

the movie is just shit, no need to hype it even in all the anti-russkie hysteria that sweeps the libtards.

btw. the two of the villains Stalin and Beria weren't russian but Georgians and Chruschev was an Ukrainian that annexed Crimea to Ukraine. All in all neither Georgians nor Ukrainians are liked by the Russians.

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> projecting history on today's events
Just say your government doesnt allow you to like this movie.

>implying Hitler was far right

>i-if you don't agree with the most extreme possible left-wing viewpoints, then you support the most extreme possible right-wing ideas!!!
There are miles and miles of grey area in the middle, and historically speaking, that's where you find a functional and healthy society. Any good idea can be taken too far, so the best thing for everyone is a system of checks & balances where nobody gets everything they want

>Fuck off back to Georgia, dead boy

>implying Mussolini wasn't

Can we all just agree any political ideology, including those incumbent in religion, taken to it's extremes is why shit goes wrong.

too bad thats as realistic as star wars happening irl in 1 month
people are scum and are literally apes who want tall the bananas
the moment they realize they can achieve something better they will even if it means the worst genocide of mankind
ie murica

>entry level polisci talk
this is an 18+ image board fella.

to save billions

Attached: Killing+millions+to+save+billions+sounds+familiar+_b470928f756636ff6f70651614f64ecc.jpg (250x331, 22K)

I believe it's excessive government power that causes shit to go wrong. A radical left wing nut can't do shit in office if his powers are severely limited. Keep shit local, keep community sacred, fuck globalism. That's the sustainable future I dream of.


I do apologies Mr Chomsky, your work has saved us all

The problem is that communism is inherently extreme and totalitarian

they were all bad, senpai

Death of Stalin has a higher RT score right now than TLJ. Most critics don't hate it at all.

to the extreem

Attached: AreYou.jpg (800x1196, 138K)

Great, so now you either have a local government with excessive power or no government with any power which is immediately controlled by corporate lobbyists.

More like films Russians will never see

Yes, as is fascism. I have no political stance, fuck I'd give royalty a shot again right now, but we do need something new. I believe the future involves elements from either side of the political spectrum and not a centrist viewpoint, but that's my opinion. Boards like these and others will be some of the places where new ideologies are hammered out through dialogue, discourse and an attempt to, if not understand each other, at least to compromise and find the common ground. Or we, i dunno, kill everyone with brown eyes and revel in the good times until we decide on another arbitrary thing to kill each other over, repeat till fucked. And i'm cool with either really.

>get called a murderer by a guy wearing a che guevera shirt
The irony is deep with the radical left.

If you know people used to shit their pants at the mere thought of pissing Stalin off you'll understand this movie

Is strawmanning a sport to you?

This was some of the worst pieces of reactionary propaganda I've has the displeasure to watch desu

Who was the funniest character and why was it Vasily

>reactionary propaganda
How do you figure?

What would lobbyists want with politicians if politicians held little to no power? You sound like one the commie faggots from the occupy wall street movement.

Propaganda for which side? I genuinely couldn't call that film a win for anyone other than Ianucci.

>communist film
funny and witty
>nazi film
dark and Muh six Gorillaian

It's like a film from the 1970s

There shall be a world Monarch and you shall love them, but not by force, you will want to love them.

T. Millennial.

I don't believe you actually watched it. This doesn't endorse, excuse or make light of Communism in any way. It is a funny movie but it's also darker and scarier than Schindler's List

nice quote plebbit.

Zhukov obviously

I didn't say that was bad

I read his wiki page just after I saw the movie, and I was so full of rage that people can be this evil I couldn't sleep the whole night.

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>anyone on Sup Forums ever actually watching anything related to the thread.
you must be new.

are you a woman

He's a human being. Unlike Beria.

I'm male and have this thing called empathy

he sounds like a woman

You sound like a virgin

But, but the communists in it are all clearly murdering, raping, pedo, backstabbing yet spineless cronies, desperate to hold on to the reigns of power at any cost. Look past the witty banter and they are savage fools. The reason everyone is bumming Zhukov is in the film his character is a straight forward, honest and guileless firebrand of a man. I don't agree historically with some of his actions, but against that den of snakes he looks like Russian Jesus.

This film does not make communism look good, it's through the lens of art but it condenses the truth of the horror of Stalinist Russia.

well you're wrong, which in turn makes you sound like a virgin

see you at the coronation kid

t.low test/woman

The Millennial verses Grandpa Judgey

Your probably on the same page, you just can't see it.

still waiting for the bluray release of this movie, jumanji, black panther, and annihilation to watch them.

The film does downplay the insanity and brutality of the figures though. Intentionally. Because the director felt historical accuracy would be too unbelievable. So rendering total desperate insanity/brutality into light farce is a pretty shit move.

the town slag has spoken

Imagine making a film and by the time it comes out there's a full crisis between your two countries

>stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining of ore.
That's a weird thing to call someone, you anglos sometimes speak so weird.

joke of a crisis
will be over in a week when elections are over

be nice user

Doubt it

i really liked the movie, laughed many times

How many times did you laugh at Justice League and Thor: Ragnarok?

i didnt watch those

>films russian can never understand

I really like Steve Buscemi in this. In fact everyone is good. I don't see how it ended up as good as it is.

>pet names
jesus can't plebbit just leave this site already.

did you laugh when they talked about the millions who died in Gulags and from starvation?

shits hilarious.

I know I'm bonging out, but have you ever seen Blackadder? It's old and you'll probably hate it, but season 4 is about world war one.

It's all silly bollocks until the very last scene of the last episode, when the real shit goes down and the mouths go dry. No war film ever hit me as hard with the horrors as this one episode, these comical rag tag fools, just sort of normal like any of the soldiers would have been, done. Gone. Totally done, and for idiotic reasons which were based on how the war went down. It was like a bayonet in the gut.

Just because it is comedy doesn't mean it isn't serious. Just because something is serious doesn't mean it isn't funny, the two are not mutually exclusive and can accentuate the other if done right.


weird old fuck aren't you, good luck with the hemeroids and that ulcer that won't heal

that wasnt in the movie tho

Not user, I had no expectations and went to my local cinema on a whim: caught off guard from how funny it was. I saw thor a few weeks after and it made me laugh at points :Jeff Goldblum's campish act and the australian rock who reminded me of sassy from TBLS. DOS was by the the funnier experience though.

dude means camals dick, we've all got our quirks

Good answer.

Very valid point

That wasn't the way I saw it. The perspective of the film is limited to characters at the top of the government, who seem to have a sociopathic detachment from their victims. They're ordering people to be murdered like it's nothing at all. That did not "lighten" the brutality in my eyes, it actually made it much more horrifying than most "serious" historical films I've seen.

The way the characters are always cracking jokes does not turn the situation into "light farce" as you said. It drives the point home that real people really behaved these way and did these things, and created an insane system where it was acceptable. So it didn't just feel like a scary story from a history book, the characters weren't played as larger-than-life idols like, for example, Gary Oldman's performance as Winston Churchill. Ianucci brought it right down to earth and portrayed these people in a way that felt uncomfortably familiar and recognizable.

it's a point of debate

i got tricked too.


move to poland and die you fucking traitor to mankind thanks

Beria was such a cunt

huh, well that's another fact I have to stop spreading around. I'm a dirty bong anyway but i'd say dude as easily as i'd say mate or lid. I keep noticing 'Mericans saying mum these days as well, little quirky bong turns of phrase. We're probably turning into each other a bit because of the evils of the internet. Or it's always been a bit like that and I'm a clueless foetus.

No he didn't fuckface

>>communist film
>funny and witty
I know this is bait, but nearly every character in this film is a nervous, paranoid wreck fighting to stay alive and claw their way to the top while keeping their family off the NKVD's list.

It may be funny, but that scene early on where Khrushchev's drunkenly recounting jokes he made that night to Stalin (and whether they got a laugh) to his wife so she can tell him which topics of conversation will or won't get him and his family put on a list isn't a joke.

Also, the fact that Stalin's own son felt he had to cover up an airplane crash which killed most of the national hockey team (and clearly wasn't in his control) so he wouldn't be blamed for it says scores about what sort of regime they were living under.

I was surprised by how grim it was.


>brits pronounce it zukov
>they still think english name george and russian name george is the same
Atleast they got other names right

Of all the things to get autistic about

Its ok, he killed commies anyway

>darker and scarier than Schindler's list
Fuck you