What did Sup Forums think of this?

What did Sup Forums think of this?

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I saw it right after TLJ, so even though I know it's bad, it felt like kino

Good movie. Better than TLJ, Annihilation, and BR2049.


does litty mean ripping of kino?

Attached: without-a-paddle.jpg (426x597, 69K)

bland, trite, unfunny shit. turned off after 38 minutes. then again I do that to pretty much everything Hollywood shits out nowadays.


ultimately bland

Was surprised how much I didn't hate it

Pissed myself

before the rock is on camera, its absolutely insufferable. Then its okay for a bit. Then the rock is off camera and its back to insufferable.

Was fantastic, most likely only seemed that way since I just finished TLJ and needed that shit taste out of my mouth

Karen Gillan makes my penis hard

"OY VEY" - Dwayne Johnson

did you fap to her?

L _ _ _ Y

Who /litty/ here?

Yeah i stroked up and down

did you cum? was it average feeling orgasm or really good?

felt so good i remember it fondly to this day

Wanted to curb stomp the entire cast before the Rock and Jack Black showed up